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1   package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.usar2004.agent.module.configuration;
3   import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.usar2004.agent.module.datatypes.ConfigType;
4   import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.usar2004.communication.messages.usarinfomessages.ConfigurationMessage;
5   import java.util.Map;
6   import java.util.Set;
8   /**
9    * Parent class for all possible configuration subjects. It covers the basic and
10   * common properties for all the configuration subjects.
11   *
12   * @author vejmanm
13   */
14  public abstract class SuperConfiguration
15  {
16      protected ConfigType confType;
17      protected ConfigurationMessage lastMessage;
19      /**
20       * Ctor.
21       *
22       * @param type Configuration type describes particular subject about which
23       * we want to know about. It is used to distinguish incoming message from
24       * the server.
25       */
26      public SuperConfiguration(ConfigType type)
27      {
28          this.confType = type;
29      }
31      /**
32       * Used to make sure the object is filled.
33       *
34       * @return Returns true if the object is filled with Conf. message.
35       */
36      public Boolean isReady()
37      {
38          return (lastMessage != null);
39      }
41      /**
42       * Type describes the vehicle type. It will be one of the following values:
43       * "GroundVehicle”, “LeggedRobot”, “NauticVehicle”, or “AerialVehicle” of
44       * "Camera" or some kind of sensor or effecter or "MisPkg".
45       *
46       * @return Returns type of the geometry message.
47       */
48      public String getType()
49      {
50          return lastMessage.getType();
51      }
53      /**
54       * Name of the subject that this geometry message concerns.
55       *
56       * @return Returns the name of the Geometry item.
57       */
58      public String getName()
59      {
60          return lastMessage.getName();
61      }
63      /**
64       * ConfigType is a descriptor used for creating particular instance and for
65       * getting type information about particular configuration subject.
66       *
67       * @return Returns ConfigType.
68       */
69      public ConfigType getConfigType()
70      {
71          return this.confType;
72      }
74      /**
75       * For a camera, sensor or effecter, a configuration message conatins a pair
76       * ‘{Name Value}’ that describes the feature of this sensor type. Different
77       * sensor types have different name value pairs. For detailed information,
78       * please refer to section 10 of USARSim manual v3.1.3 about how to
79       * configure the sensor.
80       *
81       * Example: CONF {Type Camera} {CameraDefFov 0.8727} {CameraMinFov 0.3491}
82       * {CameraMaxFov 2.0943} {CameraFov 0.8726}
83       *
84       * @return Returns keySet of features.
85       */
86      public Set<String> getFeatureNames()
87      {
88          return lastMessage.getFeatures().keySet();
89      }
91      /**
92       * For a camera, sensor or effecter, a configuration message conatins a pair
93       * ‘{Name Value}’ that describes the feature of this sensor type. Different
94       * sensor types have different name value pairs. For detailed information,
95       * please refer to section 10 of USARSim manual v3.1.3 about how to
96       * configure the sensor.
97       *
98       * Example: CONF {Type Camera} {CameraDefFov 0.8727} {CameraMinFov 0.3491}
99       * {CameraMaxFov 2.0943} {CameraFov 0.8726}
100      *
101      * @return Returns feature value by feature name from the feature map.
102      */
103     public String getFeatureValueBy(String Name)
104     {
105         return lastMessage.getFeatures().get(Name);
106     }
108     /**
109      * For a camera, sensor or effecter, a configuration message conatins a pair
110      * ‘{Name Value}’ that describes the feature of this sensor type. Different
111      * sensor types have different name value pairs. For detailed information,
112      * please refer to section 10 of USARSim manual v3.1.3 about how to
113      * configure the sensor.
114      *
115      * Example: CONF {Type Camera} {CameraDefFov 0.8727} {CameraMinFov 0.3491}
116      * {CameraMaxFov 2.0943} {CameraFov 0.8726}
117      *
118      * @return Returns the size of the feature map.
119      */
120     public int getFeatureSize()
121     {
122         return lastMessage.getFeatures().size();
123     }
125     /**
126      * For a camera, sensor or effecter, a configuration message conatins a pair
127      * ‘{Name Value}’ that describes the feature of this sensor type. Different
128      * sensor types have different name value pairs. For detailed information,
129      * please refer to section 10 of USARSim manual v3.1.3 about how to
130      * configure the sensor.
131      *
132      * Example: CONF {Type Camera} {CameraDefFov 0.8727} {CameraMinFov 0.3491}
133      * {CameraMaxFov 2.0943} {CameraFov 0.8726}
134      *
135      * @return Returns Map of features.
136      */
137     public Map<String, String> getFeatures()
138     {
139         return lastMessage.getFeatures();
140     }
142     /**
143      * Method used for updating the message object that provides particular
144      * properties for given type. Note that this object is created by yylex
145      * parser and contains properties for all configuration subject types. But
146      * only relevat to individual Config Subject are filled.
147      *
148      * @param message Configuration message from server.
149      */
150     public void updateMessage(ConfigurationMessage message)
151     {
152         lastMessage = message;
153     }
154 }