Uses of Interface

Packages that use Curve3D
math.geom3d.curve Spatial geometry toolbox. 
math.geom3d.line Spatial geometry toolbox. 

Uses of Curve3D in math.geom3d.curve

Subinterfaces of Curve3D in math.geom3d.curve
 interface ContinuousCurve3D

Methods in math.geom3d.curve that return Curve3D
 Curve3D Curve3D.getReverseCurve()
          Returns the curve with same trace on the plane with parametrization in reverse order.
 Curve3D Curve3D.getSubCurve(double t0, double t1)
          Returns a portion of the original curve, delimited by two positions on the curve.
 Curve3D Curve3D.transform(AffineTransform3D trans)
          Transforms the curve by an affine transform.

Uses of Curve3D in math.geom3d.line

Classes in math.geom3d.line that implement Curve3D
 class LineSegment3D
 class StraightLine3D

Methods in math.geom3d.line that return Curve3D
 Curve3D LineSegment3D.getReverseCurve()
 Curve3D StraightLine3D.getSubCurve(double t0, double t1)
 Curve3D LineSegment3D.transform(AffineTransform3D trans)

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