Class SetEmotionalEmitter

Package class diagram package SetEmotionalEmitter
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.CommandMessage
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbcommands.SetEmotionalEmitter

public class SetEmotionalEmitter
extends CommandMessage

Representation of the GameBots2004 command SETEMIT. Sets the emotional emitter for the bot and configures it. The emitter will float at the bots head following the bot.

Field Summary
protected  Boolean Disable
          If true disables actual emittor (it will dissappear).
protected  Velocity EndVelocity
          This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going in.
protected  javax.vecmath.Vector3d FadeTime
          This will affect the fade in and fade out times of the balls.
protected  javax.vecmath.Vector3d FirstC
          Starting color of the floating balls.
protected  Double LifeTime
          This will affect the life time of the balls and radius and speed they will be traversing.
protected  Boolean Pause
          Should pause the emitter, does not work right now.
static String PROTOTYPE
          Example how the message looks like - used during parser tests.
protected  javax.vecmath.Vector3d SecondC
          Finishing color of the floating balls.
protected  javax.vecmath.Vector3d Size
          This will affect the size of the balls.
protected  Velocity StartVelocity
          This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going out.
protected  Double VelocityRange
          This will affect the speed of the balls.
Constructor Summary
          Creates new instance of command SetEmotionalEmitter.
SetEmotionalEmitter(Boolean Disable, Boolean Pause, javax.vecmath.Vector3d FirstC, javax.vecmath.Vector3d SecondC, Velocity StartVelocity, Velocity EndVelocity, Double VelocityRange, javax.vecmath.Vector3d Size, Double LifeTime, javax.vecmath.Vector3d FadeTime)
          Creates new instance of command SetEmotionalEmitter.
SetEmotionalEmitter(SetEmotionalEmitter original)
          Cloning constructor.
Method Summary
 Velocity getEndVelocity()
          This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going in.
 javax.vecmath.Vector3d getFadeTime()
          This will affect the fade in and fade out times of the balls.
 javax.vecmath.Vector3d getFirstC()
          Starting color of the floating balls.
 Double getLifeTime()
          This will affect the life time of the balls and radius and speed they will be traversing.
 javax.vecmath.Vector3d getSecondC()
          Finishing color of the floating balls.
 javax.vecmath.Vector3d getSize()
          This will affect the size of the balls.
 Velocity getStartVelocity()
          This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going out.
 Double getVelocityRange()
          This will affect the speed of the balls.
 Boolean isDisable()
          If true disables actual emittor (it will dissappear).
 Boolean isPause()
          Should pause the emitter, does not work right now.
 SetEmotionalEmitter setDisable(Boolean Disable)
          If true disables actual emittor (it will dissappear).
 SetEmotionalEmitter setEndVelocity(Velocity EndVelocity)
          This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going in.
 SetEmotionalEmitter setFadeTime(javax.vecmath.Vector3d FadeTime)
          This will affect the fade in and fade out times of the balls.
 SetEmotionalEmitter setFirstC(javax.vecmath.Vector3d FirstC)
          Starting color of the floating balls.
 SetEmotionalEmitter setLifeTime(Double LifeTime)
          This will affect the life time of the balls and radius and speed they will be traversing.
 SetEmotionalEmitter setPause(Boolean Pause)
          Should pause the emitter, does not work right now.
 SetEmotionalEmitter setSecondC(javax.vecmath.Vector3d SecondC)
          Finishing color of the floating balls.
 SetEmotionalEmitter setSize(javax.vecmath.Vector3d Size)
          This will affect the size of the balls.
 SetEmotionalEmitter setStartVelocity(Velocity StartVelocity)
          This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going out.
 SetEmotionalEmitter setVelocityRange(Double VelocityRange)
          This will affect the speed of the balls.
 String toHtmlString()
 String toMessage()
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String PROTOTYPE
Example how the message looks like - used during parser tests.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected Boolean Disable
If true disables actual emittor (it will dissappear). No other attributes will be parsed.


protected Boolean Pause
Should pause the emitter, does not work right now.


protected javax.vecmath.Vector3d FirstC
Starting color of the floating balls.


protected javax.vecmath.Vector3d SecondC
Finishing color of the floating balls.


protected Velocity StartVelocity
This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going out. Default (2,2,2).


protected Velocity EndVelocity
This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going in. Default (-10,-10,-10).


protected Double VelocityRange
This will affect the speed of the balls. Default -20.


protected javax.vecmath.Vector3d Size
This will affect the size of the balls. Default (4,4,8).


protected Double LifeTime
This will affect the life time of the balls and radius and speed they will be traversing. Default 1.6.


protected javax.vecmath.Vector3d FadeTime
This will affect the fade in and fade out times of the balls. First value affects the starting fade out time. Second value will affect ending fade in time. The third value in the vector is ignored.

Constructor Detail


public SetEmotionalEmitter(Boolean Disable,
                           Boolean Pause,
                           javax.vecmath.Vector3d FirstC,
                           javax.vecmath.Vector3d SecondC,
                           Velocity StartVelocity,
                           Velocity EndVelocity,
                           Double VelocityRange,
                           javax.vecmath.Vector3d Size,
                           Double LifeTime,
                           javax.vecmath.Vector3d FadeTime)
Creates new instance of command SetEmotionalEmitter. Sets the emotional emitter for the bot and configures it. The emitter will float at the bots head following the bot. Corresponding GameBots message for this command is SETEMIT.

Disable - If true disables actual emittor (it will dissappear). No other attributes will be parsed.
Pause - Should pause the emitter, does not work right now.
FirstC - Starting color of the floating balls.
SecondC - Finishing color of the floating balls.
StartVelocity - This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going out. Default (2,2,2).
EndVelocity - This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going in. Default (-10,-10,-10).
VelocityRange - This will affect the speed of the balls. Default -20.
Size - This will affect the size of the balls. Default (4,4,8).
LifeTime - This will affect the life time of the balls and radius and speed they will be traversing. Default 1.6.
FadeTime - This will affect the fade in and fade out times of the balls. First value affects the starting fade out time. Second value will affect ending fade in time. The third value in the vector is ignored.


public SetEmotionalEmitter()
Creates new instance of command SetEmotionalEmitter. Sets the emotional emitter for the bot and configures it. The emitter will float at the bots head following the bot. Corresponding GameBots message for this command is SETEMIT.

WARNING: this is empty-command constructor, you have to use setters to fill it up with data that should be sent to GameBots2004!


public SetEmotionalEmitter(SetEmotionalEmitter original)
Cloning constructor.

original -
Method Detail


public Boolean isDisable()
If true disables actual emittor (it will dissappear). No other attributes will be parsed.


public SetEmotionalEmitter setDisable(Boolean Disable)
If true disables actual emittor (it will dissappear). No other attributes will be parsed.


public Boolean isPause()
Should pause the emitter, does not work right now.


public SetEmotionalEmitter setPause(Boolean Pause)
Should pause the emitter, does not work right now.


public javax.vecmath.Vector3d getFirstC()
Starting color of the floating balls.


public SetEmotionalEmitter setFirstC(javax.vecmath.Vector3d FirstC)
Starting color of the floating balls.


public javax.vecmath.Vector3d getSecondC()
Finishing color of the floating balls.


public SetEmotionalEmitter setSecondC(javax.vecmath.Vector3d SecondC)
Finishing color of the floating balls.


public Velocity getStartVelocity()
This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going out. Default (2,2,2).


public SetEmotionalEmitter setStartVelocity(Velocity StartVelocity)
This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going out. Default (2,2,2).


public Velocity getEndVelocity()
This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going in. Default (-10,-10,-10).


public SetEmotionalEmitter setEndVelocity(Velocity EndVelocity)
This is relative velocity direction vector that will affect the speed and direction of the balls going in. Default (-10,-10,-10).


public Double getVelocityRange()
This will affect the speed of the balls. Default -20.


public SetEmotionalEmitter setVelocityRange(Double VelocityRange)
This will affect the speed of the balls. Default -20.


public javax.vecmath.Vector3d getSize()
This will affect the size of the balls. Default (4,4,8).


public SetEmotionalEmitter setSize(javax.vecmath.Vector3d Size)
This will affect the size of the balls. Default (4,4,8).


public Double getLifeTime()
This will affect the life time of the balls and radius and speed they will be traversing. Default 1.6.


public SetEmotionalEmitter setLifeTime(Double LifeTime)
This will affect the life time of the balls and radius and speed they will be traversing. Default 1.6.


public javax.vecmath.Vector3d getFadeTime()
This will affect the fade in and fade out times of the balls. First value affects the starting fade out time. Second value will affect ending fade in time. The third value in the vector is ignored.


public SetEmotionalEmitter setFadeTime(javax.vecmath.Vector3d FadeTime)
This will affect the fade in and fade out times of the balls. First value affects the starting fade out time. Second value will affect ending fade in time. The third value in the vector is ignored.


public String toString()
toString in class CommandMessage


public String toHtmlString()


public String toMessage()

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