Uses of Interface

Packages that use IRaysFlagChanged

Uses of IRaysFlagChanged in Steerings

Classes in Steerings that implement IRaysFlagChanged
 class ObstacleAvoidanceSteer
          A class for providing obstacle avoiding steering via raycasting.
 class WallFollowingSteer
          A class for providing wall following steering to bots via raycasting.

Uses of IRaysFlagChanged in SteeringStuff

Methods in SteeringStuff with parameters of type IRaysFlagChanged
 void RaycastingManager.addRayFlagChangedListener(SteeringType type, IRaysFlagChanged listener)
          Adds new ISteeringPropertiesChangedListener - he will listen for changes in some steering properties.
 void RaycastingManager.addRays(SteeringType type, LinkedList<SteeringRay> rayList, IRaysFlagChanged listener)
          Adds rays of the type.

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