Class ObjectSelected

Package class diagram package ObjectSelected
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.ObjectSelected
All Implemented Interfaces:
IWorldChangeEvent, IWorldEvent, cz.cuni.amis.utils.listener.Event

public class ObjectSelected
extends InfoMessage
implements IWorldEvent, IWorldChangeEvent

Definition of the event SEL.

Complete message documentation: Asynchronous message. Player selected an object in the environment in PlayerMousing state (by pressing ALT + SHIFT to switch to this state).

Field Summary
protected  Location ObjectHitLocation
          Location of the hit point that we have selected this actor through.
protected  UnrealId ObjectId
          Id of the actor the player selected (actors include other players or bots and other physical objects that can block your path and even level geometry actors).
protected  Location ObjectLocation
          Location of the actor the player selected.
protected  UnrealId PlayerId
          Unique Id of the player that this event is for.
protected  String PlayerName
          Name of the player that this event is for.
static String PROTOTYPE
          Example how the message looks like - used during parser tests.
protected  long SimTime
Constructor Summary
          Parameter-less contructor for the message.
ObjectSelected(ObjectSelected original)
          Cloning constructor from the full message.
ObjectSelected(UnrealId PlayerId, String PlayerName, UnrealId ObjectId, Location ObjectLocation, Location ObjectHitLocation)
          Creates new instance of the message ObjectSelected.
Method Summary
 Location getObjectHitLocation()
          Location of the hit point that we have selected this actor through.
 UnrealId getObjectId()
          Id of the actor the player selected (actors include other players or bots and other physical objects that can block your path and even level geometry actors).
 Location getObjectLocation()
          Location of the actor the player selected.
 UnrealId getPlayerId()
          Unique Id of the player that this event is for.
 String getPlayerName()
          Name of the player that this event is for.
 long getSimTime()
          Simulation time in MILLI SECONDS !!!
protected  void setSimTime(long SimTime)
          Used by Yylex to slip correct time of the object or programmatically.
 String toHtmlString()
 String toJsonLiteral()
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String PROTOTYPE
Example how the message looks like - used during parser tests.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected long SimTime


protected UnrealId PlayerId
Unique Id of the player that this event is for.


protected String PlayerName
Name of the player that this event is for.


protected UnrealId ObjectId
Id of the actor the player selected (actors include other players or bots and other physical objects that can block your path and even level geometry actors). Will be "None" if nothing was selected (or actor was deselected).


protected Location ObjectLocation
Location of the actor the player selected. Sent only if some object selected.


protected Location ObjectHitLocation
Location of the hit point that we have selected this actor through. Sent only if some object selected.

Constructor Detail


public ObjectSelected()
Parameter-less contructor for the message.


public ObjectSelected(UnrealId PlayerId,
                      String PlayerName,
                      UnrealId ObjectId,
                      Location ObjectLocation,
                      Location ObjectHitLocation)
Creates new instance of the message ObjectSelected. Asynchronous message. Player selected an object in the environment in PlayerMousing state (by pressing ALT + SHIFT to switch to this state). Corresponding GameBots message is SEL.

PlayerId - Unique Id of the player that this event is for.
PlayerName - Name of the player that this event is for.
ObjectId - Id of the actor the player selected (actors include other players or bots and other physical objects that can block your path and even level geometry actors). Will be "None" if nothing was selected (or actor was deselected).
ObjectLocation - Location of the actor the player selected. Sent only if some object selected.
ObjectHitLocation - Location of the hit point that we have selected this actor through. Sent only if some object selected.


public ObjectSelected(ObjectSelected original)
Cloning constructor from the full message.

original -
Method Detail


public long getSimTime()
Simulation time in MILLI SECONDS !!!

Specified by:
getSimTime in interface IWorldChangeEvent
Specified by:
getSimTime in interface IWorldEvent


protected void setSimTime(long SimTime)
Used by Yylex to slip correct time of the object or programmatically.


public UnrealId getPlayerId()
Unique Id of the player that this event is for.


public String getPlayerName()
Name of the player that this event is for.


public UnrealId getObjectId()
Id of the actor the player selected (actors include other players or bots and other physical objects that can block your path and even level geometry actors). Will be "None" if nothing was selected (or actor was deselected).


public Location getObjectLocation()
Location of the actor the player selected. Sent only if some object selected.


public Location getObjectHitLocation()
Location of the hit point that we have selected this actor through. Sent only if some object selected.


public String toString()
toString in class InfoMessage


public String toHtmlString()


public String toJsonLiteral()
toJsonLiteral in class InfoMessage

Copyright © 2014 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.