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1   package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor;
3   /**
4    * Extends {@link IWorkExecutor} adding methods {@link ILogicWorkExecutor#logicBeforePlan()} and {@link ILogicWorkdExecutor#logicAfterPlan()} that can be used for slipping code that should be executed
5    * every logic-evaluation iteration.
6    * @author Jimmy
7    * @deprecated This is a wrong place for these methods, {@link SposhLogicController}
8    *             has templated {@link IWorkExecutor} and methods logicBeforePlan
9    *             and logicBeforePlan. This is no longer automatically executed by LogicController anymore. You must do it yourself.
10   */
11  @Deprecated
12  public interface ILogicWorkExecutor extends IWorkExecutor {
14  	/**
15  	 * Method that is triggered every time the plan for executor is evaluated. It is triggered right before the plan evaluation.
16  	 */
17          @Deprecated
18  	public void logicBeforePlan();
20  	/**
21  	 * Method that is triggered every time the plan for executor is evaluated. It is triggered right after the plan evaluation.
22  	 */
23  	@Deprecated
24          public void logicAfterPlan();
26  }