Package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.component.bus.event.impl

Package class diagram package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.component.bus.event.impl
Class Summary
ComponentEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent> Note that this is sort of utility class providing pretty-print (reflection based) for toString(), not every event must be descendant of this class.
FatalErrorEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>  
FatalErrorPropagatingEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>  
PausedEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>  
PausingEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>  
ResetEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>  
ResumedEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>  
ResumingEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>  
StartedEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>  
StartingEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>  
StartingPausedEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>  
StoppedEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>  
StoppingEvent<SOURCE extends IComponent>  

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