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1   package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.worldview.object;
3   /**
4    * Interface for all objects that can be found in the world.
5    *  
6    * @author Jimmy
7    */
8   public interface IWorldObject {
10  	/**
11  	 * Returns an id of the object that is unique among all world objects.
12  	 * @return
13  	 */
14  	public WorldObjectId getId();
16  	/**
17  	 * Returns world time when the object was seen/updated for the last time.
18  	 * <p><p>
19  	 * The time suppose to be growing as the simulation carries on.
20  	 * <p>
21  	 * Always should be actual_timestamp >= any_prevously_recorded_timestamp,
22  	 * <p><p>
23  	 * object1.getLastSeenTime() > object2.getLastSeenTime() means that object1 last seen after object2
24  	 * 
25  	 * @return
26  	 */
27  	public long getSimTime();
29  }