Package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.component.controller

Package class diagram package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.component.controller
Interface Summary
IComponentControlHelper Provides a way to control the component.
IComponentController<COMPONENT extends IComponent> The component controller is meant for simple IComponent NOT ISharedComponents (for them, use ISharedComponentController instead).
IComponentControllerBase<COMPONENT extends IComponent> Base interface for component controllers, be it IComponentController or ISharedComponentController.
ISharedComponentControlHelper Provides a way to control the shared component.
ISharedComponentController<COMPONENT extends ISharedComponent> The component controller is meant for simple ISharedComponent NOT IComponents (for them, use IComponentController instead).

Class Summary
AbstractComponentControllerBase<COMPONENT extends IComponent> Abstract class implementing some methods from IComponentControllerBase.
AbstractComponentControllerBase.AwaitState Used for filtering states we're awaiting on.
ComponentControlHelper Provides empty implementations of life-cycle methods defined by IComponentControlHelper - override only these that you need.
ComponentController<COMPONENT extends IComponent> Provides simple way for components to start/stop automatically based on the status of objects they depends on (e.g.
SharedComponentControlHelper Provides empty implementations of life-cycle methods defined by ISharedComponentControlHelper - override only these that you need.
SharedComponentController<COMPONENT extends ISharedComponent> Shared component controller is meant to provide management of lifecycle methods of the ISharedComponent while providing methods that has to be implemented by any ISharedComponent.

Enum Summary
ComponentDependencyType Defines the way the ComponentController behaves - when it calls IComponentControlHelper.init() and IComponentControlHelper.start() methods.

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