Class ConfigChangeCompositeImpl

Package class diagram package ConfigChangeCompositeImpl
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.ConfigChange
          extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.ConfigChangeCompositeImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
IWorldChangeEvent, IWorldEvent, IWorldObject, ICompositeWorldObject, cz.cuni.amis.utils.listener.Event

public class ConfigChangeCompositeImpl
extends ConfigChange

Composite implementation of the CONFCH abstract message. It wraps Local/Shared/Static parts in single object allowing to presenting a nice facade for users.

Complete message documentation: Asynchronous message. Message sent when the bot configuration changed - each agent has a lot of parameters affecting his state in the environment. See each property for the details.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.ConfigChange
Field Summary
protected  ConfigChangeLocalImpl partLocal
protected  ConfigChangeStaticImpl partStatic
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.ConfigChange
Constructor Summary
          Parameter-less contructor for the message.
ConfigChangeCompositeImpl(ConfigChangeCompositeImpl original)
          Cloning constructor.
ConfigChangeCompositeImpl(ConfigChangeLocalImpl partLocal, ConfigChangeSharedImpl partShared, ConfigChangeStaticImpl partStatic)
          Composite-impl constructor.
Method Summary
 String getAction()
          Name of current BDI action.
 UnrealId getBotId()
          Unique Id of the bot.
 UnrealId getId()
          Id of this config message.
 ConfigChangeLocal getLocal()
 int getLocUpdateMultiplier()
          Holds information how many times faster is exported location update message (UPD) compared to sync.
 String getName()
          The bot's name.
 Rotation getRotationRate()
          Bot rotation rate.
 double getSelfUpdateTime()
          The delay between two self message synchronous batches (can range from 0.01 to 2 seconds).
 ConfigChangeShared getShared()
 double getSpeedMultiplier()
          Bots default speed will be multiplied by this number.
 ConfigChangeStatic getStatic()
 double getVisionTime()
          The delay between two synchronous batches containing vision updates (can range from 0.1 to 2 seconds).
 boolean isAutoPickupOff()
          It enables/disables automatic pickup of the bot.
 boolean isAutoTrace()
          True if the bot is using auto ray tracing (is provided with synchronous ATR messages).
 boolean isDrawTraceLines()
          if the GB should draw lines representing the auto ray traces of the bot (for more information see ATR message).
 boolean isInvulnerable()
          If bot is invulnerable (cannot die) or not.
 boolean isManualSpawn()
          True if we have to spawn the bot manually after each death
 boolean isShowDebug()
          If some additional debug information will be shown in the UT2004 server console window.
 boolean isShowFocalPoint()
          If true an actor visualizing the location the bot is actually looking at will appear in the game.
 boolean isSynchronousOff()
          It informs if sending of all GB synchronous messages is enabled or disabled.
 void setSimTime(long SimTime)
          Used by Yylex to slip correct time of the object or programmatically.
 String toHtmlString()
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.ConfigChange
getSimTime, toJsonLiteral
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ConfigChangeStaticImpl partStatic


protected ConfigChangeLocalImpl partLocal
Constructor Detail


public ConfigChangeCompositeImpl()
Parameter-less contructor for the message.


public ConfigChangeCompositeImpl(ConfigChangeLocalImpl partLocal,
                                 ConfigChangeSharedImpl partShared,
                                 ConfigChangeStaticImpl partStatic)
Composite-impl constructor. It assembles the message from its three fragments - local/shared/static.

partLocal - local-part of the message
partShared - shared-part of the message
partStatic - static-part of the message


public ConfigChangeCompositeImpl(ConfigChangeCompositeImpl original)
Cloning constructor.

original -
Method Detail


public void setSimTime(long SimTime)
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
Used by Yylex to slip correct time of the object or programmatically.

setSimTime in class ConfigChange


public ConfigChangeStatic getStatic()


public ConfigChangeLocal getLocal()


public ConfigChangeShared getShared()


public UnrealId getId()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
Id of this config message. This Id is generated from BotId, string "_CONFCH" is added at the end.

Specified by:
getId in interface IWorldObject
Specified by:
getId in class ConfigChange


public UnrealId getBotId()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
Unique Id of the bot.

Specified by:
getBotId in class ConfigChange


public boolean isManualSpawn()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
True if we have to spawn the bot manually after each death

Specified by:
isManualSpawn in class ConfigChange


public boolean isAutoTrace()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
True if the bot is using auto ray tracing (is provided with synchronous ATR messages). See ATR messages for more details.

Specified by:
isAutoTrace in class ConfigChange


public String getName()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
The bot's name.

Specified by:
getName in class ConfigChange


public double getSpeedMultiplier()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
Bots default speed will be multiplied by this number. Ranges from 0.1 to 2 (default, can be set in ini in [GameBots2004.RemoteBot] MaxSpeed).

Specified by:
getSpeedMultiplier in class ConfigChange


public Rotation getRotationRate()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
Bot rotation rate. Default rotation rate is: (Pitch=3072,Yaw=60000,Roll=2048) and may be configured in ini file in [GameBots2004.RemoteBot] DefaultRotationRate. (pitch - up/down, yaw - left/right, roll - equivalent of doing a cartwheel)

Specified by:
getRotationRate in class ConfigChange


public boolean isInvulnerable()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
If bot is invulnerable (cannot die) or not.

Specified by:
isInvulnerable in class ConfigChange


public double getSelfUpdateTime()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
The delay between two self message synchronous batches (can range from 0.01 to 2 seconds). Will be used only if NewSelfBatchProtocol attribute is set to true in INIT message.

Specified by:
getSelfUpdateTime in class ConfigChange


public double getVisionTime()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
The delay between two synchronous batches containing vision updates (can range from 0.1 to 2 seconds). If NewSelfBatchProtocol attribute is set to true in INIT message, more batch messages containing only SELF message will arrive between two vision update batches (containing PLR,PRJ,INV.. messages).

Specified by:
getVisionTime in class ConfigChange


public int getLocUpdateMultiplier()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
Holds information how many times faster is exported location update message (UPD) compared to sync. batch, e.g. when this multiplier is set to 5 and vision time is 250 ms, UPD message will arrive every 50 ms.

Specified by:
getLocUpdateMultiplier in class ConfigChange


public boolean isShowDebug()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
If some additional debug information will be shown in the UT2004 server console window.

Specified by:
isShowDebug in class ConfigChange


public boolean isShowFocalPoint()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
If true an actor visualizing the location the bot is actually looking at will appear in the game.

Specified by:
isShowFocalPoint in class ConfigChange


public boolean isDrawTraceLines()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
if the GB should draw lines representing the auto ray traces of the bot (for more information see ATR message).

Specified by:
isDrawTraceLines in class ConfigChange


public boolean isSynchronousOff()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
It informs if sending of all GB synchronous messages is enabled or disabled.

Specified by:
isSynchronousOff in class ConfigChange


public boolean isAutoPickupOff()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
It enables/disables automatic pickup of the bot. If true the items can be picked up through PICK command.

Specified by:
isAutoPickupOff in class ConfigChange


public String getAction()
Description copied from class: ConfigChange
Name of current BDI action.

Specified by:
getAction in class ConfigChange


public String toString()
toString in class ConfigChange


public String toHtmlString()
toHtmlString in class ConfigChange

Copyright © 2014 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.