Uses of Class

Packages that use Player
cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.agent.module.sensor Utility classes concerning some aspects of the gameplay (mainly for UT). Utility classes wrapping various command messages.   

Uses of Player in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.agent.module.sensor

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.agent.module.sensor that return Player
 Player Senses.getBumpingPlayer()
          Returns tha Player object of the player the bot has bumped into (if it was a bot).
 Player Players.getNearestEnemy(double recentlyVisibleTime)
          Returns nearest enemy that is visible or that was 'recently' visible.
 Player Players.getNearestFriend(double recentlyVisibleTime)
          Returns nearest friend that is visible or that was 'recently' visible.
 Player AgentInfo.getNearestPlayer()
          Retrieves nearest known player to current agent location.
 Player Players.getNearestPlayer(double recently)
          Returns nearest player that is visible or that was 'recently' visible.
 Player Players.getNearestVisibleEnemy()
          Returns nearest-visible enemy - if no enemy is visible returns null.
 Player Players.getNearestVisibleFriend()
          Returns nearest-visible friend - if no friend is visible returns null.
 Player Players.getNearestVisiblePlayer()
          Returns nearest-visible player - if no if no player is visible returns null.
 Player AgentInfo.getNearestVisiblePlayer()
          Retrieves nearest visible player to current agent location.
 Player Players.getNearestVisiblePlayer(Collection<Player> players)
          Returns nearest-visible player to the bot from the collection of 'players' - if no player is visible returns null.
 Player Players.getPlayer(UnrealId UnrealId)
          Retreives last known info about given player.
 Player Players.getRandomVisibleEnemy()
          Returns random visible enemy - if no enemy is visible returns null.
 Player Players.getRandomVisibleFriend()
          Returns random friend - if no friend is visible returns null.
 Player Players.getRandomVisiblePlayer()
          Returns random visible player - if no if no player is visible returns null.
 Player Players.getReachablePlayer(UnrealId UnrealId)
          Retreives info about given player, but only it the player is reachable.
 Player Players.getVisiblePlayer(UnrealId UnrealId)
          Retreives info about given player, but only it the player is visible.

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.agent.module.sensor that return types with arguments of type Player
 Map<UnrealId,Player> Players.getEnemies()
          Retreives a Map of all enemies.
 Map<UnrealId,Player> Players.getFriends()
          Retreives a Map of all friends.
 Map<UnrealId,Player> Players.getPlayers()
          Retreives a Map of all players.
 Map<UnrealId,Player> Players.getReachableEnemies()
          Retreives a Map of all reachable enemies.
 Map<UnrealId,Player> Players.getReachableFriends()
          Retreives a Map of all reachable friends.
 Map<UnrealId,Player> Players.getReachablePlayers()
          Retreives a Map of all reachable players.
 Map<UnrealId,Player> Players.getVisibleEnemies()
          Retreives a Map of all visible enemies.
 Map<UnrealId,Player> Players.getVisibleFriends()
          Retreives a Map of all visible friends.
 Map<UnrealId,Player> Players.getVisiblePlayers()
          Retreives a Map of all visible players.

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.agent.module.sensor with parameters of type Player
 PlayerKilled Senses.getPlayerKilled(Player player)
          Returns detail information about the way the player has died.
 boolean Players.isEnemy(Player player)
          Tells, whether a given player is an enemy to the agent.
 boolean AgentInfo.isEnemy(Player player)
          Tells, whether a given player is an enemy to the agent.
 boolean Players.isFriend(Player player)
          Tells, whether a given player is a friend to the agent.
 boolean AgentInfo.isFriend(Player player)
          Tells, whether a given player is a friend to the agent.
 boolean Senses.isPlayerKilled(Player player)
          Tells whether some other player has just died.
 boolean Senses.isPlayerKilledOnce(Player player)
          Tells whether some other player has just died.

Method parameters in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.agent.module.sensor with type arguments of type Player
 Player Players.getNearestVisiblePlayer(Collection<Player> players)
          Returns nearest-visible player to the bot from the collection of 'players' - if no player is visible returns null.

Uses of Player in

Methods in with parameters of type Player
 void SimpleShooting.shoot(Player target)
          Bot will start shooting with his current weapon at the target provided.
 void AdvancedShooting.shoot(Player target)
 void AdvancedShooting.shootPrimary(Player target)
          Shortcut for 'shootPrimary(player.getId())', see AdvancedShooting.shootPrimary(UnrealId).
 void AdvancedShooting.shootPrimaryCharged(Player target, double chargeTime)
          Shortcut for 'shootPrimaryCharged(player.getId())', see AdvancedShooting.shootPrimaryCharged(UnrealId, double).
 void AdvancedShooting.shootSecondary(Player target)
          Shortcut for 'shootSecondary(player.getId())', see AdvancedShooting.shootSecondary(UnrealId).
 void AdvancedShooting.shootSecondaryCharged(Player target, double chargeTime)
          Shortcut for 'shootSecondaryCharged(player.getId())', see AdvancedShooting.shootSecondaryCharged(UnrealId, double).
 void AdvancedLocomotion.turnTo(Player player)
 void SimpleLocomotion.turnTo(Player player)
          Bot will turn to face 'player' (isseus GB TURNTO command), the bot will face the player even if it or the player moves.

Uses of Player in

Constructors in with parameters of type Player
NativeUDKBotAdapter(Player player, IUnrealServer server, IAct act, IWorldView worldView)

Uses of Player in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbinfomessages

Constructors in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbinfomessages with parameters of type Player
Player(Player original)
          Cloning constructor.
Player(Player Original, boolean Visible)
          Used to create event that drops the Visible flag of the item.

Uses of Player in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Player
 List<Player> PlayerListObtained.getPlayers()

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Player
PlayerListObtained(List<Player> list)

Uses of Player in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.server

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.server that return types with arguments of type Player
 cz.cuni.amis.utils.collections.ObservableCollection<Player> IUDKServer.getPlayers()
          Returns list of all players connected to the game server.

Uses of Player in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.server.impl

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.server.impl that return types with arguments of type Player
 cz.cuni.amis.utils.collections.ObservableCollection<Player> AbstractUDKServer.getPlayers()

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