Class BehaviorWorkExecutor

Package class diagram package BehaviorWorkExecutor
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.BehaviorWorkExecutor
All Implemented Interfaces:
ILogicWorkExecutor, IWorkExecutor

public class BehaviorWorkExecutor
extends Object
implements ILogicWorkExecutor

Executor for posh plans that will execute annotated methods on the object.

You put behavior objects into this IWorkExecutor that have some methods annotated with SPOSHAction or SPOSHSense. Names of these methods are used stored as primitives. There can't be two behavior methods with same names, (e.g. testMethod() from behavior object A and testMethod() from object B or testMethod(String) from object A). If such sitation occurs, BehaviorWorkExecutor#addBehavior(java.lang.Object) will throw IllegalArgumentException.

When PoshEngine asks to execute some primitive, this executor will look in list of primitives it is capable to execute (names of annotated methods from behavior objects) and if it has some behavior method with same name, it executed it and returns value.


Nested Class Summary
protected  class BehaviorWorkExecutor.BehaviorMethod
          Class for storing methods that can be executed as primitives.
Field Summary
protected  List<JavaBehaviour> behaviors
protected  HashMap<String,BehaviorWorkExecutor.BehaviorMethod> primitives
          Map that maps name of primitives into behavior methods.
Constructor Summary
          Create BehaviorWorkExecutor with no methods.
BehaviorWorkExecutor(JavaBehaviour behavior)
          Create BehaviorWorkExecutor with primitives from behavior.
Method Summary
 void addBehavior(JavaBehaviour behavior)
          Take the behavior object, find its methods annotated with either SPOSHAction or SPOSHSense and add them as primitives this work executor can process.
 ActionResult executeAction(String primitive, VariableContext ctx)
          Uses executePrimitive(String, VariableContext).
 Object executeSense(String primitive, VariableContext ctx)
          Uses executePrimitive(String, VariableContext).
 void logicAfterPlan()
          Method that is triggered every time the plan for executor is evaluated.
 void logicBeforePlan()
          Method that is triggered every time the plan for executor is evaluated.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final HashMap<String,BehaviorWorkExecutor.BehaviorMethod> primitives
Map that maps name of primitives into behavior methods.


protected List<JavaBehaviour> behaviors
Constructor Detail


public BehaviorWorkExecutor()
Create BehaviorWorkExecutor with no methods.


public BehaviorWorkExecutor(JavaBehaviour behavior)
Create BehaviorWorkExecutor with primitives from behavior.

behavior - object from which we will add primitives into this worker.
Method Detail


public void addBehavior(JavaBehaviour behavior)
Take the behavior object, find its methods annotated with either SPOSHAction or SPOSHSense and add them as primitives this work executor can process.

behavior -
IllegalArgumentException - if behavior contains primitive method with same name, that is already contained in primitives of this worker.


public Object executeSense(String primitive,
                           VariableContext ctx)
Uses executePrimitive(String, VariableContext).

Specified by:
executeSense in interface IWorkExecutor
primitive - name of primitive
ctx - variable context for sense containing possible parameters
result of executed primitive


public ActionResult executeAction(String primitive,
                                  VariableContext ctx)
Uses executePrimitive(String, VariableContext).

Specified by:
executeAction in interface IWorkExecutor
primitive - name of primitive
ctx - variable context for action containing possible parameters
result of executed primitive


public void logicAfterPlan()
Description copied from interface: ILogicWorkExecutor
Method that is triggered every time the plan for executor is evaluated. It is triggered right after the plan evaluation.

Specified by:
logicAfterPlan in interface ILogicWorkExecutor


public void logicBeforePlan()
Description copied from interface: ILogicWorkExecutor
Method that is triggered every time the plan for executor is evaluated. It is triggered right before the plan evaluation.

Specified by:
logicBeforePlan in interface ILogicWorkExecutor

Copyright © 2014 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.