Class SetDialog

Package class diagram package SetDialog
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.CommandMessage
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbcommands.SetDialog

public class SetDialog
extends CommandMessage

Representation of the GameBots2004 command DIALOG. Sets the dialog for specified player. Dialog will be set just if the player has our bot selected by cursor (ALT+SHIFT and the LeftMouse button). Note that not all of the Option variables have to be set. But they need to be set succesively starting from 0,1,2 etc. They are parsed in this order and first emty Option will terminate parsing.

Field Summary
protected  String DialogId
          Our Id of the dialog - we will match this Id in response messages and in PLI messages.
protected  UnrealId Id
          Id of the player we want to set dialog for.
protected  String Option0
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
protected  String Option1
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
protected  String Option2
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
protected  String Option3
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
protected  String Option4
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
protected  String Option5
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
protected  String Option6
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
protected  String Option7
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
protected  String Option8
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
protected  String Option9
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
static String PROTOTYPE
          Example how the message looks like - used during parser tests.
protected  String Text
          Text of the dialog.
Constructor Summary
          Creates new instance of command SetDialog.
SetDialog(SetDialog original)
          Cloning constructor.
SetDialog(UnrealId Id, String DialogId, String Text, String Option0, String Option1, String Option2, String Option3, String Option4, String Option5, String Option6, String Option7, String Option8, String Option9)
          Creates new instance of command SetDialog.
Method Summary
 String getDialogId()
          Our Id of the dialog - we will match this Id in response messages and in PLI messages.
 UnrealId getId()
          Id of the player we want to set dialog for.
 String getOption0()
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 String getOption1()
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 String getOption2()
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 String getOption3()
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 String getOption4()
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 String getOption5()
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 String getOption6()
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 String getOption7()
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 String getOption8()
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 String getOption9()
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 String getText()
          Text of the dialog.
 SetDialog setDialogId(String DialogId)
          Our Id of the dialog - we will match this Id in response messages and in PLI messages.
 SetDialog setId(UnrealId Id)
          Id of the player we want to set dialog for.
 SetDialog setOption0(String Option0)
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 SetDialog setOption1(String Option1)
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 SetDialog setOption2(String Option2)
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 SetDialog setOption3(String Option3)
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 SetDialog setOption4(String Option4)
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 SetDialog setOption5(String Option5)
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 SetDialog setOption6(String Option6)
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 SetDialog setOption7(String Option7)
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 SetDialog setOption8(String Option8)
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 SetDialog setOption9(String Option9)
          One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
 SetDialog setText(String Text)
          Text of the dialog.
 String toHtmlString()
 String toMessage()
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String PROTOTYPE
Example how the message looks like - used during parser tests.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected UnrealId Id
Id of the player we want to set dialog for.


protected String DialogId
Our Id of the dialog - we will match this Id in response messages and in PLI messages. We choose this value.


protected String Text
Text of the dialog.


protected String Option0
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


protected String Option1
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


protected String Option2
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


protected String Option3
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


protected String Option4
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


protected String Option5
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


protected String Option6
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


protected String Option7
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


protected String Option8
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


protected String Option9
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.

Constructor Detail


public SetDialog(UnrealId Id,
                 String DialogId,
                 String Text,
                 String Option0,
                 String Option1,
                 String Option2,
                 String Option3,
                 String Option4,
                 String Option5,
                 String Option6,
                 String Option7,
                 String Option8,
                 String Option9)
Creates new instance of command SetDialog. Sets the dialog for specified player. Dialog will be set just if the player has our bot selected by cursor (ALT+SHIFT and the LeftMouse button). Note that not all of the Option variables have to be set. But they need to be set succesively starting from 0,1,2 etc. They are parsed in this order and first emty Option will terminate parsing. Corresponding GameBots message for this command is DIALOG.

Id - Id of the player we want to set dialog for.
DialogId - Our Id of the dialog - we will match this Id in response messages and in PLI messages. We choose this value.
Text - Text of the dialog.
Option0 - One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
Option1 - One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
Option2 - One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
Option3 - One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
Option4 - One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
Option5 - One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
Option6 - One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
Option7 - One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
Option8 - One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.
Option9 - One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public SetDialog()
Creates new instance of command SetDialog. Sets the dialog for specified player. Dialog will be set just if the player has our bot selected by cursor (ALT+SHIFT and the LeftMouse button). Note that not all of the Option variables have to be set. But they need to be set succesively starting from 0,1,2 etc. They are parsed in this order and first emty Option will terminate parsing. Corresponding GameBots message for this command is DIALOG.

WARNING: this is empty-command constructor, you have to use setters to fill it up with data that should be sent to GameBots2004!


public SetDialog(SetDialog original)
Cloning constructor.

original -
Method Detail


public UnrealId getId()
Id of the player we want to set dialog for.


public SetDialog setId(UnrealId Id)
Id of the player we want to set dialog for.


public String getDialogId()
Our Id of the dialog - we will match this Id in response messages and in PLI messages. We choose this value.


public SetDialog setDialogId(String DialogId)
Our Id of the dialog - we will match this Id in response messages and in PLI messages. We choose this value.


public String getText()
Text of the dialog.


public SetDialog setText(String Text)
Text of the dialog.


public String getOption0()
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public SetDialog setOption0(String Option0)
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public String getOption1()
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public SetDialog setOption1(String Option1)
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public String getOption2()
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public SetDialog setOption2(String Option2)
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public String getOption3()
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public SetDialog setOption3(String Option3)
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public String getOption4()
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public SetDialog setOption4(String Option4)
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public String getOption5()
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public SetDialog setOption5(String Option5)
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public String getOption6()
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public SetDialog setOption6(String Option6)
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public String getOption7()
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public SetDialog setOption7(String Option7)
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public String getOption8()
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public SetDialog setOption8(String Option8)
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public String getOption9()
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public SetDialog setOption9(String Option9)
One of the options (possible answers) for the dialog.


public String toString()
toString in class CommandMessage


public String toHtmlString()


public String toMessage()

Copyright © 2013 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.