Class NavPointMessage.NavPointSharedMessage

Package class diagram package NavPointMessage.NavPointSharedMessage
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointShared
          extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointMessage.NavPointSharedMessage
All Implemented Interfaces:
IWorldObject, ILocated, ILocomotive, ISharedWorldObject, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public class NavPointMessage.NavPointSharedMessage
extends NavPointShared

Implementation of the shared part of the GameBots2004 message NAV, used to facade NAVMessage.

Complete message documentation: Synchronous message - however only NavPoints marking item pickup locations are exported synchronously. Other NavPoints are not exported synchronously at all, even if the bot can actually see them (but note that ALL NavPoints are exported in the handshake between bot and the server). Exporting NavPoints synchronously took a lot of UT server resources with limited information gain (in Pogamut there is now available visibility matrix holding static information which points can be seen from other points). NavPoint carries information about UT navigation point - location, paths and some additional information are stored there (if it is an ambush point, or sniper point, etc.).

Field Summary
protected  IntProperty myDomPointController
          Exported if this NavPoint is a DominationPoint (for BotDoubleDomination game) - which team controls this point.
protected  BooleanProperty myDoorOpened
          True if this NavPoint is a Door and door is opened.
protected  BooleanProperty myItemSpawned
          True if the item is spawned at the point.
protected  LocationProperty myLocation
          Location of navigation point.
protected  VelocityProperty myVelocity
          Velocity of the navigation point (if the navigation point is currently moving).
protected  HashMap<PropertyId,ISharedProperty> propertyMap
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointShared
DomPointControllerPropertyToken, DoorOpenedPropertyToken, ItemSpawnedPropertyToken, LocationPropertyToken, SharedPropertyTokens, SimTime, VelocityPropertyToken
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 NavPointMessage.NavPointSharedMessage clone()
 int getDomPointController()
          Exported if this NavPoint is a DominationPoint (for BotDoubleDomination game) - which team controls this point.
 UnrealId getId()
          A unique Id of this navigation point assigned by the game.
 Location getLocation()
          Location of navigation point.
 Map<PropertyId,ISharedProperty> getProperties()
 ISharedProperty getProperty(PropertyId id)
 Velocity getVelocity()
          Velocity of the navigation point (if the navigation point is currently moving).
 boolean isDoorOpened()
          True if this NavPoint is a Door and door is opened.
 boolean isItemSpawned()
          True if the item is spawned at the point.
 String toHtmlString()
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointShared
getCompositeClass, getSimTime, setSimTime
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected HashMap<PropertyId,ISharedProperty> propertyMap


protected LocationProperty myLocation
Location of navigation point.


protected VelocityProperty myVelocity
Velocity of the navigation point (if the navigation point is currently moving). Not sent at the moment.


protected BooleanProperty myItemSpawned
True if the item is spawned at the point. Not sent if point is not an inventory spot.


protected BooleanProperty myDoorOpened
True if this NavPoint is a Door and door is opened. Not sent if point is not a door.


protected IntProperty myDomPointController
Exported if this NavPoint is a DominationPoint (for BotDoubleDomination game) - which team controls this point.

Constructor Detail


public NavPointMessage.NavPointSharedMessage()
Method Detail


public NavPointMessage.NavPointSharedMessage clone()
Specified by:
clone in interface ISharedWorldObject
Specified by:
clone in class NavPointShared


public ISharedProperty getProperty(PropertyId id)


public Map<PropertyId,ISharedProperty> getProperties()


public UnrealId getId()
A unique Id of this navigation point assigned by the game.

Specified by:
getId in interface IWorldObject
Specified by:
getId in class NavPointShared


public Location getLocation()
Location of navigation point.

Specified by:
getLocation in interface ILocated
Specified by:
getLocation in class NavPointShared


public Velocity getVelocity()
Velocity of the navigation point (if the navigation point is currently moving). Not sent at the moment.

Specified by:
getVelocity in interface ILocomotive
Specified by:
getVelocity in class NavPointShared


public boolean isItemSpawned()
True if the item is spawned at the point. Not sent if point is not an inventory spot.

Specified by:
isItemSpawned in class NavPointShared


public boolean isDoorOpened()
True if this NavPoint is a Door and door is opened. Not sent if point is not a door.

Specified by:
isDoorOpened in class NavPointShared


public int getDomPointController()
Exported if this NavPoint is a DominationPoint (for BotDoubleDomination game) - which team controls this point.

Specified by:
getDomPointController in class NavPointShared


public String toString()
toString in class NavPointShared


public String toHtmlString()
toHtmlString in class NavPointShared

Copyright © 2014 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.