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1   package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.usar2004.agent.module.geometry;
3   import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.Location;
4   import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.Rotation;
5   import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.usar2004.agent.module.datatypes.GeometryType;
6   import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.usar2004.communication.messages.datatypes.SensorMount;
7   import java.util.List;
9   /**
10   * Geometry message representative for Sensors and Effecters.
11   *
12   * @author vejmanm
13   */
14  public class GeoSensorEffecter extends SuperGeometry
15  {
16      public static final GeometryType type = GeometryType.SENSOR_EFFECTER;
18      /**
19       * Ctor. Geometry type describes particular subject about which we
20       * want to know about. It is used to distinguish incoming message from the
21       * server.
22       */
23      public GeoSensorEffecter()
24      {
25          super(type);
26      }
28      /**
29       * Returns size of collection of sensor mounts.
30       *
31       * @return Returns size of collection of sensor mounts.
32       */
33      public int getSize()
34      {
35          return lastMessage.getSenEffGeo().size();
36      }
38      /**
39       * Camera, Sensor and effecter mounts are composed from Name, Location,
40       * Orientaion and Mount name. Returns null if none matches.
41       *
42       * Example: GEO {Type Camera} {Name Camera Location 0.0820,0.0002,0.0613
43       * Orientation 0.0000,-0.0000,0.0000 Mount CameraTilt}
44       *
45       * @return Returns a Lotaion of sensor mount matching input <b>Name</b>.
46       */
47      public Location getLocationBy(String Name)
48      {
49          SensorMount sen = getSensorEffecterBy(Name);
50          if(sen == null)
51          {
52              return null;
53          }
54          return sen.getLocation();
55      }
57      /**
58       * Camera, Sensor and effecter mounts are composed from Name, Location,
59       * Orientaion and Mount name. Returns null if none matches.
60       *
61       * Example: GEO {Type Camera} {Name Camera Location 0.0820,0.0002,0.0613
62       * Orientation 0.0000,-0.0000,0.0000 Mount CameraTilt}
63       *
64       * @return Returns a Location of sensor mount at given index.
65       */
66      public Location getLocationAt(int index)
67      {
68          SensorMount sen = getSensorEffecterAt(index);
69          if(sen == null)
70          {
71              return null;
72          }
73          return sen.getLocation();
74      }
76      /**
77       * Camera, Sensor and effecter mounts are composed from Name, Location,
78       * Orientaion and Mount name. Returns null if none matches.
79       *
80       * Example: GEO {Type Camera} {Name Camera Location 0.0820,0.0002,0.0613
81       * Orientation 0.0000,-0.0000,0.0000 Mount CameraTilt}
82       *
83       * @return Returns a Mount name of sensor mount matching input <b>Name</b>.
84       */
85      public String getMountBy(String Name)
86      {
87          SensorMount sen = getSensorEffecterBy(Name);
88          if(sen == null)
89          {
90              return null;
91          }
92          return sen.getMount();
93      }
95      /**
96       * Camera, Sensor and effecter mounts are composed from Name, Location,
97       * Orientaion and Mount name. Returns null if none matches.
98       *
99       * Example: GEO {Type Camera} {Name Camera Location 0.0820,0.0002,0.0613
100      * Orientation 0.0000,-0.0000,0.0000 Mount CameraTilt}
101      *
102      * @return Returns a Mount name of sensor mount at given index.
103      */
104     public String getMountAt(int index)
105     {
106         SensorMount sen = getSensorEffecterAt(index);
107         if(sen == null)
108         {
109             return null;
110         }
111         return sen.getMount();
112     }
114     /**
115      * Camera, Sensor and effecter mounts are composed from Name, Location,
116      * Orientaion and Mount name. Returns null if none matches.
117      *
118      * Example: GEO {Type Camera} {Name Camera Location 0.0820,0.0002,0.0613
119      * Orientation 0.0000,-0.0000,0.0000 Mount CameraTilt}
120      *
121      * @return Returns an orientation of sensor mount matching input
122      * <b>Name</b>.
123      */
124     public Rotation getOrientationBy(String Name)
125     {
126         SensorMount sen = getSensorEffecterBy(Name);
127         if(sen == null)
128         {
129             return null;
130         }
131         return sen.getOrientation();
132     }
134     /**
135      * Camera, Sensor and effecter mounts are composed from Name, Location,
136      * Orientaion and Mount name. Returns null if none matches.
137      *
138      * Example: GEO {Type Camera} {Name Camera Location 0.0820,0.0002,0.0613
139      * Orientation 0.0000,-0.0000,0.0000 Mount CameraTilt}
140      *
141      * @return Returns an orientation of sensor mount at given index.
142      */
143     public Rotation getOrientationAt(int index)
144     {
145         SensorMount sen = getSensorEffecterAt(index);
146         if(sen == null)
147         {
148             return null;
149         }
150         return sen.getOrientation();
151     }
153     /**
154      * Camera, Sensor and effecter mounts are composed from Name, Location,
155      * Orientaion and Mount name.
156      *
157      * Example: GEO {Type Camera} {Name Camera Location 0.0820,0.0002,0.0613
158      * Orientation 0.0000,-0.0000,0.0000 Mount CameraTilt}
159      *
160      * @return Returns a sensor mount matching an input <b>Name</b>.
161      */
162     public SensorMount getSensorEffecterBy(String Name)
163     {
164         for(SensorMount item : lastMessage.getSenEffGeo())
165         {
166             if(item.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Name))
167             {
168                 return item;
169             }
170         }
171         return null;
172     }
174     /**
175      * Camera, Sensor and effecter mounts are composed from Name, Location,
176      * Orientaion and Mount name.
177      *
178      * Example: GEO {Type Camera} {Name Camera Location 0.0820,0.0002,0.0613
179      * Orientation 0.0000,-0.0000,0.0000 Mount CameraTilt}
180      *
181      * @return Returns a sensor mount at given index.
182      */
183     public SensorMount getSensorEffecterAt(int index)
184     {
185         if(index < getSize())
186         {
187             return lastMessage.getSenEffGeo().get(index);
188         }
189         return null;
190     }
192     /**
193      * Camera, Sensor and effecter mounts are composed from Name, Location,
194      * Orientaion and Mount name.
195      *
196      * Example: GEO {Type Camera} {Name Camera Location 0.0820,0.0002,0.0613
197      * Orientation 0.0000,-0.0000,0.0000 Mount CameraTilt}
198      *
199      * @return Returns a collection of sensor mounts.
200      */
201     public List<SensorMount> getSensorMountCollection()
202     {
203         return lastMessage.getSenEffGeo();
204     }
205 }