Package cz.cuni.amis.utils.future

Package class diagram package cz.cuni.amis.utils.future
Interface Summary

Class Summary
CombinedBooleanFuture Used to combine multiple Future<Boolean> together into one Future<Boolean>.
FixedFuture<Result> Future implementation that holds fixed result.
FlagFuture<Result,FlagType> Future implementation that is listening on a flag and when it's terminal state is set on the flag the future completes itself with result specified in the map (under the key of the flag value).
FutureWithListeners<RESULT> Abstract class that represents future result of some computation that allows you to hook listeners on the status of the future computation (see FutureWithListeners.addFutureListener(IFutureListener)).

Enum Summary
FutureStatus Status of the FutureWithListeners object.

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