Uses of Class

Packages that use SetEmoticon

Uses of SetEmoticon in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbcommands

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbcommands that return SetEmoticon
 SetEmoticon SetEmoticon.setBubbleSize(Integer BubbleSize)
          Sets the bubble size behind the emoticons. 0 for no bubble.
 SetEmoticon SetEmoticon.setBubbleType(String BubbleType)
          Sets the bubble type behind the emoticons.
 SetEmoticon SetEmoticon.setCenter(String Center)
          Sets the center emoticon.
 SetEmoticon SetEmoticon.setCenterSize(Integer CenterSize)
          Sets the center emoticon size. 0 will disable the emoticon.
 SetEmoticon SetEmoticon.setLeft(String Left)
          Sets the left emoticon.
 SetEmoticon SetEmoticon.setLeftSize(Integer LeftSize)
          Sets the left emoticon size. 0 will disable the emoticon.
 SetEmoticon SetEmoticon.setRight(String Right)
          Sets the right emoticon.
 SetEmoticon SetEmoticon.setRightSize(Integer RightSize)
          Sets the right emoticon size. 0 will disable the emoticon.
 SetEmoticon SetEmoticon.setTime(Double Time)
          Fade out of the emoticons in seconds.

Constructors in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbcommands with parameters of type SetEmoticon
SetEmoticon(SetEmoticon original)
          Cloning constructor.

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