Class Ellipse2D

Package class diagram package Ellipse2D
  extended by math.geom2d.curve.AbstractContinuousCurve2D
      extended by math.geom2d.curve.AbstractSmoothCurve2D
          extended by math.geom2d.conic.Ellipse2D
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Conic2D, ContinuousCurve2D, Curve2D, SmoothCurve2D, Boundary2D, ContinuousBoundary2D, ContinuousOrientedCurve2D, OrientedCurve2D, SmoothBoundary2D, SmoothOrientedCurve2D, Shape2D
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Ellipse2D
extends AbstractSmoothCurve2D
implements SmoothBoundary2D, Conic2D, Cloneable

An ellipse in the plane. It is defined by the center, the orientation angle, and the lengths of the two axis. No convention is taken about lengths of semiaxis : the second semi axis can be greater than the first one.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface math.geom2d.conic.Conic2D
Field Summary
protected  boolean direct
          directed ellipse or not
protected  double r1
          length of major semi-axis
protected  double r2
          length of minor semi-axis
protected  double theta
          orientation of major semi-axis
protected  double xc
          coordinate of center.
protected  double yc
Fields inherited from interface math.geom2d.Shape2D
Constructor Summary
          Empty constructor, define ellipse centered at origin with both major and minor semi-axis with length equal to 1.
Ellipse2D(double xc, double yc, double l1, double l2)
          Define center by coordinate, plus major and minor semi axis
Ellipse2D(double xc, double yc, double l1, double l2, double theta)
          Define center by coordinate, major and minor semi axis lengths, and orientation angle.
Ellipse2D(double xc, double yc, double l1, double l2, double theta, boolean direct)
          Define center by coordinate, major and minor semi axis lengths, orientation angle, and boolean flag for directed ellipse.
Ellipse2D(Ellipse2D ellipse)
          construct an ellipse from the java.awt.geom class for ellipse.
Ellipse2D(Point2D center, double l1, double l2)
          Main constructor: define center by a point plus major and minor semi axis
Ellipse2D(Point2D center, double l1, double l2, double theta)
          Define center by point, major and minor semi axis lengths, and orientation angle.
Method Summary
 GeneralPath appendPath(GeneralPath path)
          Add the path of the ellipse to the given path.
 CurveSet2D<? extends SmoothOrientedCurve2D> clip(Box2D box)
          Clip the ellipse by a box.
 Ellipse2D clone()
          Overrides Object declaration to ensure Curve2D implementation are cloned as Curve2D.
 boolean contains(double x, double y)
          Return true if the point (x, y) lies on the ellipse, with precision given by Shape2D.ACCURACY.
 boolean contains(Point2D p)
          Return true if the point p lies on the ellipse, with precision given by Shape2D.ACCURACY.
static Ellipse2D create(Ellipse2D ellipse)
          Constructs an ellipse from the java.awt.geom class for ellipse.
static Ellipse2D create(Point2D center, double l1, double l2)
          Main constructor: define center by a point plus major and minor semi axis
static Ellipse2D create(Point2D center, double l1, double l2, double theta)
          Define center by point, major and minor semi axis lengths, and orientation angle.
static Ellipse2D create(Point2D center, double l1, double l2, double theta, boolean direct)
          Define center by point, major and minor semi axis lengths, orientation angle, and boolean flag for direct ellipse.
static Ellipse2D create(Point2D focus1, Point2D focus2, double chord)
          Create a new Ellipse by specifying the two focii, and the length of the chord.
 void draw(Graphics2D g2)
          Draws the curve on the given Graphics2D object.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
 void fill(Graphics2D g2)
 double getAngle()
          return the angle of the ellipse first axis with the Ox axis.
 Collection<? extends Ellipse2D> getBoundaryCurves()
          Returns the different continuous curves composing the boundary
 Box2D getBoundingBox()
          Return more precise bounds for the ellipse.
 Point2D getCenter()
          Returns center of the ellipse.
 double[] getConicCoefficients()
          Returns the conic coefficients of the ellipse.
 Conic2D.Type getConicType()
 Collection<? extends Ellipse2D> getContinuousCurves()
          Returns the collection of continuous curves which constitute this curve.
 double getCurvature(double t)
          Returns the curvature of the ellipse.
 double getDistance(double x, double y)
          get the distance of the shape to the given point, specified by x and y, or the distance of point to the frontier of the shape in the case of a plain (i.e. fillable) shape.
 double getDistance(Point2D point)
          get the distance of the shape to the given point, or the distance of point to the frontier of the shape in the case of a plain shape.
 Domain2D getDomain()
          Returns the domain delimited by this boundary.
 double getEccentricity()
          Computes eccentricity of ellipse, depending on the lengths of the semi-axes.
 Point2D getFirstPoint()
          Get the first point of the ellipse, which is the same as the last point.
 Point2D getFocus1()
          Return the first focus.
 Point2D getFocus2()
          Returns the second focus.
 GeneralPath getGeneralPath()
 Collection<Point2D> getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
          Compute intersections of the ellipse with a straight object (line, line segment, ray...).
 Point2D getLastPoint()
          Get the last point of the ellipse, which is the same as the first point.
 Ellipse2D getParallel(double d)
          Return the parallel ellipse located at a distance d from this ellipse.
 Point2D getPoint(double t)
          get the position of the curve from internal parametric representation, depending on the parameter t.
 double getPosition(Point2D point)
          Get position of the point on the curve.
 Point2D getProjectedPoint(Point2D point)
 Vector2D getProjectedVector(Point2D point, double eMax)
          Compute projection of a point onto an ellipse.
 Ellipse2D getReverseCurve()
          Returns the ellipse with same center and same radius, but with the other orientation.
 double getRho(double angle)
          Return the RHO parameter, in a polar representation of the ellipse, centered at the center of ellipse.
 double getSemiMajorAxisLength()
          Returns the length of the major semi-axis of the ellipse.
 double getSemiMinorAxisLength()
          Returns the length of the minor semi-axis of the ellipse.
 double getSignedDistance(double x, double y)
          The same as getSignedDistance(Point2D), but by passing 2 double as arguments.
 double getSignedDistance(Point2D point)
          Get the signed distance of the curve to the given point: this distance is positive if the point lies outside the shape, and is negative if the point lies inside the shape.
 EllipseArc2D getSubCurve(double t0, double t1)
          return a new EllipseArc2D.
 double getT0()
          Returns the parameter of the first point of the ellipse, set to 0.
 double getT1()
          Returns the parameter of the last point of the ellipse, set to 2*PI.
 Vector2D getTangent(double t)
 Vector2D getVector1()
 Vector2D getVector2()
 double getWindingAngle(Point2D point)
          Return either 0, 2*PI or -2*PI, depending whether the point is located inside the interior of the ellipse or not.
 boolean isBounded()
          Always returns true, because an ellipse is bounded.
 boolean isCircle()
 boolean isClosed()
          Returns true, as an ellipse is always closed.
 boolean isDirect()
          return true if ellipse has a direct orientation.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Returns true if the shape does not contain any point.
 boolean isInside(Point2D point)
          Test whether the point is inside the ellipse.
 double project(Point2D point)
          Computes the approximate projection position of the point on the ellipse.
static Ellipse2D reduceCentered(double[] coefs)
          Creates a new Ellipse by reducing the conic coefficients, assuming conic type is ellipse, and ellipse is centered.
 void setCenter(double x, double y)
          Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release
 void setCenter(Point2D center)
          Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release
 void setEllipse(double xc, double yc, double r1, double r2, double theta)
          Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release
 void setEllipse(double xc, double yc, double r1, double r2, double theta, boolean direct)
          Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release
 void setEllipse(Point2D center, double r1, double r2, double theta)
          Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release
 void setEllipse(Point2D center, double r1, double r2, double theta, boolean direct)
          Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release
 String toString()
 Ellipse2D transform(AffineTransform2D trans)
          Transforms this ellipse by an affine transform.
static Ellipse2D transformCentered(Ellipse2D ellipse, AffineTransform2D trans)
          Transform an ellipse, by supposing both the ellipse is centered and the transform has no translation part.
Methods inherited from class math.geom2d.curve.AbstractSmoothCurve2D
getLeftTangent, getRightTangent, getSingularPoints, getSmoothPieces, isSingular
Methods inherited from class math.geom2d.curve.AbstractContinuousCurve2D
getAsAWTShape, getAsPolyline, wrapCurve
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface math.geom2d.curve.ContinuousCurve2D
getAsPolyline, getLeftTangent, getRightTangent, getSmoothPieces
Methods inherited from interface math.geom2d.curve.Curve2D
getAsAWTShape, getSingularPoints, isSingular

Field Detail


protected double xc
coordinate of center.


protected double yc


protected double r1
length of major semi-axis


protected double r2
length of minor semi-axis


protected double theta
orientation of major semi-axis


protected boolean direct
directed ellipse or not

Constructor Detail


public Ellipse2D()
Empty constructor, define ellipse centered at origin with both major and minor semi-axis with length equal to 1.


public Ellipse2D(Point2D center,
                 double l1,
                 double l2)
Main constructor: define center by a point plus major and minor semi axis


public Ellipse2D(double xc,
                 double yc,
                 double l1,
                 double l2)
Define center by coordinate, plus major and minor semi axis


public Ellipse2D(Point2D center,
                 double l1,
                 double l2,
                 double theta)
Define center by point, major and minor semi axis lengths, and orientation angle.


public Ellipse2D(double xc,
                 double yc,
                 double l1,
                 double l2,
                 double theta)
Define center by coordinate, major and minor semi axis lengths, and orientation angle.


public Ellipse2D(double xc,
                 double yc,
                 double l1,
                 double l2,
                 double theta,
                 boolean direct)
Define center by coordinate, major and minor semi axis lengths, orientation angle, and boolean flag for directed ellipse.


public Ellipse2D(Ellipse2D ellipse)
construct an ellipse from the java.awt.geom class for ellipse.

Method Detail


public static Ellipse2D create(Point2D focus1,
                               Point2D focus2,
                               double chord)
Create a new Ellipse by specifying the two focii, and the length of the chord. The chord equals the sum of distances between a point of the ellipse and each focus.

focus1 - the first focus
focus2 - the second focus
chord - the sum of distances to focii
a new instance of Ellipse2D


public static Ellipse2D create(Point2D center,
                               double l1,
                               double l2)
Main constructor: define center by a point plus major and minor semi axis


public static Ellipse2D create(Point2D center,
                               double l1,
                               double l2,
                               double theta)
Define center by point, major and minor semi axis lengths, and orientation angle.


public static Ellipse2D create(Point2D center,
                               double l1,
                               double l2,
                               double theta,
                               boolean direct)
Define center by point, major and minor semi axis lengths, orientation angle, and boolean flag for direct ellipse.


public static Ellipse2D create(Ellipse2D ellipse)
Constructs an ellipse from the java.awt.geom class for ellipse.


public static final Ellipse2D reduceCentered(double[] coefs)
Creates a new Ellipse by reducing the conic coefficients, assuming conic type is ellipse, and ellipse is centered.

coefs - an array of double with at least 3 coefficients containing coefficients for x^2, xy, and y^2 factors.
the Ellipse2D corresponding to given coefficients


public static final Ellipse2D transformCentered(Ellipse2D ellipse,
                                                AffineTransform2D trans)
Transform an ellipse, by supposing both the ellipse is centered and the transform has no translation part.

ellipse - an ellipse
trans - an affine transform
the transformed ellipse, centered around origin


public void setEllipse(double xc,
                                  double yc,
                                  double r1,
                                  double r2,
                                  double theta)
Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release


public void setEllipse(double xc,
                                  double yc,
                                  double r1,
                                  double r2,
                                  double theta,
                                  boolean direct)
Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release


public void setEllipse(Point2D center,
                                  double r1,
                                  double r2,
                                  double theta)
Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release


public void setEllipse(Point2D center,
                                  double r1,
                                  double r2,
                                  double theta,
                                  boolean direct)
Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release


public void setCenter(Point2D center)
Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release


public void setCenter(double x,
                                 double y)
Deprecated. conics will become immutable in a future release


public double getRho(double angle)
Return the RHO parameter, in a polar representation of the ellipse, centered at the center of ellipse.

angle - : angle from horizontal
distance of ellipse from ellipse center in direction theta


public Point2D getProjectedPoint(Point2D point)


public Vector2D getProjectedVector(Point2D point,
                                   double eMax)
Compute projection of a point onto an ellipse. Return the polar vector representing the translation from point point to its projection on the ellipse, with the direction parallel to the local normal to the ellipse. The parameter rho of the PolarVector2D is positive if point lies Refs :,

point -
eMax -
the projection vector


public Ellipse2D getParallel(double d)
Return the parallel ellipse located at a distance d from this ellipse. For direct ellipse, distance is positive outside of the ellipse, and negative inside


public boolean isDirect()
return true if ellipse has a direct orientation.


public boolean isCircle()


public Conic2D.Type getConicType()
Specified by:
getConicType in interface Conic2D


public double[] getConicCoefficients()
Returns the conic coefficients of the ellipse. Algorithm taken from

Specified by:
getConicCoefficients in interface Conic2D


public double getSemiMajorAxisLength()
Returns the length of the major semi-axis of the ellipse.


public double getSemiMinorAxisLength()
Returns the length of the minor semi-axis of the ellipse.


public double getEccentricity()
Computes eccentricity of ellipse, depending on the lengths of the semi-axes. Eccentricity is 0 for a circle (r1==r2), and tends to 1 when ellipse elongates.

Specified by:
getEccentricity in interface Conic2D


public Point2D getCenter()
Returns center of the ellipse.


public Point2D getFocus1()
Return the first focus. It is defined as the first focus on the Major axis, in the direction given by angle theta.


public Point2D getFocus2()
Returns the second focus. It is defined as the second focus on the Major axis, in the direction given by angle theta.


public Vector2D getVector1()


public Vector2D getVector2()


public double getAngle()
return the angle of the ellipse first axis with the Ox axis.


public Collection<? extends Ellipse2D> getBoundaryCurves()
Description copied from interface: Boundary2D
Returns the different continuous curves composing the boundary

Specified by:
getBoundaryCurves in interface Boundary2D


public Domain2D getDomain()
Description copied from interface: Boundary2D
Returns the domain delimited by this boundary.

Specified by:
getDomain in interface Boundary2D
the domain delimited by this boundary


public void fill(Graphics2D g2)
Specified by:
fill in interface Boundary2D


public double getWindingAngle(Point2D point)
Return either 0, 2*PI or -2*PI, depending whether the point is located inside the interior of the ellipse or not.

Specified by:
getWindingAngle in interface OrientedCurve2D
point - a point of the plane
a signed angle


public boolean isInside(Point2D point)
Test whether the point is inside the ellipse. The test is performed by rotating the ellipse and the point to align with axis, rescaling in each direction, then computing distance to origin.

Specified by:
isInside in interface Boundary2D
Specified by:
isInside in interface OrientedCurve2D
point - a point in the plane
true if the point is on the left side of the curve.


public double getSignedDistance(Point2D point)
Description copied from interface: OrientedCurve2D
Get the signed distance of the curve to the given point: this distance is positive if the point lies outside the shape, and is negative if the point lies inside the shape. In this case, absolute value of distance is equals to the distance to the border of the shape.

Specified by:
getSignedDistance in interface OrientedCurve2D
point - a point of the plane
the signed distance to the curve


public double getSignedDistance(double x,
                                double y)
Description copied from interface: OrientedCurve2D
The same as getSignedDistance(Point2D), but by passing 2 double as arguments.

Specified by:
getSignedDistance in interface OrientedCurve2D
x - x-coord of a point
y - y-coord of a point
the signed distance of the point (x,y) to the curve


public Vector2D getTangent(double t)
Specified by:
getTangent in interface SmoothCurve2D


public double getCurvature(double t)
Returns the curvature of the ellipse.

Specified by:
getCurvature in interface SmoothCurve2D


public boolean isClosed()
Returns true, as an ellipse is always closed.

Specified by:
isClosed in interface ContinuousCurve2D


public double getT0()
Returns the parameter of the first point of the ellipse, set to 0.

Specified by:
getT0 in interface Curve2D


public double getT1()
Returns the parameter of the last point of the ellipse, set to 2*PI.

Specified by:
getT1 in interface Curve2D


public Point2D getPoint(double t)
get the position of the curve from internal parametric representation, depending on the parameter t. This parameter is between the two limits 0 and 2*Math.PI.

Specified by:
getPoint in interface Curve2D


public Point2D getFirstPoint()
Get the first point of the ellipse, which is the same as the last point.

Specified by:
getFirstPoint in interface Curve2D
getFirstPoint in class AbstractContinuousCurve2D
the first point of the curve


public Point2D getLastPoint()
Get the last point of the ellipse, which is the same as the first point.

Specified by:
getLastPoint in interface Curve2D
getLastPoint in class AbstractContinuousCurve2D
the last point of the curve.


public double getPosition(Point2D point)
Description copied from interface: Curve2D
Get position of the point on the curve. If the point does not belong to the curve, return Double.NaN.

Specified by:
getPosition in interface Curve2D
point - a point belonging to the curve
the position of the point on the curve


public double project(Point2D point)
Computes the approximate projection position of the point on the ellipse. The ellipse is first converted to a unit circle, then the angular position of the point is computed in the transformed basis.

Specified by:
project in interface Curve2D
point - a point to project
the position of the closest orthogonal projection


public Ellipse2D getReverseCurve()
Returns the ellipse with same center and same radius, but with the other orientation.

Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface Conic2D
Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface ContinuousCurve2D
Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface Curve2D
Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface SmoothCurve2D
Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface Boundary2D
Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface ContinuousBoundary2D
Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface ContinuousOrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface OrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface SmoothBoundary2D
Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface SmoothOrientedCurve2D


public Collection<? extends Ellipse2D> getContinuousCurves()
Description copied from interface: Curve2D
Returns the collection of continuous curves which constitute this curve.

Specified by:
getContinuousCurves in interface Curve2D
getContinuousCurves in class AbstractContinuousCurve2D
a collection of continuous curves.


public EllipseArc2D getSubCurve(double t0,
                                double t1)
return a new EllipseArc2D.

Specified by:
getSubCurve in interface ContinuousCurve2D
Specified by:
getSubCurve in interface Curve2D
Specified by:
getSubCurve in interface SmoothCurve2D
Specified by:
getSubCurve in interface ContinuousOrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
getSubCurve in interface SmoothOrientedCurve2D
t0 - position of the start of the sub-curve
t1 - position of the end of the sub-curve
the portion of original curve comprised between t0 and t1.


public boolean isBounded()
Always returns true, because an ellipse is bounded.

Specified by:
isBounded in interface Shape2D


public boolean isEmpty()
Description copied from interface: Shape2D
Returns true if the shape does not contain any point. This is the case for example for PointSet2D without any point.

Specified by:
isEmpty in interface Shape2D
true if the shape does not contain any point.


public double getDistance(Point2D point)
Description copied from interface: Shape2D
get the distance of the shape to the given point, or the distance of point to the frontier of the shape in the case of a plain shape.

Specified by:
getDistance in interface Shape2D


public double getDistance(double x,
                          double y)
Description copied from interface: Shape2D
get the distance of the shape to the given point, specified by x and y, or the distance of point to the frontier of the shape in the case of a plain (i.e. fillable) shape.

Specified by:
getDistance in interface Shape2D


public CurveSet2D<? extends SmoothOrientedCurve2D> clip(Box2D box)
Clip the ellipse by a box. The result is an instance of CurveSet2D, which contains only instances of Ellipse2D or EllipseArc2D. If the ellipse is not clipped, the result is an instance of CurveSet2D which contains 0 curves.

Specified by:
clip in interface Conic2D
Specified by:
clip in interface ContinuousCurve2D
Specified by:
clip in interface Curve2D
Specified by:
clip in interface SmoothCurve2D
Specified by:
clip in interface ContinuousOrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
clip in interface OrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
clip in interface SmoothOrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
clip in interface Shape2D
box - the clipping box
the clipped shape


public Box2D getBoundingBox()
Return more precise bounds for the ellipse. Return an instance of Box2D.

Specified by:
getBoundingBox in interface Shape2D
the bounding box of the shape.


public Collection<Point2D> getIntersections(LinearShape2D line)
Compute intersections of the ellipse with a straight object (line, line segment, ray...).

Principle of the algorithm is to transform line and ellipse such that ellipse becomes a circle, then using the intersections computation from circle.

Specified by:
getIntersections in interface Curve2D


public Ellipse2D transform(AffineTransform2D trans)
Transforms this ellipse by an affine transform. If the transformed shape is a circle (ellipse with equal axis lengths), returns an instance of Circle2D. The resulting ellipse is direct if this ellipse and the transform are either both direct or both indirect.

Specified by:
transform in interface Conic2D
Specified by:
transform in interface ContinuousCurve2D
Specified by:
transform in interface Curve2D
Specified by:
transform in interface SmoothCurve2D
Specified by:
transform in interface Boundary2D
Specified by:
transform in interface ContinuousBoundary2D
Specified by:
transform in interface ContinuousOrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
transform in interface OrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
transform in interface SmoothBoundary2D
Specified by:
transform in interface SmoothOrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
transform in interface Shape2D
trans - an affine transform
the transformed shape


public boolean contains(Point2D p)
Return true if the point p lies on the ellipse, with precision given by Shape2D.ACCURACY.

Specified by:
contains in interface Shape2D


public boolean contains(double x,
                        double y)
Return true if the point (x, y) lies on the ellipse, with precision given by Shape2D.ACCURACY.

Specified by:
contains in interface Shape2D


public GeneralPath getGeneralPath()


public GeneralPath appendPath(GeneralPath path)
Add the path of the ellipse to the given path.

Specified by:
appendPath in interface ContinuousCurve2D
path - the path to be completed
the completed path


public void draw(Graphics2D g2)
Description copied from interface: Curve2D
Draws the curve on the given Graphics2D object.

Specified by:
draw in interface Curve2D
Specified by:
draw in interface Shape2D
draw in class AbstractContinuousCurve2D
g2 - the graphics to draw the curve


public boolean equals(Object obj)
equals in class Object


public Ellipse2D clone()
Description copied from interface: Curve2D
Overrides Object declaration to ensure Curve2D implementation are cloned as Curve2D.

Specified by:
clone in interface Curve2D
Specified by:
clone in class AbstractSmoothCurve2D
the cloned curve


public String toString()
toString in class Object

Copyright © 2015 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.