View Javadoc

1   package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation;
3   /**
4    * High-level description of the {@link IPathExecutor} state.
5    * <p><p>
6    * {@link IPathExecutor} initial state is INSTANTIATED.
7    * <p><p>
8    * Read javadocs for respective states to get the picture how the {@link IPathExecutor} works.
9    * <p><p>
10   * Note that the most important outcome of state & transition definitions is that the {@link IPathExecutor} must
11   * switch itself to state STOPPED before it may switch into FOLLOW_PATH_CALLED again.
12   * 
13   * @author Jimmy
14   */
15  public enum PathExecutorState {
17  	/**
18  	 * The {@link IPathExecutor} has been just instantiated and neither {@link IPathExecutor#followPath(IPathFuture)} nor
19  	 * {@link IPathExecutor#stop()} methods has been called since than.
20  	 * <p><p>
21  	 * Initial state of the {@link IPathExecutor}.
22  	 * <p><p>
23  	 * Next state may (only) be: 
24  	 * <ul>
25  	 * <li>FOLLOW_PATH_CALLED - if {@link IPathExecutor#followPath(IPathFuture)} is called from the outside</li>
26  	 * <li>STOPPED - if {@link IPathExecutor#stop() is called from the outside</li>
27  	 * </ul>
28  	 */
31  	/**
32  	 * {@link IPathExecutor#followPath(IPathFuture)} has been just called.
33  	 * <p><p>
34  	 * Next state may (only) be:
35  	 * <ul>
36  	 * <li>PATH_COMPUTED - whenever the {@link IPathFuture} provides a path (== the path computation finishes and the path exists)</li>
37  	 * <li>PATH_COMPUTATION_FAILED - whenever the {@link IPathFuture} fails to provide the path (computation does not finish, exception is returned, null path is returned)</li>
38  	 * <li>STOPPED - if {@link IPathExecutor#stop() is called</li>
39  	 * </ul>
40  	 */
43  	/**
44  	 * {@link IPathFuture} has returned a path. This state marks the beginning of the agent's navigation through
45  	 * the environment according to the path.
46  	 * <p><p>
47  	 * Next state may (only) be: 
48  	 * <ul>
49  	 * <li>TARGET_REACHED - if provided path is zero-length (i.e. path start == path end)</li>
50  	 * <li>SWITCHED_TO_ANOTHER_PATH_ELEMENT - whenever the path executor starts to follow obtained path</li>
51  	 * <li>STUCK - if one of the executor's {@link IStuckDetector} reports that the bot has stuck</li> 
52  	 * <li>STOPPED - if {@link IPathExecutor#stop() is called</li>
53  	 * </ul>
54  	 */
57  	/**
58  	 * {@link IPathFuture} has failed to provide a path.
59  	 * <p><p>
60  	 * Next state may (only) be:
61  	 * <ul>
62  	 * <li>STOPPED - if {@link IPathExecutor#stop() is called</li>
63  	 * </ul>
64  	 */
67  	/**
68  	 * {@link IPathExecutor} has switched to another path element (begun to navigate to another path element)
69  	 * <p><p>
70  	 * Next state may (only) be: 
71  	 * <ul>
72  	 * <li>SWITCHED_TO_ANOTHER_PATH_ELEMENT - whenever the path executor starts to navigate the agent towards different path element</li>
73  	 * <li>TARGET_REACHED - whenever the agent gets to desired destination</li>
74  	 * <li>STUCK - if one of the executor's {@link IStuckDetector} reports that the bot has stuck</li>
75  	 * <li>STOPPED - if {@link IPathExecutor#stop() is called</li>
76  	 * </ul>
77  	 */
80  	/**
81  	 * {@link IPathExecutor} has successfully navigated the agent along the path. Path target has been reached.
82  	 * <p><p>
83  	 * Next state may (only) be: 
84  	 * <ul>
85  	 * <li>STOPPED - if {@link IPathExecutor#stop() is called</li>
86  	 * </ul>
87  	 */
90  	/**
91  	 * One of the {@link IStuckDetector} has signalized that the agent is unable to reach its destination (navigate along
92  	 * the path for whatever reason). The {@link IPathExecutor} halted.
93  	 * <p><p>
94  	 * Next state may (only) be:
95  	 * <ul>
96  	 * <li>STOPPED - if {@link IPathExecutor#stop() is called</li>
97  	 * </ul>
98  	 * <p><p>
99  	 * Note that this is GREAT candidate for broadcasting custom {@link IPathExecutorState} that contains more information about the stuck, i.e.,
100 	 * PogamutUT2004 is using UT2004PathExecutorStuckState.
101 	 */
102 	STUCK,
104 	/**
105 	 * The {@link IPathExecutor#stop()} has been called and no {@link IPathExecutor#followPath(IPathFuture)} has been called
106 	 * since that.
107 	 * <p><p>
108 	 * Next state may (only) be:
109 	 * <ul>
110 	 * <li>FOLLOW_PATH_CALLED - if {@link IPathExecutor#followPath(IPathFuture)} is called from the outside</li>
111 	 * </ul>
112 	 */
115 }