Class Initialize

Package class diagram package Initialize
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.CommandMessage
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbcommands.Initialize

public class Initialize
extends CommandMessage

Representation of the GameBots2004 command INIT. Message you'll send at the beginning of the communication to create a bot in the game. You must send this message before you can have a character to play in the game.

Field Summary
protected  Boolean AutoPickupOff
          It enables/disables automatic pickup of the bot.
protected  Boolean AutoTrace
          Enables/disables auto ray tracing feature.
protected  String ClassName
          Sets the Unreal Tournament class of the bot that should be used.
protected  Integer DesiredSkill
          Can range from 0 to 7.
protected  String Jmx
          Sets the jmx adress we can use to debug the bot from Java (if we are using Pogamut).
protected  Location Location
          Specify start location, if unspecified, then random.
protected  Boolean ManualSpawn
          Sets if the bot wil have tol be respawned after death manually by RESPAWN command.
protected  String Name
          Desired name.
protected  Boolean NewSelfBatchProtocol
          If set to true new synchronous batch procotol will be used.
static String PROTOTYPE
          Example how the message looks like - used during parser tests.
protected  Rotation Rotation
          Specify start rotation, if unspecified, then random.
protected  Boolean ShouldLeadTarget
          When firing slow projectiles (missiles...), if the engine will try to count the impact point for the bot or not (when shooting at moving targets).
protected  String Skin
          Sets the bot current skin (e.g.
protected  Integer Team
          Preferred team.
Constructor Summary
          Creates new instance of command Initialize.
Initialize(Initialize original)
          Cloning constructor.
Initialize(String Name, Integer Team, Boolean ManualSpawn, Boolean AutoTrace, Location Location, Rotation Rotation, String Skin, Integer DesiredSkill, Boolean ShouldLeadTarget, Boolean AutoPickupOff, Boolean NewSelfBatchProtocol, String Jmx, String ClassName)
          Creates new instance of command Initialize.
Method Summary
 String getClassName()
          Sets the Unreal Tournament class of the bot that should be used.
 Integer getDesiredSkill()
          Can range from 0 to 7.
 String getJmx()
          Sets the jmx adress we can use to debug the bot from Java (if we are using Pogamut).
 Location getLocation()
          Specify start location, if unspecified, then random.
 String getName()
          Desired name.
 Rotation getRotation()
          Specify start rotation, if unspecified, then random.
 String getSkin()
          Sets the bot current skin (e.g.
 Integer getTeam()
          Preferred team.
 Boolean isAutoPickupOff()
          It enables/disables automatic pickup of the bot.
 Boolean isAutoTrace()
          Enables/disables auto ray tracing feature.
 Boolean isManualSpawn()
          Sets if the bot wil have tol be respawned after death manually by RESPAWN command.
 Boolean isNewSelfBatchProtocol()
          If set to true new synchronous batch procotol will be used.
 Boolean isShouldLeadTarget()
          When firing slow projectiles (missiles...), if the engine will try to count the impact point for the bot or not (when shooting at moving targets).
 Initialize setAutoPickupOff(Boolean AutoPickupOff)
          It enables/disables automatic pickup of the bot.
 Initialize setAutoTrace(Boolean AutoTrace)
          Enables/disables auto ray tracing feature.
 Initialize setClassName(String ClassName)
          Sets the Unreal Tournament class of the bot that should be used.
 Initialize setDesiredSkill(Integer DesiredSkill)
          Can range from 0 to 7.
 Initialize setJmx(String Jmx)
          Sets the jmx adress we can use to debug the bot from Java (if we are using Pogamut).
 Initialize setLocation(Location Location)
          Specify start location, if unspecified, then random.
 Initialize setManualSpawn(Boolean ManualSpawn)
          Sets if the bot wil have tol be respawned after death manually by RESPAWN command.
 Initialize setName(String Name)
          Desired name.
 Initialize setNewSelfBatchProtocol(Boolean NewSelfBatchProtocol)
          If set to true new synchronous batch procotol will be used.
 Initialize setRotation(Rotation Rotation)
          Specify start rotation, if unspecified, then random.
 Initialize setShouldLeadTarget(Boolean ShouldLeadTarget)
          When firing slow projectiles (missiles...), if the engine will try to count the impact point for the bot or not (when shooting at moving targets).
 Initialize setSkin(String Skin)
          Sets the bot current skin (e.g.
 Initialize setTeam(Integer Team)
          Preferred team.
 String toHtmlString()
 String toMessage()
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String PROTOTYPE
Example how the message looks like - used during parser tests.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected String Name
Desired name.


protected Integer Team
Preferred team. If illegal or no team provided, one will be provided for you. Normally a team game has team 0 and team 1. In BotDeathMatch, team is meaningless.


protected Boolean ManualSpawn
Sets if the bot wil have tol be respawned after death manually by RESPAWN command. If false, the bot will respawn automatically.


protected Boolean AutoTrace
Enables/disables auto ray tracing feature.


protected Location Location
Specify start location, if unspecified, then random.


protected Rotation Rotation
Specify start rotation, if unspecified, then random.


protected String Skin
Sets the bot current skin (e.g. "HumanMaleA.MercMaleA"). Find all packages and skins through unrealEd (Actor browser, search in UT2004/Animations folder). Supported bot skins are Aliens (Aliens.), Bots (Bot.), human males (HumanMaleA.), human females (HumanFemaleA. ), juggernauts (Jugg.). Skaarj skins are not supported at the time being.


protected Integer DesiredSkill
Can range from 0 to 7. This sets the bot accuracy. 1 lowest, 7 highest. Shouldn't have any other effect.


protected Boolean ShouldLeadTarget
When firing slow projectiles (missiles...), if the engine will try to count the impact point for the bot or not (when shooting at moving targets).


protected Boolean AutoPickupOff
It enables/disables automatic pickup of the bot. If true the items can be picked up through PICK command.


protected Boolean NewSelfBatchProtocol
If set to true new synchronous batch procotol will be used. Sync. batches will be sent more regularly containing SELF message only (based on SelfUpdateTime value). Visibility information will be still sent in synchronous batches, but not always, but each VisionTime. VisionTime now needs to be multiple of SelfUpdateTime and will be set to nearest multiple if set improperly. BEG and END message will contain new attribute VisUpdate telling if visibility update is sent in this batch or not.


protected String Jmx
Sets the jmx adress we can use to debug the bot from Java (if we are using Pogamut).


protected String ClassName
Sets the Unreal Tournament class of the bot that should be used. By default leave it blank. In UnrealRuntime2 it may be used to spawn bots of different class, see CharacterType class in project PogamutEmohawk project.

Constructor Detail


public Initialize(String Name,
                  Integer Team,
                  Boolean ManualSpawn,
                  Boolean AutoTrace,
                  Location Location,
                  Rotation Rotation,
                  String Skin,
                  Integer DesiredSkill,
                  Boolean ShouldLeadTarget,
                  Boolean AutoPickupOff,
                  Boolean NewSelfBatchProtocol,
                  String Jmx,
                  String ClassName)
Creates new instance of command Initialize. Message you'll send at the beginning of the communication to create a bot in the game. You must send this message before you can have a character to play in the game. Corresponding GameBots message for this command is INIT.

Name - Desired name.
Team - Preferred team. If illegal or no team provided, one will be provided for you. Normally a team game has team 0 and team 1. In BotDeathMatch, team is meaningless.
ManualSpawn - Sets if the bot wil have tol be respawned after death manually by RESPAWN command. If false, the bot will respawn automatically.
AutoTrace - Enables/disables auto ray tracing feature.
Location - Specify start location, if unspecified, then random.
Rotation - Specify start rotation, if unspecified, then random.
Skin - Sets the bot current skin (e.g. "HumanMaleA.MercMaleA"). Find all packages and skins through unrealEd (Actor browser, search in UT2004/Animations folder). Supported bot skins are Aliens (Aliens.), Bots (Bot.), human males (HumanMaleA.), human females (HumanFemaleA. ), juggernauts (Jugg.). Skaarj skins are not supported at the time being.
DesiredSkill - Can range from 0 to 7. This sets the bot accuracy. 1 lowest, 7 highest. Shouldn't have any other effect.
ShouldLeadTarget - When firing slow projectiles (missiles...), if the engine will try to count the impact point for the bot or not (when shooting at moving targets).
AutoPickupOff - It enables/disables automatic pickup of the bot. If true the items can be picked up through PICK command.
NewSelfBatchProtocol - If set to true new synchronous batch procotol will be used. Sync. batches will be sent more regularly containing SELF message only (based on SelfUpdateTime value). Visibility information will be still sent in synchronous batches, but not always, but each VisionTime. VisionTime now needs to be multiple of SelfUpdateTime and will be set to nearest multiple if set improperly. BEG and END message will contain new attribute VisUpdate telling if visibility update is sent in this batch or not.
Jmx - Sets the jmx adress we can use to debug the bot from Java (if we are using Pogamut).
ClassName - Sets the Unreal Tournament class of the bot that should be used. By default leave it blank. In UnrealRuntime2 it may be used to spawn bots of different class, see CharacterType class in project PogamutEmohawk project.


public Initialize()
Creates new instance of command Initialize. Message you'll send at the beginning of the communication to create a bot in the game. You must send this message before you can have a character to play in the game. Corresponding GameBots message for this command is INIT.

WARNING: this is empty-command constructor, you have to use setters to fill it up with data that should be sent to GameBots2004!


public Initialize(Initialize original)
Cloning constructor.

original -
Method Detail


public String getName()
Desired name.


public Initialize setName(String Name)
Desired name.


public Integer getTeam()
Preferred team. If illegal or no team provided, one will be provided for you. Normally a team game has team 0 and team 1. In BotDeathMatch, team is meaningless.


public Initialize setTeam(Integer Team)
Preferred team. If illegal or no team provided, one will be provided for you. Normally a team game has team 0 and team 1. In BotDeathMatch, team is meaningless.


public Boolean isManualSpawn()
Sets if the bot wil have tol be respawned after death manually by RESPAWN command. If false, the bot will respawn automatically.


public Initialize setManualSpawn(Boolean ManualSpawn)
Sets if the bot wil have tol be respawned after death manually by RESPAWN command. If false, the bot will respawn automatically.


public Boolean isAutoTrace()
Enables/disables auto ray tracing feature.


public Initialize setAutoTrace(Boolean AutoTrace)
Enables/disables auto ray tracing feature.


public Location getLocation()
Specify start location, if unspecified, then random.


public Initialize setLocation(Location Location)
Specify start location, if unspecified, then random.


public Rotation getRotation()
Specify start rotation, if unspecified, then random.


public Initialize setRotation(Rotation Rotation)
Specify start rotation, if unspecified, then random.


public String getSkin()
Sets the bot current skin (e.g. "HumanMaleA.MercMaleA"). Find all packages and skins through unrealEd (Actor browser, search in UT2004/Animations folder). Supported bot skins are Aliens (Aliens.), Bots (Bot.), human males (HumanMaleA.), human females (HumanFemaleA. ), juggernauts (Jugg.). Skaarj skins are not supported at the time being.


public Initialize setSkin(String Skin)
Sets the bot current skin (e.g. "HumanMaleA.MercMaleA"). Find all packages and skins through unrealEd (Actor browser, search in UT2004/Animations folder). Supported bot skins are Aliens (Aliens.), Bots (Bot.), human males (HumanMaleA.), human females (HumanFemaleA. ), juggernauts (Jugg.). Skaarj skins are not supported at the time being.


public Integer getDesiredSkill()
Can range from 0 to 7. This sets the bot accuracy. 1 lowest, 7 highest. Shouldn't have any other effect.


public Initialize setDesiredSkill(Integer DesiredSkill)
Can range from 0 to 7. This sets the bot accuracy. 1 lowest, 7 highest. Shouldn't have any other effect.


public Boolean isShouldLeadTarget()
When firing slow projectiles (missiles...), if the engine will try to count the impact point for the bot or not (when shooting at moving targets).


public Initialize setShouldLeadTarget(Boolean ShouldLeadTarget)
When firing slow projectiles (missiles...), if the engine will try to count the impact point for the bot or not (when shooting at moving targets).


public Boolean isAutoPickupOff()
It enables/disables automatic pickup of the bot. If true the items can be picked up through PICK command.


public Initialize setAutoPickupOff(Boolean AutoPickupOff)
It enables/disables automatic pickup of the bot. If true the items can be picked up through PICK command.


public Boolean isNewSelfBatchProtocol()
If set to true new synchronous batch procotol will be used. Sync. batches will be sent more regularly containing SELF message only (based on SelfUpdateTime value). Visibility information will be still sent in synchronous batches, but not always, but each VisionTime. VisionTime now needs to be multiple of SelfUpdateTime and will be set to nearest multiple if set improperly. BEG and END message will contain new attribute VisUpdate telling if visibility update is sent in this batch or not.


public Initialize setNewSelfBatchProtocol(Boolean NewSelfBatchProtocol)
If set to true new synchronous batch procotol will be used. Sync. batches will be sent more regularly containing SELF message only (based on SelfUpdateTime value). Visibility information will be still sent in synchronous batches, but not always, but each VisionTime. VisionTime now needs to be multiple of SelfUpdateTime and will be set to nearest multiple if set improperly. BEG and END message will contain new attribute VisUpdate telling if visibility update is sent in this batch or not.


public String getJmx()
Sets the jmx adress we can use to debug the bot from Java (if we are using Pogamut).


public Initialize setJmx(String Jmx)
Sets the jmx adress we can use to debug the bot from Java (if we are using Pogamut).


public String getClassName()
Sets the Unreal Tournament class of the bot that should be used. By default leave it blank. In UnrealRuntime2 it may be used to spawn bots of different class, see CharacterType class in project PogamutEmohawk project.


public Initialize setClassName(String ClassName)
Sets the Unreal Tournament class of the bot that should be used. By default leave it blank. In UnrealRuntime2 it may be used to spawn bots of different class, see CharacterType class in project PogamutEmohawk project.


public String toString()
toString in class CommandMessage


public String toHtmlString()


public String toMessage()

Copyright © 2015 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.