Package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent

Package class diagram package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent
Interface Summary
IAgent MXBean interface - serves the purpose only to JMX, you should always derive your agent from at least AbstractAgent, even though it's not enforced right now it may be in the future!
IAgentId Extension of the IToken, it provides an ability to give an agent a human-readable name.
IControllable Interface providing a control methods for the implementors.
IEmbodiedAgent Embodied agents are agents that are physically present in the world.
IGhostAgent Interface of the agent that may observe the world and can even act inside it but does not have the body (notice that in case that the world contains agents-ghosts, that are "physically" being somewhere, they would be IEmbodiedAgent not this IGhostAgent).
IObservingAgent Observing agent is agent that may watch/observe the world, but is powerless to do anything inside it directly.

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