Interface IStartingPausedEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>

Package class diagram package IStartingPausedEvent
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public interface IStartingPausedEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>
extends IComponentEvent<SOURCE>

This event is similar to IStartingEvent, it marks that the component is going to start. In contrast to starting event, it is additionally telling that after the start, the component is going to be paused, i.e., it won't broadcast IStartedEvent but it will broadcast IPausedEvent.

Such event is needed if we need to synchronize the start of the multi-agent simulation where we have to

  1. construct all agent instances
  2. start all agent instances in paused state
  3. resume all agent instances at once
Otherwise we're facing the trouble that some agent will become effective in the environment before others crippling the plausibility of such simulation and violating agent's assumptions (that there are comrades / enemies present in the environment from the beginning of the simulation).


Method Summary
 String getMessage()
          Provides human readable information why the component is starting.
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.component.bus.IComponentEvent

Method Detail


String getMessage()
Provides human readable information why the component is starting.


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