Uses of Interface

Packages that use CirculinearBoundary2D
math.geom2d.circulinear Definition of circulinear shapes and some implementations. 
math.geom2d.conic Definition of various conic curves like circles, ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas, and their resepctive arcs. 
math.geom2d.line Implementations of 'linear shapes', i.e. curves which can be embedded into a straight lines, like straight lines, line segments, or rays
math.geom2d.polygon Definitions and implementations of shapes composed several line segments: polylines, rings, polygons. 

Uses of CirculinearBoundary2D in math.geom2d.circulinear

Subinterfaces of CirculinearBoundary2D in math.geom2d.circulinear
 interface CircleLine2D
          Tagging interface to be able to consider in a same way circles and lines.
 interface CirculinearContour2D
          Tagging interface to gather Continuous and boundary circulinear curves.
 interface CirculinearRing2D
          Future interface for circulinear boundary curves which are both bounded and closed.

Classes in math.geom2d.circulinear that implement CirculinearBoundary2D
 class BoundaryPolyCirculinearCurve2D<T extends CirculinearContinuousCurve2D>
          A continuous boundary which is composed of several continuous circulinear curves.
 class CirculinearBoundarySet2D<T extends CirculinearContour2D>
          A circulinear boundary which is composed of several CirculinearRing2D.
 class GenericCirculinearRing2D
          A basic implementation of a CirculinearRing2D, which is supposed to be always bounded and closed.

Methods in math.geom2d.circulinear that return CirculinearBoundary2D
 CirculinearBoundary2D GenericCirculinearDomain2D.getBoundary()
 CirculinearBoundary2D CirculinearDomain2D.getBoundary()

Constructors in math.geom2d.circulinear with parameters of type CirculinearBoundary2D
GenericCirculinearDomain2D(CirculinearBoundary2D boundary)

Uses of CirculinearBoundary2D in math.geom2d.conic

Classes in math.geom2d.conic that implement CirculinearBoundary2D
 class Circle2D
          A circle in the plane, defined as the set of points located at an equal distance from the circle center.

Uses of CirculinearBoundary2D in math.geom2d.line

Classes in math.geom2d.line that implement CirculinearBoundary2D
 class ClosedPolyline2D
          Deprecated. use math.geom2d.polygon.Ring2D instead (0.7.0)
 class StraightLine2D
          Implementation of a straight line.

Uses of CirculinearBoundary2D in math.geom2d.polygon

Classes in math.geom2d.polygon that implement CirculinearBoundary2D
 class LinearRing2D
           A LinearRing2D is a Polyline2D whose last point is connected to the first one.
 class Ring2D
          Deprecated. replaced by LinearRing2D (0.8.0)

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