View Javadoc

1   package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.usar2004.samples.AirScanner;
3   import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.*;
4   import java.awt.*;
5   import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
6   import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
7   import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
8   import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
9   import*;
10  import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
11  import java.util.List;
12  import java.util.*;
13  import java.util.logging.Level;
14  import java.util.logging.Logger;
15  import;
16  import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
18  public class ScanPreview extends javax.swing.JFrame
19  {
20      public void runScanPreview()
21      {
22          setTitle("Scan Preview");
23          setVisible(true);
24      }
26      /**
27       * Creates new form ScanPreview
28       */
29      public ScanPreview()
30      {
31          initComponents();
32          data = ToolBox.initArray(startSize, startSize);
33          initBlackImage(tmp);
34      }
35      private int dataArrayXLimit;
36      private int dataArrayYLimit;
37      private int offsetX = 0;
38      private int offsetY = 0;
39      private final int extension = 400;
40      private final int extLimit = 100;
42      /**
43       * This wathes over the preview bitmap and array of heights during
44       * simulation to prevent writing outside the structures. If it wants to
45       * write outside this will resize the image and the array.
46       *
47       * @param x X coordinate.
48       * @param y Y coordinate.
49       * @return Reutrns true if the data is in limit.
50       */
51      private boolean keepDataArrayGreat(int x, int y)
52      {
53          if(x > dataArrayXLimit)
54          {
55              tmp = ToolBox.resizeImage(tmp, extension, 0, 0, 0);
56              tmpG = tmp.createGraphics();
57              data = ToolBox.resizeArray(data, extension, 0, 0, 0);
58              dataArrayXLimit = tmp.getWidth() - extLimit;
59              return true;
60          }
61          else if(x < tmp.getWidth() - dataArrayXLimit)
62          {
63              tmp = ToolBox.resizeImage(tmp, extension, 0, extension, 0);
64              tmpG = tmp.createGraphics();
65              data = ToolBox.resizeArray(data, extension, 0, extension, 0);
66              dataArrayXLimit = tmp.getWidth() - extLimit;
67              offsetX += extension;
68              translate.x -= extension;
69              return true;
70          }
71          if(y > dataArrayYLimit)
72          {
73              tmp = ToolBox.resizeImage(tmp, 0, extension, 0, 0);
74              tmpG = tmp.createGraphics();
75              data = ToolBox.resizeArray(data, 0, extension, 0, 0);
76              dataArrayYLimit = tmp.getHeight() - extLimit;
77              return true;
78          }
79          else if(y < tmp.getHeight() - dataArrayYLimit)
80          {
81              tmp = ToolBox.resizeImage(tmp, 0, extension, 0, extension);
82              tmpG = tmp.createGraphics();
83              data = ToolBox.resizeArray(data, 0, extension, 0, extension);
84              dataArrayYLimit = tmp.getHeight() - extLimit;
85              offsetY += extension;
86              translate.y -= extension;
87              return true;
88          }
89          return false;
90      }
92      private void initBlackImage(BufferedImage tmp)
93      {
94          tmpG.setColor(Color.BLACK);
95          tmpG.fillRect(0, 0, tmp.getWidth(), tmp.getHeight());
97          offsetX = tmp.getWidth() / 2;
98          offsetY = tmp.getHeight() / 2;
99          dataArrayXLimit = tmp.getWidth() - extLimit;
100         dataArrayYLimit = tmp.getHeight() - extLimit;
101         this.translate = new Point(this.getWidth() / 2 - offsetX, this.getHeight() / 2 - offsetY);
102     }
104     /**
105      * This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form.
106      * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is always
107      * regenerated by the Form Editor.
108      */
109     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
110     // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
111     private void initComponents() {
113         jLabel1 = new javax.swing.JLabel();
115         setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
116         setTitle("Scan viewer");
117         setBackground(new java.awt.Color(51, 51, 51));
118         setForeground(java.awt.Color.white);
119         addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
120             public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {
121                 formWindowClosing(evt);
122             }
123         });
124         addKeyListener(new java.awt.event.KeyAdapter() {
125             public void keyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt) {
126                 formKeyPressed(evt);
127             }
128         });
130         jLabel1.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(255, 255, 255));
131         jLabel1.setText("jLabel1");
133         javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
134         getContentPane().setLayout(layout);
135         layout.setHorizontalGroup(
136             layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
137             .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
138                 .addContainerGap(796, Short.MAX_VALUE)
139                 .addComponent(jLabel1)
140                 .addGap(227, 227, 227))
141         );
142         layout.setVerticalGroup(
143             layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
144             .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
145                 .addContainerGap()
146                 .addComponent(jLabel1)
147                 .addContainerGap(717, Short.MAX_VALUE))
148         );
150         pack();
151     }// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents
153     private void formKeyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt)//GEN-FIRST:event_formKeyPressed
154     {//GEN-HEADEREND:event_formKeyPressed
155         switch(evt.getKeyCode())
156         {
157             case 37:
158                 translate.x += 10;
159                 break;
160             case 39:
161                 translate.x -= 10;
162                 break;
163             case 40:
164                 translate.y -= 10;
165                 break;
166             case 38:
167                 translate.y += 10;
168                 break;
169         }
170     }//GEN-LAST:event_formKeyPressed
172     /**
173      * On closing we save the image to file and we generate text output as well.
174      *
175      * @param evt
176      */
177     private void formWindowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt)//GEN-FIRST:event_formWindowClosing
178     {//GEN-HEADEREND:event_formWindowClosing
179         int counter = 0;
180         File directory = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "\\Desktop\\USAR_Scans\\");
181         File file;
182         do
183         {
184             if(!directory.exists())
185             {
186                 directory.mkdir();
187             }
188             file = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "\\Desktop\\USAR_Scans\\img" + ((counter < 10)?"0" + counter:counter) + ".png");
189             counter++;
190         }
191         while(file.exists());
192         saveImage(createImage(file.getAbsolutePath()), file);
193     }//GEN-LAST:event_formWindowClosing
194     private final int border = 20;
196     /**
197      * Estimates the left bound of valid data.
198      *
199      * @return Returns left edge of recorded data.
200      */
201     private int getDataLeftMargin()
202     {
203         for(int i = border; i < data.length; i++)
204         {
205             for(int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++)
206             {
207                 if(data[i][j] != Double.MIN_VALUE)
208                 {
209                     return i - border;
210                 }
211             }
212         }
213         return data.length / 2;
214     }
216     /**
217      * Estimates the right bound of valid data.
218      *
219      * @return Returns right edge of recorded data.
220      */
221     private int getDataRightMargin()
222     {
223         for(int i = data.length - border - 1; i >= 0; i--)
224         {
225             for(int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++)
226             {
227                 if(data[i][j] != Double.MIN_VALUE)
228                 {
229                     return i + border;
230                 }
231             }
232         }
233         return data[0].length / 2;
234     }
236     /**
237      * Estimates the top bound of valid data.
238      *
239      * @return Returns top edge of recorded data.
240      */
241     private int getDataTopMargin()
242     {
243         for(int i = border; i < data[0].length; i++)
244         {
245             for(int j = 0; j < data.length; j++)
246             {
247                 if(data[j][i] != Double.MIN_VALUE)//data[i][j] > Double.MIN_VALUE)
248                 {
249                     return i - border;
250                 }
251             }
252         }
253         return data.length / 2;
254     }
256     /**
257      * Estimates the bottom bound of valid data.
258      *
259      * @return Returns lower edge of recorded data.
260      */
261     private int getDataBottomMargin()
262     {
263         for(int i = data[0].length - border - 1; i >= 0; i--)
264         {
265             for(int j = 0; j < data.length; j++)
266             {
267                 if(data[j][i] != Double.MIN_VALUE)
268                 {
269                     return i + border;
270                 }
271             }
272         }
273         return data.length / 2;
274     }
275     private final int infoPanelWidth = 280;
276 //    private int getImportantPartIndex(int importance)
277 //    {
278 //        for(int i = histogram.length - 1; i >= histogram.length / 2; i--)
279 //        {
280 //            if(histogram[i] > importance)
281 //            {
282 //                return i;
283 //            }
284 //        }
285 //        return histogram.length / 2;
286 //    }
287     private boolean datFile = false;
289     /**
290      * Creates a final output image from collected data.
291      *
292      * @param path Specifies the location of the output.
293      */
294     private BufferedImage createImage(String path)
295     {
296         int left = getDataLeftMargin();
297         int top = getDataTopMargin();
298         int width = Math.max(getDataRightMargin() - left + 1, minWidth);
299         int height = Math.max(getDataBottomMargin() - top + 1, minHeight);
300         tmpG.drawRect(left, top, width - 1, height - 1);
302         BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(width + infoPanelWidth, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);//257 = histogram
303         Graphics2D g = img.createGraphics();
304         Graphics gr = g.create();
306         gr.setColor(Color.BLACK);
307         gr.fillRect(0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight());
311         ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate((width + 1) * (height + 1) * 8);
313         //offset and scale match 255 shades according to max and min value obtained while scanning
314         double shift = 0 - dMin;
315         double scale = 255 / (shift + dMax / 2);//*7/4;//posunutí spektra o polovinu-zvýrazní se malé změnu u země(pahorkatina)->zmizí extrémní odchylky, které tvoří stromy.
316         for(int i = left; i < width + left; i++)
317         {
318             for(int j = top; j < height + top; j++)
319             {
320                 //Double.MIN_VALUE means no value was scanned at that point. We represent this situation by BLACK color
321                 if(data[i][j] == Double.MIN_VALUE)
322                 {
323                     img.setRGB(i - left + infoPanelWidth, j - top, Color.BLACK.getRGB());
324                 }
325                 else
326                 {
327                     img.setRGB(i - left + infoPanelWidth, j - top, convertToGray(data[i][j], shift, scale).getRGB());
328                 }
330                 if(datFile)
331                 {
332                     buf.putDouble(data[i][j]);
333                     //buf.putFloat((float)data[i][j]);
334                 }
335             }
336             if(datFile)
337             {
338                 buf.putDouble(Double.MAX_VALUE);//end of line
339                 //buf.putFloat(Float.MAX_VALUE);
340             }
341         }
342         drawHistogram(g);
343         //drawObstacles(g.create(), (offsetX - left) + infoPanelWidth, offsetY - top);
344         drawRobotPath(g.create(), (offsetX - left) + infoPanelWidth, offsetY - top);
345         drawControlPoints(g.create(), (offsetX - left) + infoPanelWidth, offsetY - top);
346         drawLegend(g.create());
348         if(datFile)
349         {
350             try
351             {
352                 FileOutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream(path.substring(0, path.length() - 3).concat("dat"), false);
353                 GZIPOutputStream str = new GZIPOutputStream(ostream);
354                 str.write(buf.array(), 0, buf.array().length);
355                 str.finish();
356                 str.close();
357                 ostream.close();
358             }
359             catch(IOException ex)
360             {
361                 Logger.getLogger(ScanPreview.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
362             }
363         }
365         return img;
366     }
368     /**
369      * Draws a histogram of used colors(shades of gray) at [10,10] 255px wide,
370      * 100px tall.
371      *
372      * @param g Graphics to draw histogram to.
373      */
374     private void drawHistogram(Graphics2D g)
375     {
376         int max = ToolBox.getMax(histogram);
378         g.setPaint(Color.GREEN);
379         Shape rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(9, 9, 257, 102);
380         g.fill(rect);
381         for(int i = 0; i < histogram.length; i++)
382         {
383             int count = histogram[i];
384             drawImageLine(i + 10, 10, i + 10, (double) count * 100 / (double) max + 10, new Color(i, i, i), g);
385         }
386     }
388     /**
389      * Draws points and meaning of it to the final ouptput map.
390      *
391      * @param g Graphics to draw data to.
392      */
393     private void drawLegend(Graphics g)
394     {
395         Location corner = new Location(20, 140);
396         int spacing = 20;
397         int yOffset = 0;
398         drawStartPose(g, Location.ZERO, (int) corner.x, (int) corner.y + yOffset);
399         drawString(g, "Landing/Recharging Point", (int) corner.x + spacing, (int) corner.y + yOffset);
400         yOffset += 25;
401         drawRechargePoint(g, Location.ZERO, (int) corner.x, (int) corner.y + yOffset);
402         drawString(g, "Recharge Needed Location", (int) corner.x + spacing, (int) corner.y + yOffset);
403         yOffset += 25;
404         drawDiversion(g, Location.ZERO, (int) corner.x, (int) corner.y + yOffset);
405         drawString(g, "Diversion Point", (int) corner.x + spacing, (int) corner.y + yOffset);
406         yOffset += 25;
407         drawHighRisk(g, Location.ZERO, (int) corner.x, (int) corner.y + yOffset);
408         drawString(g, "HighRisk Situation", (int) corner.x + spacing, (int) corner.y + yOffset);
409         yOffset += 25;
410         drawLowRisk(g, Location.ZERO, (int) corner.x, (int) corner.y + yOffset);
411         drawString(g, "LowRisk Situation", (int) corner.x + spacing, (int) corner.y + yOffset);
412         yOffset += 25;
413         drawPathDot(g, Location.ZERO, (int) corner.x, (int) corner.y + yOffset);
414         drawString(g, "Robot Path Point", (int) corner.x + spacing, (int) corner.y + yOffset);
415         yOffset += 25;
416         g.setColor(Color.WHITE);
417         drawData(g, (int) corner.x + spacing, (int) corner.y + yOffset);
419     }
421     /**
422      * Final information about the scanning is written by this method.
423      *
424      * @param g Graphics to draw data to.
425      * @param x X offset.
426      * @param y Y offset.
427      */
428     private void drawData(Graphics g, int x, int y)
429     {
430         g.setColor(Color.WHITE);
431         for(String line : postInfo.split("\n"))
432         {
433             g.drawString(line, x, y += g.getFontMetrics().getHeight());
434         }
435     }
437 //    private void drawObstacles(Graphics g, int offsetX, int offsetY)
438 //    {
439 //        g.setColor(Color.PINK);
440 //        for(Iterator<Obstacle1> it = obstacles.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
441 //        {
442 //            Obstacle1 obstacle =;
443 //            g.drawRect((int) (obstacle.getCorner().x * drawScale) + offsetX, (int) (obstacle.getCorner().y * drawScale) + offsetY, (int) (obstacle.getWidth() * drawScale), (int) (obstacle.getHeight() * drawScale));
444 //        }
445 //    }
446     /**
447      * Drawing of points that testify the robot situations.
448      *
449      * @param g Graphics to draw to.
450      * @param offsetX X offset.
451      * @param offsetY Y offset.
452      */
453     private void drawControlPoints(Graphics g, int offsetX, int offsetY)
454     {
455         for(Location location : robotRechargePoints)
456         {
457             drawRechargePoint(g, location, offsetX, offsetY);
458         }
459         for(Location location : robotDiversions)
460         {
461             drawDiversion(g, location, offsetX, offsetY);
462         }
463         for(Location location : robotStartPoints)
464         {
465             drawStartPose(g, location, offsetX, offsetY);
466         }
467         for(Location location : robotLowRiskPoints)
468         {
469             drawLowRisk(g, location, offsetX, offsetY);
470         }
471         for(Location location : robotHighRiskPoints)
472         {
473             drawHighRisk(g, location, offsetX, offsetY);
474         }
475     }
477     /**
478      * Every recorded point is drawn to show where the robot was moving
479      *
480      * @param g Graphics to draw to.
481      * @param offsetX X offset.
482      * @param offsetY Y offset.
483      */
484     private void drawRobotPath(Graphics g, int offsetX, int offsetY)
485     {
486         for(Location location : robotPath)
487         {
488             drawPathDot(g, location, offsetX, offsetY);
489         }
490     }
492     /**
493      * Saves an image to file system at specified path.
494      *
495      * @param img Image to save.
496      * @param path Path to save image to.
497      */
498     public void saveImage(BufferedImage img, File outputfile)
499     {
500         try
501         {
502             if(outputfile.createNewFile())
503             {
504                 ImageIO.write(img, "png", outputfile);
505             }
506             else
507             {
508                 System.out.println("Couldnt creaate file");
509             }
510         }
511         catch(IOException e)
512         {
513             System.out.println(e.getCause());
514         }
515     }
516     private final int minWidth = 200;
517     private final int minHeight = 350;
518     int[] histogram = new int[256];
519     double dMax = Double.MIN_VALUE;
520     double dMin = Double.MAX_VALUE;
521     public Point translate;
522     public Record record;
523     public Record recordPrev;
524     Rotation rot;// = new Rotation(0,0,0);
525     Rotation rotPrev;// = new Rotation(0,0,0);
526     Location loc;// = new Location(0,0,0);
527     Location locPrev;// = new Location(0,0,0);
528     int offset = 0;
529     List<Obstacle1> obstacles = new ArrayList<Obstacle1>();
530     List<Location> robotPath = new ArrayList<Location>();
531     List<Location> robotDiversions = new ArrayList<Location>();
532     List<Location> robotRechargePoints = new ArrayList<Location>();
533     List<Location> robotStartPoints = new ArrayList<Location>();
534     List<Location> robotHighRiskPoints = new ArrayList<Location>();
535     List<Location> robotLowRiskPoints = new ArrayList<Location>();
536     Collection<Double> sonars;
537     private String actInfo = "";
538     private String postInfo = "";
539     private final double rangeLimit = 19.9;
540     private final int drawScale = 6;
541     private final int panelWidth = 45 * drawScale;
542     //private final int panelHeight = 70 * drawScale;
543     private final Point2D pos = new Point((int) (panelWidth / 2), 50);
544     private final List<Double> highRisk = new ArrayList<Double>()
545     {
547         {
548             add(0.47d);
549             add(0.61d);
550             add(0.86d);
551             add(1.22d);
552             add(1.5d);
553             add(1.22d);
554             add(0.86d);
555             add(0.61d);
556             add(0.47d);
557         }
558     };
559     private final List<Double> lowRisk = new ArrayList<Double>()
560     {
562         {
563             add(1.57d);
564             add(1.91d);
565             add(2.72d);
566             add(3.5d);
567             add(4.5d);
568             add(3.5d);
569             add(2.72d);
570             add(1.91d);
571             add(1.57d);
572         }
573     };
574     private final int startSize = 500;
575     BufferedImage tmp = new BufferedImage(startSize, startSize, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
576     Graphics2D tmpG = tmp.createGraphics();
577     double[][] data;
579     /**
580      * Red is for invalid range, Blue is for valid range and magenta is for the
581      * rays from which the altitude of the robot is estimated.
582      *
583      * @param range Range of a ray to draw.
584      * @param index Index of a ray to draw.
585      * @return Returns either one of Magenta, Blue and Red according to input
586      * properties.
587      */
588     private Color getScanColor(double range, int index)
589     {
590         if(index >= offset + 85 && index <= offset + 95)
591         {
592             return Color.MAGENTA;
593         }
594         else if(range <= rangeLimit)
595         {
596             return Color.BLUE;
597         }
598         else
599         {
600             return Color.RED;
601         }
602     }
603     Image backBuffer;
605     /**
606      * Checking the second buffer for resizing and that it exists.
607      */
608     private void checkOffscreenImage()
609     {
610         Dimension d = getSize();
611         if(backBuffer == null || backBuffer.getWidth(null) != d.width
612                 || backBuffer.getHeight(null) != d.height)
613         {
614             backBuffer = createImage(d.width, d.height);
615         }
616     }
618     /**
619      * Double buffered system of repainting takes place here.
620      *
621      * @param sharpGraphics Graphics to show.
622      */
623     @Override
624     public void paint(Graphics sharpGraphics)
625     {
626         //super.paint(g);
627         Dimension d = getSize();
628         checkOffscreenImage();
629         Graphics backGraphics = backBuffer.getGraphics();
630         backGraphics.setColor(getBackground());
631         backGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height);
632         // Draw into the offscreen image.
633         paintSituation(backGraphics);
634         // Put the offscreen image on the screen.
635         sharpGraphics.drawImage(backBuffer, 0, 0, null);
636     }
638     /**
639      * For each ray from the Range scanner range list there is a height computed
640      * and recorded. For more coherent data between each ray there is one
641      * aproximated and between every two records there is one aproximated as
642      * well. So we have artificially doubled the resolution of the scanner and
643      * doubeled the sample rate. All auxiliary data are drawn also here.
644      *
645      * @param g Graphics to draw to.
646      */
647     private void paintSituation(Graphics g)
648     {
649         if(recordPrev == null)
650         {
651             return;
652         }
653         g.drawImage(tmp, translate.x, translate.y, null);
656         g.setColor(Color.white);
657         g.fillRect(0, 0, panelWidth, getSize().height);//(int) pos.getX() - panelWidth/2 * drawScale, (int) pos.getY() - panelWidth/2 * drawScale, (int) (2*panelWidth * drawScale), (int) (panelHeight * drawScale));
659         drawSonars(g);
660         drawInfo(g, 20, 450);
663         double angle = 90 + ((record.getFOV() / 2 - rot.roll) * 180 / Math.PI);//angle of the first ray(90°=straight down+FOV/2, but we have to count the robot pitch!)
664         double anglePrev = 90 + ((record.getFOV() / 2 - rotPrev.roll) * 180 / Math.PI);//angle of the first ray(90°=straight down+FOV/2, but we have to count the robot pitch!)
666         if(Math.abs(angle - anglePrev) > 180) //abychom mohli udělat aritmetickej průměr, jinak mám -178.9 a 178.8 třeba a výjde mi nesmysl. A to díky rotaci, která je napravo >0 a nalevo <6.28
667         {
668             anglePrev *= -1;
669         }
670         //Point2D pos=record.getPosition();
671         for(int i = 0; i < record.getRanges().size(); i++)
672         {
673             double range = record.getRanges().get(i);
674             double rangePrev = recordPrev.getRanges().get(i);
675             double value;
676             if(range < rangeLimit && rangePrev < rangeLimit)
677             {
678                 value = (range + rangePrev) / 2;
679             }
680             else if(range < rangeLimit)
681             {
682                 value = range;
683             }
684             else
685             {
686                 value = rangePrev;
687             }
689             issueRay(g, i, range, angle, loc, rot);
690             issueRay(g, i, value, (anglePrev + angle) / 2, getMidPoint(loc, locPrev), getMidTurn(rot, rotPrev));
691             angle -= (record.getFOV() / Math.PI * 180 / record.getRanges().size()) / 2;
692             anglePrev -= (recordPrev.getFOV() / Math.PI * 180 / recordPrev.getRanges().size()) / 2;
694             if(i == 0)
695             {
696                 continue;
697             }
699             angle -= (record.getFOV() / Math.PI * 180 / record.getRanges().size()) / 2;
700             anglePrev -= (recordPrev.getFOV() / Math.PI * 180 / recordPrev.getRanges().size()) / 2;
702             range = (record.getRanges().get(i) + record.getRanges().get(i - 1)) / 2;
703             rangePrev = (recordPrev.getRanges().get(i) + recordPrev.getRanges().get(i)) / 2;
704             value = (range + rangePrev) / 2;
705             issueRay(g, i - 1, range, angle, loc, rot);
706             issueRay(g, i - 1, value, (anglePrev + angle) / 2, getMidPoint(loc, locPrev), getMidTurn(rot, rotPrev));
710             //angle -= record.getFOV() / Math.PI * 180 / record.getRanges().size();
711             //anglePrev -= recordPrev.getFOV() / Math.PI * 180 / recordPrev.getRanges().size();
713         }
715         //tmpG.setColor(Color.RED);
716         //tmpG.drawOval((int) (drawScale * loc.x) + tmp.getWidth() / 2, (int) (drawScale * loc.y) + tmp.getHeight() / 2, 2, 2);
717         g.setColor(Color.GREEN);
718         //g.drawLine(0, 0, (int) (range * 10), (int) (range * 10));
720         //drawObstacles(g, this.getWidth() / 2, this.getHeight() / 2);
722         //this.drawLine(g, loc.x * 10 + Math.sin(rot.yaw) * 10 + 100, loc.y * 10 - Math.cos(rot.yaw) * 10 + 100, loc.x * 10 - Math.sin(rot.yaw) * 10 + 100, loc.y * 10 + Math.cos(rot.yaw) * 10 + 100);
724     }
726     /**
727      * Utilizes all possible information from one ray. Draws a situtaion in the
728      * left white stripe and records data to scanning preview. Ranges longer
729      * than 19.5 are ignoret for the range scanner has range of 20-noise.
730      *
731      * @param g Graphics to write to.
732      * @param index Index of the ray.
733      * @param range Range measured.
734      * @param angle Angle of the ray.
735      * @param loc Robot's location.
736      * @param rot Robot's orientation.
737      */
738     public void issueRay(Graphics g, int index, double range, double angle, Location loc, Rotation rot)
739     {
740         //TODO:mezi každýma dvěma body v lajně udělat jeden průměrovanej
741         double x = Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180) * range * drawScale;//distance from the center
742         double y = Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180) * range * drawScale;//distance from the aircraft
743         double xOffset = Math.sin(rot.pitch) * y;//offset due to yaw of an aircraft
744         double z = Math.cos(rot.pitch) * y;//real range            
745         int height = (int) (loc.z * drawScale - z + 10 * drawScale) * 255 / 20 / (int) drawScale; //we have to be aware of the fact, that the aircraft can pitch, therefore we can get a height value greater than the maxRange of the laser scanner(which is the twenty)
746         //angle -= record.getFOV() / Math.PI * 180 / record.getRanges().size();
748         Color c = getScanColor(range, index);
749         this.drawLine(g, c, pos.getX(), pos.getY(), (pos.getX() - x), (pos.getY() + y));
752 //        if(loc.z * drawScale - z > 5.8 * drawScale && range < rangeLimit)
753 //        {
754 //            addObstacle(loc.x - Math.sin(rot.yaw) * (x / drawScale) - Math.cos(rot.yaw) * xOffset / drawScale,
755 //                        loc.y + Math.cos(rot.yaw) * (x / drawScale) - Math.sin(rot.yaw) * xOffset / drawScale);
756 ////                g.drawRect((int) ((loc.x-0.5) * drawScale - Math.sin(rot.yaw) * (x) - Math.cos(rot.yaw) * xOffset + this.getWidth() / 2),
757 ////                        (int) ((loc.y-0.5) * drawScale + Math.cos(rot.yaw) * (x) - Math.sin(rot.yaw) * xOffset + this.getHeight() / 2), drawScale, drawScale);
758 ////                g.drawOval((int) (loc.x * drawScale - Math.sin(rot.yaw) * (x) - Math.cos(rot.yaw) * xOffset + this.getWidth() / 2),
759 ////                           (int) (loc.y * drawScale + Math.cos(rot.yaw) * (x) - Math.sin(rot.yaw) * xOffset + this.getHeight() / 2), 5, 5);
760 //        }
761         height = Math.max(height, 0);
762         height = Math.min(height, 255);
764         if(range <= rangeLimit)
765         {
766             this.drawLine(g, new Color(height, height, height), pos.getX() - x, 40 * drawScale, pos.getX() - x, 40 * drawScale - (loc.z * drawScale - z));
767             this.drawPoint(tmpG, new Color(height, height, height),
768                            loc.x * drawScale - Math.sin(rot.yaw) * (x) - Math.cos(rot.yaw) * xOffset + offsetX,
769                            loc.y * drawScale + Math.cos(rot.yaw) * (x) - Math.sin(rot.yaw) * xOffset + offsetY);
772             //actual location + rotation coeficient of the point - yaw coeficient -which is xOffset
773 //                g.setColor(new Color(height2, height2, height2));
774 //                this.drawLine(tmpG, (loc.x+locPrev.x)/2 * drawScale - Math.sin((rotPrev.yaw+rot.yaw)/2) * (x+x2)/2 - Math.cos((rot.yaw+rotPrev.yaw)/2) *(xOffset+xOffset2)/2 + tmpG.getWidth()/2,
775 //                                 (locPrev.y+loc.y)/2 * drawScale + Math.cos((rotPrev.yaw+rot.yaw)/2) * (x+x2)/2 - Math.sin((rot.yaw+rotPrev.yaw)/2) *(xOffset+xOffset2)/2+ tmpG.getHeight()/2,
776 //                                 (locPrev.x+loc.x)/2 * drawScale - Math.sin((rot.yaw+rotPrev.yaw)/2) * (x+x2)/2 - Math.cos((rot.yaw+rotPrev.yaw)/2) *(xOffset+xOffset2)/2+ tmpG.getWidth()/2,
777 //                                 (locPrev.y+loc.y)/2 * drawScale + Math.cos((rot.yaw+rotPrev.yaw)/2) * (x+x2)/2 - Math.sin((rot.yaw+rotPrev.yaw)/2) *(xOffset+xOffset2)/2+ tmpG.getHeight()/2);
778             setDataAt(loc.x * drawScale - Math.sin(rot.yaw) * (x) - Math.cos(rot.yaw) * xOffset + offsetX,
779                       loc.y * drawScale + Math.cos(rot.yaw) * (x) - Math.sin(rot.yaw) * xOffset + offsetY, loc.z * drawScale - z);
781         }
782     }
784     /**
785      * Computes a location that is between two input ones.
786      *
787      * @param locA First Location.
788      * @param locB Second Location.
789      * @return Returns location that is between locA and locB.
790      */
791     private Location getMidPoint(Location locA, Location locB)
792     {
793         double x = locA.x + locB.x;
794         double y = locA.y + locB.y;
795         double z = locA.z + locB.z;
796         return new Location(x / 2, y / 2, z / 2);
797     }
799     /**
800      * The angle is 0-2PI and this takes into account the closest angle possible
801      * from a circle.
802      *
803      * @param value1 First angle.
804      * @param value2 Second angle.
805      * @return Returns angle between value1 and value2
806      */
807     private double getMidAngle(double value1, double value2)
808     {
809         double val;
810         if(value1 > 6 && value2 < 0.28)
811         {
812             val = (value1 - 2 * Math.PI + value2) / 2;
813         }
814         else if(value2 > 6 && value1 < 0.28)
815         {
816             val = (value2 - 2 * Math.PI + value1) / 2;
817         }
818         else
819         {
820             val = (value1 + value2) / 2;
821         }
823         if(val < 0)
824         {
825             val += 2 * Math.PI;
826         }
827         return val;
828     }
830     /**
831      * Returns a rotation that is between the specified input ones.
832      *
833      * @param rotA First rotation.
834      * @param rotB Second rotation.
835      * @return Returns rotation between rotA and rotB.
836      */
837     private Rotation getMidTurn(Rotation rotA, Rotation rotB)
838     {
839         double pitch = getMidAngle(rotA.pitch, rotB.pitch);
840         double yaw = getMidAngle(rotA.yaw, rotB.yaw);
841         double roll = getMidAngle(rotA.roll, rotB.roll);
842         return new Rotation(pitch, yaw, roll);
843     }
845     /**
846      * Draws information string to a grahpics.
847      *
848      * @param g Graphics to use.
849      * @param x X coordinate.
850      * @param y Y coordinate.
851      */
852     private void drawInfo(Graphics g, int x, int y)
853     {
854         g.setColor(Color.BLACK);
855         for(String line : actInfo.split("\n"))
856         {
857             g.drawString(line, x, y += g.getFontMetrics().getHeight());
858         }
859     }
861     /**
862      * Converts Height to corresponding shade of gray.
863      *
864      * @param data Height data to convert.
865      * @param offset Offset of data(can be negative).
866      * @param scale Difference between max and min height.
867      * @return
868      */
869     private Color convertToGray(double data, double offset, double scale)
870     {
871         int height = (int) ((offset + data) * scale);
872         height = Math.max(0, height);
873         height = Math.min(255, height);
874         histogram[height]++;
875         return new Color(height, height, height);
876     }
878     /**
879      * Sets a height to the array of heights. When overwriting existing value it
880      * approximates both values.
881      *
882      * @param x X coordinate.
883      * @param y Y coordinate.
884      * @param data Recorded height - double number to write.
885      */
886     private void setDataAt(double x, double y, double data)
887     {
888         if(data > dMax)
889         {
890             dMax = data;
891         }
892         if(data < dMin)
893         {
894             dMin = data;
895         }
896         //pokud tam nic neni, tak zapiš, jinak udělej průměr z obou hodnot.
897         //double prev =[(int) x][(int) y];
898         if([(int) x][(int) y] == Double.MIN_VALUE)
899         {
900   [(int) x][(int) y] = data;
901         }
902         else
903         {
904   [(int) x][(int) y] = ([(int) x][(int) y] + data) / 2;
905         }
906     }
908     /**
909      * Specifies the style of writing that appears on the preview form and on
910      * the final output image.
911      *
912      * @param g Graphics to use.
913      * @param text String to write.
914      * @param x X offset.
915      * @param y Y offset.
916      */
917     private void drawString(Graphics g, String text, int x, int y)
918     {
919         g.drawChars(text.toCharArray(), 0, text.length(), x, y + g.getFontMetrics().getHeight() / 4);
920     }
922     /**
923      * Specifies style of point to represent a point that is computed when
924      * evading obstacles.
925      *
926      * @param g Graphics to use
927      * @param diversion Center of the point to draw
928      * @param offsetX Offset on x axis.
929      * @param offsetY Offset on y axis.
930      */
931     private void drawDiversion(Graphics g, Location diversion, int offsetX, int offsetY)
932     {
933         g.setColor(Color.BLUE);
934         g.fillRect((int) (diversion.x * drawScale + offsetX) - 2, (int) (diversion.y * drawScale + offsetY) - 2, 5, 5);
935     }
937     /**
938      * Specifies style of point to represent a start position of the robot.
939      *
940      * @param g Graphics to use
941      * @param startPose Center of the point to draw
942      * @param offsetX Offset on x axis.
943      * @param offsetY Offset on y axis.
944      */
945     private void drawStartPose(Graphics g, Location startPose, int offsetX, int offsetY)
946     {
947         g.setColor(Color.MAGENTA);
948         g.drawOval(offsetX + (int) (startPose.x * drawScale) - 10, offsetY + (int) (startPose.y * drawScale) - 10, 20, 20);
949 //        g.drawOval(offsetX + (int) (startPose.x * drawScale) - 10, offsetY + (int) (startPose.y * drawScale) - 10, 20, 20);
950 //        g.drawOval(offsetX + (int) (startPose.x * drawScale) - 9, offsetY + (int) (startPose.y * drawScale) - 9, 18, 18);
951 //        g.drawOval(offsetX + (int) (startPose.x * drawScale) - 8, offsetY + (int) (startPose.y * drawScale) - 8, 16, 16);
952     }
954     /**
955      * Specifies style of point to represent a point where the robot was
956      * interrupted by low battery and a need to recharge.
957      *
958      * @param g Graphics to use
959      * @param rechargePoint Center of the point to draw
960      * @param offsetX Offset on x axis.
961      * @param offsetY Offset on y axis.
962      */
963     private void drawRechargePoint(Graphics g, Location rechargePoint, int offsetX, int offsetY)
964     {
965         g.setColor(Color.YELLOW);
966         g.fillRect(offsetX + (int) (rechargePoint.x * drawScale) - 3, offsetY + (int) (rechargePoint.y * drawScale) - 3, 6, 6);
967         //g.fillRect(offsetX + (int) (rechargePoint.x * drawScale) - 5, offsetY + (int) (rechargePoint.y * drawScale) - 5, 10, 10);
968     }
970     /**
971      * Specifies style of point to represent a low situation location of the
972      * robot.
973      *
974      * @param g Graphics to use
975      * @param lowRisk Center of the point to draw
976      * @param offsetX Offset on x axis.
977      * @param offsetY Offset on y axis.
978      */
979     private void drawLowRisk(Graphics g, Location lowRisk, int offsetX, int offsetY)
980     {
981         g.setColor(;
982         g.drawOval(offsetX + (int) (lowRisk.x * drawScale) - 1, offsetY + (int) (lowRisk.y * drawScale) - 1, 3, 3);
983         //g.fillOval(offsetX + (int) (lowRisk.x * drawScale) - 3, offsetY + (int) (lowRisk.y * drawScale) - 3, 6, 6);
984     }
986     /**
987      * Specifies style of point to represent a high situation location of the
988      * robot.
989      *
990      * @param g Graphics to use
991      * @param highRisk Center of the point to draw
992      * @param offsetX Offset on x axis.
993      * @param offsetY Offset on y axis.
994      */
995     private void drawHighRisk(Graphics g, Location highRisk, int offsetX, int offsetY)
996     {
997         g.setColor(;
998         g.drawOval(offsetX + (int) (highRisk.x * drawScale) - 2, offsetY + (int) (highRisk.y * drawScale) - 2, 4, 4);
999         //g.fillOval(offsetX + (int) (highRisk.x * drawScale) - 4, offsetY + (int) (highRisk.y * drawScale) - 4, 8, 8);
1000     }
1002     /**
1003      * Specifies style of point to represent a path of the robot.
1004      *
1005      * @param g Graphics to use
1006      * @param dot Center of the point to draw
1007      * @param offsetX Offset on x axis.
1008      * @param offsetY Offset on y axis.
1009      */
1010     private void drawPathDot(Graphics g, Location dot, int offsetX, int offsetY)
1011     {
1012         g.setColor(Color.GREEN);
1013         g.fillOval(offsetX + (int) (dot.x * drawScale) - 1, offsetY + (int) (dot.y * drawScale) - 1, 3, 3);
1014         //g.fillOval(offsetX + (int) (dot.x * drawScale) - 3, offsetY + (int) (dot.y * drawScale) - 3, 6, 6);
1015     }
1017     /**
1018      * Draws state of Sonar sensors somewhere in the middle of the white stripe.
1019      * Blue column means NORISK, Green column means LOWRISK and Red means
1020      * HIGHRISK threat.
1021      *
1022      * @param g Graphics to use.
1023      */
1024     private void drawSonars(Graphics g)
1025     {
1026         if(sonars == null)
1027         {
1028             return;
1029         }
1030         int count = 0;
1031         int scale = (panelWidth - 2 * drawScale) / (sonars.size());
1032         for(Double sonar : sonars)
1033         {
1034             if(sonar < highRisk.get(count))
1035             {
1036                 g.setColor(;
1037             }
1038             else if(sonar < lowRisk.get(count))
1039             {
1040                 g.setColor(;
1041             }
1042             else
1043             {
1044                 g.setColor(Color.BLUE);
1045             }
1046             g.fillRect(drawScale * 2 + count * scale, 350, scale - 1, (int) (sonar.doubleValue() * drawScale * 2));
1047             count++;
1048         }
1049     }
1051     /**
1052      * Draws a line into the preview bitmap.
1053      *
1054      * @param x1 Start X coordinate.
1055      * @param y1 Start Y coordinate
1056      * @param x2 End X coordinate.
1057      * @param y2 End Y coordinate.
1058      * @param c Color of the line
1059      * @param g Graphics to use.
1060      */
1061     private void drawImageLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, Color c, Graphics2D g)
1062     {
1063         Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(x1, y1, x2, y2);
1064         g.setColor(c);
1065         g.draw(line);
1066     }
1068     /**
1069      * Draws a line to input graphics with specified color.
1070      *
1071      * @param g Graphics to use.
1072      * @param c Color of the line.
1073      * @param x1 Start X coordinate.
1074      * @param y1 Start Y coordinate
1075      * @param x2 End X coordinate.
1076      * @param y2 End Y coordinate.
1077      */
1078     private void drawLine(Graphics g, Color c, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
1079     {
1080         g.setColor(c);
1081         g.drawLine((int) x1, (int) y1, (int) x2, (int) y2);
1082     }
1084     /**
1085      * Draws point to input graphics with sepcified color.
1086      *
1087      * @param g Graphics to use.
1088      * @param c Color of the point.
1089      * @param x X coordinate.
1090      * @param y Y coordinate.
1091      */
1092     private void drawPoint(Graphics g, Color c, double x, double y)
1093     {
1094         g.setColor(c);
1095         int xn = (int) x - offsetX;
1096         int yn = (int) y - offsetY;
1097         if(keepDataArrayGreat((int) x, (int) y))
1098         {//old raw values plus new fresh offsets
1099             g.drawLine(xn + offsetX, yn + offsetY, xn + offsetX, yn + offsetY);
1100         }
1101         else
1102         {
1103             g.drawLine((int) x, (int) y, (int) x, (int) y);
1104         }
1105     }
1107     /**
1108      * [x,y] is inside some obstacle -> return obstacle can not be extended ->
1109      * take another obstacle that can try to extend it, if extended obstacle !=
1110      * null return(succesfully extended)
1111      *
1112      * @param x X coordinate.
1113      * @param y Y coordinate.
1114      */
1115     private void addObstacle(double x, double y)
1116     {
1117         for(Obstacle1 obstacle : obstacles)
1118         {
1119             if(obstacle.isWithin(x, y))
1120             {
1121                 return;
1122             }
1123             if(!obstacle.canExtend())
1124             {
1125                 continue;
1126             }
1127             Obstacle1 newObstacle = obstacle.tryExtend(x, y);
1128             if(newObstacle != null)
1129             {
1130                 return;
1131             }
1132         }
1133         obstacles.add(new Obstacle1(x, y));
1134     }
1135     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Setters - methods used to fill Collections and variables used to display current and past situation">
1137     /**
1138      * The Robot keeps its altitude based on an avarage value of ten rays below
1139      * the robot. The <B>offset</B> is computed based on Robots roll, so if the
1140      * Robot gets itself to a tilt position it needs to be able to correctly
1141      * estimate the rays heading straight towards the ground.
1142      *
1143      * @param offset Index of the first ray of the bunch which are used to
1144      * estimate an altitude of the Robot
1145      */
1146     public void setOffset(int offset)
1147     {
1148         this.offset = offset;
1149     }
1151     /**
1152      * Sets the sonar data that bear an information about what is going on in
1153      * front of the Robot.
1154      *
1155      * @param sonars Collection of double values sorted from left to right.
1156      */
1157     public void setSonars(Collection<Double> sonars)
1158     {
1159         this.sonars = sonars;
1160     }
1162     /**
1163      * Adds a diversion point to local collection of Diversion Point.
1164      *
1165      * @param diversion Location of a point that pulls the Robot out of crisis
1166      * sitation.
1167      */
1168     public void setDivPoint(Location diversion)
1169     {
1170         robotDiversions.add(diversion);
1171         drawDiversion(tmpG, diversion, offsetX, offsetY);
1172     }
1174     /**
1175      * Assd a start location point to local collection of Start Locations.
1176      *
1177      * @param start A location that signifies where the robot started from.
1178      */
1179     public void setStartLocation(Location start)
1180     {
1181         robotStartPoints.add(start);
1182         drawStartPose(tmpG, start, offsetX, offsetY);
1183     }
1185     /**
1186      * Adds a point to local collection of Battery_needed Points.
1187      *
1188      * @param breakPoint Location of a point when the scanning process was
1189      * interrupted by low battery level.
1190      *
1191      */
1192     public void setRechargeBreakPoint(Location breakPoint)
1193     {
1194         robotRechargePoints.add(breakPoint);
1195         drawRechargePoint(tmpG, breakPoint, offsetX, offsetY);
1196     }
1198     /**
1199      * Adds a point to local collection of High risk situation points.
1200      *
1201      * @param highRisk Location of a point where the robot was in high risk
1202      * situation.
1203      */
1204     public void setHighRiskPoint(Location highRisk)
1205     {
1206         robotHighRiskPoints.add(highRisk);
1207         drawHighRisk(tmpG, highRisk, offsetX, offsetY);
1208     }
1210     /**
1211      * Adds a point to local collection of Low risk situation points.
1212      *
1213      * @param lowRisk Location of a point where the robot was in low risk
1214      * situation.
1215      */
1216     public void setLowRiskPoint(Location lowRisk)
1217     {
1218         robotLowRiskPoints.add(lowRisk);
1219         drawLowRisk(tmpG, lowRisk, offsetX, offsetY);
1220     }
1222     /**
1223      * Adds a record of location and list of ranges from Range scanner.
1224      *
1225      * @param rec Object from the robot's sensor estimating location and ranges
1226      * of Range scanner.
1227      */
1228     public void setRecord(Record rec)///*objekt kterej má v sobě 2D pozici[x,y] a hodnoty laserscanneru*/)
1229     {
1230         recordPrev = record;
1231         record = rec;
1232     }
1234     /**
1235      * Actualizes an info set that will be inserted to the output image.
1236      *
1237      * @param info Set of name/value pairs to write to the output image.
1238      */
1239     public void setPostInfo(String info)
1240     {
1241         this.postInfo = info;
1242     }
1244     /**
1245      * Flag for saving the dat fila along with the output image
1246      *
1247      * @param write True to save a *.dat file, false to not.
1248      */
1249     public void setDatFile(boolean write)
1250     {
1251         this.datFile = write;
1252     }
1254     /**
1255      * Invalidates the form.
1256      */
1257     public void refreshGraphics()
1258     {
1259         this.update(this.getGraphics());
1260     }
1262     /**
1263      * Actualizes an info set that will be inserted to the white stripe on the
1264      * preview form.
1265      *
1266      * @param text Set of name/value pairs to write to the white stripe on the
1267      * preview form.
1268      */
1269     public void setInfo(String text)
1270     {
1271         this.actInfo = text;
1272     }
1274     /**
1275      * Sets the estimated rotation of the robot.
1276      *
1277      * @param rot Orientation of the robot
1278      */
1279     public void setOrientation(Rotation rot)
1280     {
1281         rotPrev = this.rot;
1282         this.rot = rot;
1283     }
1284     private int everyOther = 0;
1286     /**
1287      * Sets the estimated locatio nof the robot.
1288      *
1289      * @param loc Location of the robot.
1290      */
1291     public void setLocation(Location loc)
1292     {
1293         locPrev = this.loc;
1294         this.loc = loc;
1295         drawPathDot(tmpG, loc, offsetX, offsetY);
1296         if(everyOther > 10)
1297         {
1298             everyOther = 0;
1299             robotPath.add(loc);
1300         }
1301         else
1302         {
1303             everyOther++;
1304         }
1305     }
1306     //</editor-fold>
1307     // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
1308     private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel1;
1309     // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables
1310 }