Uses of Class

Packages that use Flag

Uses of Flag in cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag

Subclasses of Flag in cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag
 class FlagInteger
          This class is cruicial in order to have synchronized increments on the integer flag.
 class ImmutableFlag<T>
          Flag whhich value cannot be set.
 class ImmutableReasonFlag<T,R>
          Reason flag whose value cannot be set.
 class ReasonFlag<TYPE,REASON>
          Allows you to pass reasons of flag change along with new value of the flag.

Uses of Flag in cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag.connective

Subclasses of Flag in cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag.connective
 class And
 class Connective
          Used to create logical expression out of different flags.
 class Or

Fields in cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag.connective with type parameters of type Flag
protected  Set<Flag<Boolean>> Connective.flags

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag.connective with parameters of type Flag
static Or Or.get(Flag<Boolean>[] flags)
static And And.get(Flag<Boolean>[] flags)
static Or Or.get(Flag<Boolean> flag1, Flag<Boolean> flag2)
static Or Or.get(Flag<Boolean> flag1, Flag<Boolean> flag2)
static And And.get(Flag<Boolean> flag1, Flag<Boolean> flag2)
static And And.get(Flag<Boolean> flag1, Flag<Boolean> flag2)

Constructors in cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag.connective with parameters of type Flag
Connective(Flag<Boolean>[] flags)
Connective(Flag<Boolean> flag1, Flag<Boolean> flag2)
Connective(Flag<Boolean> flag1, Flag<Boolean> flag2)
ConnectiveListener(Connective connective, Flag<Boolean> flag, int myIndex)

Uses of Flag in cz.cuni.amis.utils.future

Constructors in cz.cuni.amis.utils.future with parameters of type Flag
FlagFuture(Flag<FlagType> waitFlag, FlagType terminalFlagValue, Result resultValue)
          Initializing future to wait for 'terminalFlagValue' at 'waitFlag', when that happens complete itself with result 'resultValue'.
FlagFuture(Flag<FlagType> waitFlag, Map<FlagType,Result> terminalMap)
          In constructor you have to specify a flag where the future should listen at + terminal states for the future (terminalMap).

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