Uses of Class

Packages that use InitedMessage Abstract classes used for creating concrete bots.   

Uses of InitedMessage in

Methods in with parameters of type InitedMessage
 void IUT2004BotController.botFirstSpawn(GameInfo gameInfo, ConfigChange currentConfig, InitedMessage init, Self self)
          This method is called only once whenever first batch of information what the bot can see is received.
 void IUT2004BotController.botInitialized(GameInfo gameInfo, ConfigChange currentConfig, InitedMessage init)
          This method is called whenever InitedMessage is received.

Uses of InitedMessage in

Methods in with parameters of type InitedMessage
 void UT2004BotController.botFirstSpawn(GameInfo gameInfo, ConfigChange currentConfig, InitedMessage init, Self self)
 void UT2004BotController.botInitialized(GameInfo gameInfo, ConfigChange currentConfig, InitedMessage init)

Uses of InitedMessage in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages

Subclasses of InitedMessage in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages
 class InitedMessageCompositeImpl
          Composite implementation of the INITED abstract message.
 class InitedMessageMessage
          Implementation of the GameBots2004 message INITED contains also its Local/Shared/Static subpart class definitions..

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages that return InitedMessage
 InitedMessage UT2004CompositeObjectCreator.InitedMessageCreator.create(ILocalWorldObject localPart, ISharedWorldObject sharedPart, IStaticWorldObject staticPart)

Constructors in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages with parameters of type InitedMessage
InitedMessage.InitedMessageUpdate(InitedMessage source, long eventTime, ITeamId teamId)
InitedMessageLocalImpl(InitedMessage original)
          Cloning constructor from the full message.
InitedMessageStaticImpl(InitedMessage original)
          Cloning constructor from the full message.

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