Package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.tournament.match

Package class diagram package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.tournament.match
Interface Summary
IUT2004BotConfig Simple interface for data describing the bot.

Class Summary
UT2004BotConfig Describes configuration of the custom-bot created using Pogamut platform.
UT2004Match<CONFIG extends UT2004MatchConfig,RESULT extends UT2004MatchResult> This class serves as a gateway for creating various matches using custom bots.
UT2004MatchConfig Base configuration of the UT2004 match, you have to specify: Match id Concrete GB2004Ini file to be used via GameBots2004Ini Concrete UCC to run via UCCWrapperConf Concrete list of bots to be used via UT2004BotConfig Guess what...
UT2004MatchExecutor<MATCH extends UT2004Match,RESULT extends UT2004MatchResult> UT2004Match executor that will execute one instance of match a time == NO PARALELIZATION HERE!
UT2004NativeBotConfig Describes configuratioin of UT2004 native bot.

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