Package math.geom2d.conic

Package class diagram package math.geom2d.conic
Definition of various conic curves like circles, ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas, and their resepctive arcs.


Interface Summary
CircularShape2D Tagging interface for grouping Circle2D and CircleArc2D.
Conic2D Interface for all conic curves: parametric conics, or ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas.

Class Summary
Circle2D A circle in the plane, defined as the set of points located at an equal distance from the circle center.
CircleArc2D A circle arc, defined by the center and the radius of the containing circle, by a starting angle, and by a (signed) angle extent.
Conic2DUtils Generic class providing utilities for manipulating conics.
Ellipse2D An ellipse in the plane.
EllipseArc2D An arc of ellipse.
Hyperbola2D An Hyperbola, which is represented as a curve set of two boundary curves which are instances of HyperbolaBranch2D.
HyperbolaBranch2D Branch of an Hyperbola2D.
HyperbolaBranchArc2D An arc of hyperbola, defined from the parent hyperbola branch, and two positions on the parent curve.
Parabola2D A parabola, defined by its vertex, its orientation, and its pedal.
ParabolaArc2D An arc of parabola, defined by a parent parabola, and two limits for the parametrization.

Enum Summary
Conic2D.Type The different types of conic.

Package math.geom2d.conic Description

Definition of various conic curves like circles, ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas, and their resepctive arcs.

The 3 main conic classes are Ellipse2D (and its descendent Circle2D), Parabola2D, and Hyperbola2D, which all implement the Conic2D interface.

Hyperbolas are divided into 2 continuous curves, called HyperbolaBranch2D.

Each conic can be used to define conic arcs: EllipseArc2D, CircleArc2D, ParabolaArc2D, or HyperbolaBranchArc2D.

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