Package SteeringProperties

Package class diagram package SteeringProperties
Class Summary
Force_packet The packet of all things which belog to one force of one location in the Target Approaching Steering.
ForcePoint The class which defines one segment of the force-function.
LeaderFollowingProperties The steering properties of the Leader Following Steering.
ObstacleAvoidanceProperties The steering properties of the Obstacle Avoidance Steering.
PathFollowingProperties The steering properties of the Path Following Steering.
PeopleAvoidanceProperties The steering properties of the People Avoidance Steering.
SteeringProperties All the specific steering properties extend this class.
StickToPathProperties The steering properties of the Stick To Path Steering.
Target_packet This is one packet of the location and it's definition of force.
TargetApproachingProperties The steering properties for the steering Target Approaching.
WalkAlongProperties The steering properties of the Walk Along Steering.
WallFollowingProperties The steering properties of the Wall Following steering.

Enum Summary
SteeringProperties.BehaviorType These types are especially for SteeringGui or other similar aplication.

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