Class AdvancedLocomotion

Package class diagram package AdvancedLocomotion
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.AgentModule<AGENT>
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.SensomotoricModule<UT2004Bot>
          extended by
              extended by
                  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AdvancedLocomotion
extends SimpleLocomotion

Class providing Pogamut2 UT2004 advanced locomotion commands for the bot - strafing, advanced turning, dodging...

Michal 'Knight' Bida

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.SensomotoricModule
act, worldView
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.AgentModule
agent, controller, eventBus, log
Constructor Summary
AdvancedLocomotion(UT2004Bot agent, Logger log)
Method Summary
 void dodge(Location direction, boolean bDouble)
          Makes the bot to dodge in the selected direction (this is in fact single jump that is executed to selected direction).
 void dodgeBack(ILocated inFrontOfTheBot, boolean bDouble)
          Dodges from the specified location.
 void dodgeLeft(ILocated inFrontOfTheBot, boolean bDouble)
          Dodges from specified location to the left of the bot.
 void dodgeRelative(Location direction, boolean bDouble)
          Makes the bot to dodge in the selected direction (this is in fact single jump that is executed to selected direction).
 void dodgeRight(ILocated inFrontOfTheBot, boolean bDouble)
          Dodges from specified location to the right of the bot.
 void dodgeTo(ILocated inFrontOfTheBot, boolean bDouble)
          Dodges towards the specified location.
 void doubleJump()
          Makes the bot to double jump instantly (issues GB JUMP command) with default settings.
 void doubleJump(double secondJumpDelay, double jumpZ)
          Makes the bot to double jump instantly (issues GB JUMP command) with custom settings.
 void generalJump(boolean doubleJump, double secondJumpDelay, double jumpZ)
          Makes the bot to jump instantly (issues GB JUMP command) with custom settings.
 void jump()
          Bot will make simple jump (Issues GB JUMP command)
 void jump(boolean doubleJump, double secondJumpDelay, double jumpZ)
          Makes the bot to jump (or double jump) instantly (issues GB JUMP command) with custom settings.
 void jump(double jumpZ)
          Makes the bot to jump instantly (issues GB JUMP command) with custom settings.
 void moveAlong(ILocated firstLocation, ILocated secondLocation)
          Makes the bot to move through first location to second location (may be specified directly or some ILocated object may be supplied - carefull with objects traversability).
 void moveContinuos()
          This makes the bot to run straight ahead continuously.
 void moveTo(ILocated location)
          Bot will move to supplied location.
 void setRotationSpeed(Rotation newRotationRate)
          Sets the rotation speed (rotation rate) for the bot.
 void setRun()
          Sets the running speed for the bot movement commands.
 void setSpeed(double speedMultiplier)
          Sets the speed multiplier for the bot.
 void setWalk()
          Sets the walking speed for the bot movement commands.
 void stopMovement()
          Makes the bot to stop all movement or turning.
 void strafeAlong(ILocated firstLocation, ILocated secondLocation, ILocated focusLocation)
          Makes the bot to move to location while looking at focusLocation.
 void strafeAlong(ILocated firstLocation, ILocated secondLocation, UnrealId focus)
          Makes the bot to move at location, while looking at focus object.
 void strafeLeft(double distance)
          Bot strafes left.
 void strafeLeft(double distance, ILocated focusLocation)
          Bot strafes left.
 void strafeLeft(double distance, UnrealId focusId)
          Bot strafes left.
 void strafeRight(double distance)
          Bot strafes right.
 void strafeRight(double distance, ILocated focusLocation)
          Bot strafes right.
 void strafeRight(double distance, UnrealId focusId)
          Bot strafes right.
 void strafeTo(ILocated location, ILocated focusLocation)
          Makes the bot to move to location while looking at focusLocation.
 void strafeTo(ILocated location, UnrealId focus)
          Makes the bot to move at location, while looking at focus object.
 void turnHorizontal(int amount)
          Rotates the bot by the supported amount (in degrees) in left/right direction (issues GB ROTATE command)
 void turnTo(ILocated location)
          Bot will turn to face supported location (issues GB TURNTO command)
 void turnTo(Item item)
          Bot will turn to face 'item' (isseus GB TURNTO command), the bot will face the item even if it or the item moves.
 void turnTo(Player player)
          Bot will turn to face 'player' (isseus GB TURNTO command), the bot will face the player even if it or the player moves.
 void turnVertical(int amount)
          Rotates the bot by the supported amount (in degrees) in up/down direction.
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.module.AgentModule
cleanUp, getComponentId, getLog, getState, initComponentId, isRunning, kill, pause, reset, resume, start, stop, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AdvancedLocomotion(UT2004Bot agent,
                          Logger log)
Constructor. Setups the command module based on given agent and logger.

agent - AbstractUT2004Bot we will send commands for
log - Logger to be used for logging runtime/debug info.
Method Detail


public void moveAlong(ILocated firstLocation,
                      ILocated secondLocation)
Makes the bot to move through first location to second location (may be specified directly or some ILocated object may be supplied - carefull with objects traversability). Usage is when you want to have your bot to move really smooth. Where is the problem? If you would want to achive the same thing with 2 moveTo functions (first move to location1, when there move to location2), there may be a little lag - you have to check if you are already at first location and etc. This function can solve this problem as the check is done in UnrealScript. (issues GB MOVE command)

firstLocation - First location we will go through.
secondLocation - Second location we will go to (after reaching first).
See Also:


public void moveContinuos()
This makes the bot to run straight ahead continuously. Will stop when other move command is issued - stopMovement, strafeTo, moveTo, moveAlong even turn commands will interrupt this. (issues GB CMOVE command)

See Also:
moveAlong(ILocated, ILocated)


public void strafeRight(double distance,
                        UnrealId focusId)
Bot strafes right. The length of the strafe is specified by distance attribute (in UT units, 1 UT unit equals roughly 1 cm). The bot will be looking to object specified by the attribute focusId.

distance - - how far the bot strafes (in UT units, 1 UT unit equals roughly 1 cm).
focusId - - UnrealId of the object that should be the bot focus.
See Also:


public void strafeRight(double distance,
                        ILocated focusLocation)
Bot strafes right. The length of the strafe is specified by distance attribute (in UT units, 1 UT unit equals roughly 1 cm). The bot will be looking to location specified by the attribute focusLocation.

distance - - how far the bot strafes (in UT units, 1 UT unit equals roughly 1 cm).
focusLocation - - location where the bot should look
See Also:


public void strafeRight(double distance)
Bot strafes right. The length of the strafe is specified by distance attribute (in UT units, 1 UT unit equals roughly 1 cm). Note that this will reset the bot focus. The bot will be looking straight ahead (however if the strafe is really long - more than 500 UT units - it will be visible the bot is turning slightly performing the strafe).

distance - - how far the bot strafes (in UT units, 1 UT unit equals roughly 1 cm).
See Also:


public void strafeLeft(double distance,
                       UnrealId focusId)
Bot strafes left. The length of the strafe is specified by distance attribute (in UT units, 1 UT unit equals roughly 1 cm). The bot will be looking to object specified by the attribute focusId.

distance - - how far the bot strafes (in UT units, 1 UT unit equals roughly 1 cm).
focusId - - UnrealId of the object that should be the bot focus.
See Also:


public void strafeLeft(double distance,
                       ILocated focusLocation)
Bot strafes left. The length of the strafe is specified by distance attribute (in UT units, 1 UT unit equals roughly 1 cm). The bot will be looking to location specified by the attribute focusLocation.

distance - - how far the bot strafes (in UT units, 1 UT unit equals roughly 1 cm).
focusLocation - - location where the bot should look
See Also:


public void strafeLeft(double distance)
Bot strafes left. The length of the strafe is specified by distance attribute (in UT units, 1 UT unit equals roughly 1 cm). Note that this will reset the bot focus. The bot will be looking straight ahead (however if the strafe is really long - more than 500 UT units - it will be visible the bot is turning slightly performing the strafe).

distance - - how far the bot strafes (in UT units, 1 UT unit equals roughly 1 cm).
See Also:


public void strafeTo(ILocated location,
                     ILocated focusLocation)
Makes the bot to move to location while looking at focusLocation. (issues GB MOVE command)

location - Location we will strafe to.
focusLocation - Location we will look at while strafing.
See Also:
strafeTo(ILocated, UnrealId)


public void strafeTo(ILocated location,
                     UnrealId focus)
Makes the bot to move at location, while looking at focus object. Note that when you support focus object, the bot will update his focus (place he is looking at) according to focus object location (this will be provided by GB UnrealScript code). Usefull when you want to track some player position while moving somewhere else. (issues GB MOVE command)

location - Location we will strafe to.
focus - Object with UrealId. We will look at this location while strafing. We will update our focus location according to the current position of this obejct in UT.
See Also:
strafeTo(ILocated, ILocated)


public void strafeAlong(ILocated firstLocation,
                        ILocated secondLocation,
                        ILocated focusLocation)
Makes the bot to move to location while looking at focusLocation. (issues GB MOVE command)

firstLocation - First location we will strafe through.
secondLocation - Second location we will strafe to (after reaching first).
focusLocation - Location we will look at while strafing.
See Also:
strafeTo(ILocated, UnrealId)


public void strafeAlong(ILocated firstLocation,
                        ILocated secondLocation,
                        UnrealId focus)
Makes the bot to move at location, while looking at focus object. Note that when you support focus object, the bot will update his focus (place he is looking at) according to focus object location (this will be provided by GB UnrealScript code). Usefull when you want to track some player position while moving somewhere else. (issues GB MOVE command) This method allows you to specify one location to strafe to in advance. Usage is when you want to have your bot to move really smooth. Where is the problem? If you would want to achive the same thing with 2 moveTo functions (first move to location1, when there move to location2), there may be a little lag - you have to check if you are already at first location and etc. This function can solve this problem as the check is done in UnrealScript.

firstLocation - First location we will strafe through.
secondLocation - Second location we will strafe to (after reaching first).
focus - Object with UrealId. We will look at this location while strafing. We will update our focus location according to the current position of this obejct in UT.
See Also:
strafeTo(ILocated, ILocated)


public void doubleJump()
Makes the bot to double jump instantly (issues GB JUMP command) with default settings.

See Also:
jump(), dodge(Vector3d)


public void generalJump(boolean doubleJump,
                        double secondJumpDelay,
                        double jumpZ)
Makes the bot to jump instantly (issues GB JUMP command) with custom settings.

See also SimpleLocomotion.jump().

doubleJump - whether the bot should double jump
secondJumpDelay - If doubleJump, than after time specified here, the bot performs second jump of a double jump (if DoubleJump is true). Time is in seconds. GB2004 default is 0.5s.
jumpZ - than this is a force vector specifying how big the jump should be. Can't be set more than 2 * JumpZ = 680 for double jump.
See Also:
jump(), dodge(Vector3d)


public void doubleJump(double secondJumpDelay,
                       double jumpZ)
Makes the bot to double jump instantly (issues GB JUMP command) with custom settings.

See also SimpleLocomotion.jump().

secondJumpDelay - After time specified here, the bot performs second jump of a double jump (if DoubleJump is true). Time is in seconds. GB2004 default is 0.5s.
jumpZ - Force vector specifying how big the jump should be. Can't be set more than 2 * JumpZ = 680 for double jump.
See Also:
jump(), dodge(Vector3d)


public void dodge(Location direction,
                  boolean bDouble)
Makes the bot to dodge in the selected direction (this is in fact single jump that is executed to selected direction). Direction is absolute in this method. (issues GB DODGE command)

direction - Absolute vector (that will be normalized) that specifies direction of the jump.
bDouble - Wheter we want to perform double dodge.
See Also:
jump(), doubleJump()


public void dodgeLeft(ILocated inFrontOfTheBot,
                      boolean bDouble)
Dodges from specified location to the left of the bot.

inFrontOfTheBot - Location to dodge from.
bDouble - Whether to perform double dodge.


public void dodgeRight(ILocated inFrontOfTheBot,
                       boolean bDouble)
Dodges from specified location to the right of the bot.

inFrontOfTheBot - Location to dodge from.
bDouble - Whether to perform double dodge.


public void dodgeBack(ILocated inFrontOfTheBot,
                      boolean bDouble)
Dodges from the specified location.

inFrontOfTheBot - Location to dodge from.
bDouble - Whether to perform double dodge.


public void dodgeTo(ILocated inFrontOfTheBot,
                    boolean bDouble)
Dodges towards the specified location.

inFrontOfTheBot - Location to dodge to.
bDouble - Whether to perform double dodge.


public void dodgeRelative(Location direction,
                          boolean bDouble)
Makes the bot to dodge in the selected direction (this is in fact single jump that is executed to selected direction). Direction is relative to bot actual rotation! (issues GB DODGE command)

direction - Relative vector (that will be normalized) that specifies direction of the jump. Relative means that the bot current rotation will be added to the this vector. So to dodge ahead issue direction (1,0,0).
bDouble - Wheter we want to perform double dodge.
See Also:
jump(), doubleJump()


public void setSpeed(double speedMultiplier)
Sets the speed multiplier for the bot. By this number the bots default speed will be multiplied by. (issues GB CONF command)

speedMultiplier - Ranges from 0.1 to 2 (max may be set in ini in [RemoteBot] MaxSpeed)
See Also:


public void setRotationSpeed(Rotation newRotationRate)
Sets the rotation speed (rotation rate) for the bot. Default rotation rate can be set in GameBots INI file in UT2004/System directory ( look for DefaultRotationRate attribute). Default rotation rate is now Pitch=3072, Yaw=60000, Roll=2048 (pitch = up/down, yaw = left/right, roll = equivalent of doing a cartwheel). (issues GB CONF command)

newRotationRate - Default is Pitch=3072, Yaw=60000, Roll=2048. To achieve best results we suggest to multiply the default setting.
See Also:


public void jump()
Description copied from class: SimpleLocomotion
Bot will make simple jump (Issues GB JUMP command)

jump in class SimpleLocomotion


public void jump(double jumpZ)
Makes the bot to jump instantly (issues GB JUMP command) with custom settings.

See also SimpleLocomotion.jump().

jumpZ - Force vector specifying how big the jump should be. Can't be set more than JumpZ = 340 for single jump.
See Also:
jump(), dodge(Vector3d)


public void jump(boolean doubleJump,
                 double secondJumpDelay,
                 double jumpZ)
Makes the bot to jump (or double jump) instantly (issues GB JUMP command) with custom settings.

See also SimpleLocomotion.jump().

doubleJump - whether to perform double jump
secondJumpDelay - After time specified here, the bot performs second jump of a double jump (if DoubleJump is true). Time is in seconds. GB2004 default is 0.5s.
jumpZ - Force vector specifying how big the jump should be. Can't be set more than 2 * JumpZ = 680 for double jump.
See Also:
jump(), dodge(Vector3d)


public void moveTo(ILocated location)
Description copied from class: SimpleLocomotion
Bot will move to supplied location. (issues GB MOVE command)

moveTo in class SimpleLocomotion
See Also:


public void setRun()
Description copied from class: SimpleLocomotion
Sets the running speed for the bot movement commands. (issues GB SETWALK command)

setRun in class SimpleLocomotion
See Also:


public void setWalk()
Description copied from class: SimpleLocomotion
Sets the walking speed for the bot movement commands. (issues GB SETWALK command)

setWalk in class SimpleLocomotion
See Also:


public void stopMovement()
Description copied from class: SimpleLocomotion
Makes the bot to stop all movement or turning. (Does not stop shooting.) (issues GB STOP command)

stopMovement in class SimpleLocomotion
See Also:


public void turnHorizontal(int amount)
Description copied from class: SimpleLocomotion
Rotates the bot by the supported amount (in degrees) in left/right direction (issues GB ROTATE command)

turnHorizontal in class SimpleLocomotion
amount - Amount of rotation in degrees.
See Also:
SimpleLocomotion.turnVertical(int), SimpleLocomotion.turnTo(ILocated)


public void turnTo(ILocated location)
Description copied from class: SimpleLocomotion
Bot will turn to face supported location (issues GB TURNTO command)

turnTo in class SimpleLocomotion
location - Location we will face.
See Also:
SimpleLocomotion.turnHorizontal(int), SimpleLocomotion.turnVertical(int)


public void turnTo(Player player)
Description copied from class: SimpleLocomotion
Bot will turn to face 'player' (isseus GB TURNTO command), the bot will face the player even if it or the player moves.

turnTo in class SimpleLocomotion
player - Player we will face.


public void turnTo(Item item)
Description copied from class: SimpleLocomotion
Bot will turn to face 'item' (isseus GB TURNTO command), the bot will face the item even if it or the item moves.

turnTo in class SimpleLocomotion
item - Item we will face.


public void turnVertical(int amount)
Description copied from class: SimpleLocomotion
Rotates the bot by the supported amount (in degrees) in up/down direction. Note: This moves bot's head which is unable to rotate freely in 360 degrees. There is a certain angle limit (close to look perpendicular to the floor plane). Going beyond this limit results in bot turning horizontaly in place and looking to desired position under complementary angle. (issues GB ROTATE command)

turnVertical in class SimpleLocomotion
amount - Amount of rotation in degrees.
See Also:
SimpleLocomotion.turnHorizontal(int), SimpleLocomotion.turnTo(ILocated)

Copyright © 2015 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.