Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDescriptorFactory

Uses of IDescriptorFactory in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.translator.itemdescriptor

Classes in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.translator.itemdescriptor that implement IDescriptorFactory
 class AdrenalineDescriptorFactory
          An adrenaline factory takes care about all items which fall into a ItemType.Category#ADRENALINE.
 class AmmoDescriptorFactory
          An ammo factory takes care about all items which fall into a category Ammo.
 class ArmorDescriptorFactory
          An ammo factory takes care about all items which fall into a ItemType.Category#ARMOR.
 class GeneralDescriptorFactory
 class HealthDescriptorFactory
          A health factory takes care about all items which fall into a category Health.
 class ItemDescriptorFactory
          This factory handles default item category messages.
 class OtherDescriptorFactory
          An 'other item type' factory takes care about all items which fall into a ItemType.Category#OTHER.
 class ShieldDescriptorFactory
          A shield factory takes care about all items which fall into a ItemType.Category#SHIELD.
 class WeaponDescriptorFactory
          A weapon factory takes care about all items which fall into a category Weapon.

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