Serialized Form
Package SocialSteeringsBeta |
double accurancyMultiplier
Interval fstDistance
Interval sndDistance
Interval angle
UT2004Bot<WORLD_VIEW extends cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.IVisionWorldView,ACT extends cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.command.IAct,CONTROLLER extends IUT2004BotController> fst
UT2004Bot<WORLD_VIEW extends cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.IVisionWorldView,ACT extends cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.command.IAct,CONTROLLER extends IUT2004BotController> snd
String headingType
Interval headingValue
Package SteeringProperties |
int leaderForce
- The magnitude of the force of this steering. (It is used in attractive force to the leader, repulsive force from the leader.)
String leaderName
- The name of the leader bot.
int distance
- The ideal distance from the leader.
int forceDistance
- At this distance the attractive force to the leader has the magnitude leaderForce.
LeaderFollowingProperties.LFtype myLFtype
- The type of the LF steering. The BASIC type is default. The FORMATION type enables to form simple formations. You can use angl to set the ideal position of the follower.
boolean deceleration
- This parameter helps the agent to decelerate, when it is reasonable. Used just in BASIC type. Recommended value is true.
double angleFromTheLeader
- The angle, which sets the position of the follower. The value Math.PI/2 means right from the leader, Matgh.PI behind the leader, -Math.PI left from the leader, 0 in front of the leader, etc.
boolean velocityMemory
- This parameter help to the more fluent motion in the case of formation type. Recommended value is true.
int sizeOfMemory
- The size of the memory of leaders velocities (in the case of velocityMemory). Recommended value is 5.
boolean circumvention
- This parameter helps the agent to go round the leader, if it's reasonable. Just in the case of the FORMATION type. Recommended value is true.
int repulsiveForce
- The magnitude of the repulsive force from the obstacles.
Reasonable values are 0 - 1000, the default value is 240.
int forceOrder
- The order of the force. Possible values are 1 - 10, the default value is 1.
The curve of reactions to obstacles according to the order 1 is linear, 2 quadratic, etc.
It means that with higher order, the bot reacts less to dsitant obstacles and more to near obstacles.
But the value 1 is most usefull value. Other values can cause strange behavior alongside walls etc.
boolean frontCollisions
- Special solution of head-on collisions (front collisions). Basic behaviour leads to rebounding from the obstacles
(when the bot aims to the obstacle head-on, he turns nearly 180° round just in front of the obstacle).
When this parameter is on, bot turns and continues alongside the side of the obstacle. Recommended value is true.
boolean treeCollisions
- Tree collisions. The default value (in basic baheviour) is false. Recommended value is true.
Special solution of collisions with trees and other narrow obstacles (so narrow, that just one of the rays will hit them).
In basic behaviour (when the switch is off), when the bot aims to the tree that just the front side rays hits, he avoids the tree from the worse side.
When the switch is on, he avoids the obstacle from the right (nearer) side.
int repulsiveForce
- Steering properties: the magnitude of the repulsive force, to repulse agent from the side of the corridor.
Reasonable values are 0 - 1000, the default value is 200.
int distance
- The maximal distance from the axe of the path. Reasonable values are 200 - 2000.
cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.Location targetLocation
- TargetLocation - if we want to compute path later, we can store here the targetLocation of the path.
double regulatingForce
- Regulating Force - helps the bot to keep the direction of the path. Recommended value is 50.
int projection
- The length of the projection - how much ahead we project our motion. Recommended values are 5-15.
int repulsiveForce
- Steering properties: the magnitude of the repulsive force from other agents.
Reasonable values are 0 - 1000, the default value is 200.
int distance
- Steering properties: the ideal distance from other people.
Reasonable values are 0 - 2000, the default value is 300.
The steering doesn't guarantee that other agents won't get closer,
but if they get, the agent will be repulsed from them.
boolean circumvention
- This parameter causes that agent is able to go round other agent, if it's reasonable. Recommended value is true.
boolean deceleration
- This parameter causes that agent is able to decelerate, if it's reasonable. Recommended value is true.
boolean acceleration
- This parameter causes that agent is able to accelerate, if it's reasonable. Recommended value is true.
double projection
- The projection is used in the case of the parameters circumvention, deceleration and acceleration. The motion is projection ahead for projection ticks.
SteeringType type
- The type of the steering.
boolean active
- Whether the steering is active. Steering manager doesn't use this value, but the user can.
double weight
- The weight of the steering. The return steering force will be multiplied by this value in the combination of the steerings forces.
SteeringProperties.BehaviorType behaviorType
- The behavior type. Steering manager doesn't use this value, but user can.
serialVersionUID: 7084968068794870946L
int repulsiveForce
- Steering properties: the magnitude of the repulsive force, to repulse agent from the side of the corridor.
Reasonable values are 0 - 1000, the default value is 200.
int distance
- The maximal distance from the axe of the path. Reasonable values are 200 - 2000.
cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.Location targetLocation
- TargetLocation - if we want to compute path later, we can store here the targetLocation of the path.
double regulatingForce
- Regulating Force - helps the bot to keep the direction of the path. Recommended value is 50.
int projection
- The length of the projection - how much ahead we project our motion. Recommended values are 5-15.
ArrayList<E> targets
- Steering properties: the list of targets and its forces
int partnerForce
- The magnitude of the main force of the steering. It is used for the attractive force to the target, attractive to/repulsive from the partner, etc.
String partnerName
- The name of the partner bot.
cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.Location targetLocation
- The target location. Should be same for both partners.
int distance
- Ideal distance between both partners.
boolean giveWayToPartner
- This parameter causes better bahevior. Partners are able to go round the other one, even if the partner is between the agent and the target. Recommended value is true.
boolean waitForPartner
- With this parameter, the agent doesn't every time run exactly to the partner, but waits for him, if it's more reasonable.
int wallForce
- The force of the wall. Reasonable value is around 100.
int forceOrder
- The order of the force in the range 1-10.
double attractiveForceWeight
- The weight of the arractive force. Default value is 1.
double repulsiveForceWeight
- The weight of the repulsive force. Default value is 1.
double convexEdgesForceWeight
- The weight of the force of the convex edges. Default value is 1.
double concaveEdgesForceWeight
- The weight of the force of the concave edges. Default value is 1.
boolean justMySide
- This parameter causes, that just the forces from the actual side will be noticed. The bot goes more fluently then. Recommended value is true.
boolean specialDetection
- The special detection of the convex edges, helps for fluent motion. Recommended value is true.
boolean frontCollisions
- The good solution of the front collisions. Recommended value is true.
Copyright © 2014 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.