Uses of Class

Packages that use SPStoryPlace   

Uses of SPStoryPlace in

Subclasses of SPStoryPlace in
 class SPStoryPlaceBase
          Place that doesn't contain more places - directly related to the virtual world.

Methods in that return SPStoryPlace
 SPStoryPlace SPStoryPlace.getInsidePlace()
          Returns the place that this one is a part.
 SPStoryPlace SPStoryWorld.getPlace(String name)
 SPStoryPlace SPStoryWorld.getPlace(cz.cuni.amis.utils.token.Token name)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type SPStoryPlace
protected  Map<cz.cuni.amis.utils.token.Token,SPStoryPlace> SPStoryWorld.getAllPlaces()
 Set<SPStoryPlace> SPStoryPlace.getContainsAllPlaces()
          Returns all places that are inside this one.
 Set<SPStoryPlace> SPStoryPlaceBase.getContainsAllPlaces()
          Base places don't contains any places...
 Set<SPStoryPlace> SPStoryPlace.getContainsPlaces()
          Returns set with places this one contains (not recursive!).
 Set<SPStoryPlace> SPStoryPlaceBase.getContainsPlaces()
          Base places don't contains any places...
 Set<SPStoryPlace> SPStoryPlace.getHigherPlaces()
          Returns set of all places this one is a part of.
 Map<cz.cuni.amis.utils.token.Token,SPStoryPlace> SPStoryWorldData.getPlaces()

Methods in with parameters of type SPStoryPlace
 boolean SPStoryPlace.contains(SPStoryPlace place)
 List<NavPoint> SPStoryWorld.getPath(SPLocation from, SPStoryPlace place)
          Finds shortest path between the nearest navpoint to "from" and the "place", searching all the navpoints that is contained inside the place.
 boolean SPStoryWorld.isInside(SPLocation location, SPStoryPlace place)
          Returns whether 'location' belongs to the 'place'.
protected  void SPStoryPlace.setInsidePlace(SPStoryPlace place)
          Used to inject the insidePlace after construction with "name" only (needed because the xml definition may be written the way it needs to be processed twiced, 1) create SPStoryPlaces, 2) inject inside)

Constructors in with parameters of type SPStoryPlace
SPStoryPlace(String name, SPStoryPlace inside)
SPStoryPlaceBase(String name, SPStoryPlace inside, String[] navPoints)
SPStoryWorldData(SPStoryPlace[] places, SPStoryPlaceBase[] bases)

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