Package math.geom2d.line

Package class diagram package math.geom2d.line
Implementations of 'linear shapes', i.e.


Interface Summary
LinearShape2D A curve that can be inscribed in a straight line, line a ray, a straight line, or a line segment.

Class Summary
AbstractLine2D Base class for straight curves, such as straight lines, rays, or edges.
ClosedPolyline2D Deprecated. use math.geom2d.polygon.Ring2D instead (0.7.0)
InvertedRay2D Inverted ray is defined from an origin and a direction vector.
Line2D Line object defined from 2 points.
LineArc2D LineArc2D is a generic class to represent edges, straight lines, and rays.
LineObject2D Deprecated. use Line2D instead
LineSegment2D Line segment, defined as the set of points located between the two end points.
Polyline2D Deprecated. use math.geom2d.polygon.Polyline2D instead (0.7.0)
Polyline2DUtils Deprecated. use math.geom2d.polygon.Polyline2DUtils instead (0.7.0)
Ray2D Ray, or half-line, defined from an origin and a direction vector.
StraightLine2D Implementation of a straight line.

Package math.geom2d.line Description

Implementations of 'linear shapes', i.e. curves which can be embedded into a straight lines, like straight lines, line segments, or rays. The base interface is LinearShape2D. The class AbstractLine2D is an implementation skeleton for several other linear shapes.

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