Class PlayerMessage.PlayerSharedMessage

Package class diagram package PlayerMessage.PlayerSharedMessage
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.PlayerShared
          extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.PlayerMessage.PlayerSharedMessage
All Implemented Interfaces:
IWorldObject, ISharedWorldObject, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public class PlayerMessage.PlayerSharedMessage
extends PlayerShared

Implementation of the shared part of the GameBots2004 message PLR, used to facade PLRMessage.

Complete message documentation: Synchronous message. Contains information about other players in the game, like their current velocity, position, weapon and reachability. Only reports those players that are visible. (within field of view and not occluded).

Field Summary
protected  StringProperty myAction
          Atomic action this bot is doing (BDI).
protected  StringProperty myAnim
          For UE2.
protected  StringProperty myBubble
          For UE2.
protected  BooleanProperty myCrouched
          True if the bot is crouched.
protected  StringProperty myEmotCenter
          For UE2.
protected  StringProperty myEmotLeft
          For UE2.
protected  StringProperty myEmotRight
          For UE2.
protected  IntProperty myFiring
          0 means is not firing, 1 - firing in primary mode, 2 - firing in secondary mode (alt firing).
protected  LocationProperty myLocation
          An absolute location of the player within the map.
protected  StringProperty myName
          Human readable name of the player.
protected  RotationProperty myRotation
          Which direction the player is facing in absolute terms.
protected  BooleanProperty mySpectator
          Whether this player is in SPECTATE mode.
protected  IntProperty myTeam
          What team the player is on. 255 is no team. 0-3 are red, blue, green, gold in that order.
protected  VelocityProperty myVelocity
          Absolute velocity of the player as a vector of movement per one game second.
protected  StringProperty myWeapon
          Class of the weapon the player is holding.
protected  HashMap<PropertyId,ISharedProperty> propertyMap
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.PlayerShared
ActionPropertyToken, AnimPropertyToken, BubblePropertyToken, CrouchedPropertyToken, EmotCenterPropertyToken, EmotLeftPropertyToken, EmotRightPropertyToken, FiringPropertyToken, LocationPropertyToken, NamePropertyToken, RotationPropertyToken, SharedPropertyTokens, SimTime, SpectatorPropertyToken, TeamPropertyToken, VelocityPropertyToken, WeaponPropertyToken
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 PlayerMessage.PlayerSharedMessage clone()
 String getAction()
          Atomic action this bot is doing (BDI).
 String getAnim()
          For UE2.
 String getBubble()
          For UE2.
 String getEmotCenter()
          For UE2.
 String getEmotLeft()
          For UE2.
 String getEmotRight()
          For UE2.
 int getFiring()
          0 means is not firing, 1 - firing in primary mode, 2 - firing in secondary mode (alt firing).
 UnrealId getId()
          Unique Id of the player.
 Location getLocation()
          An absolute location of the player within the map.
 String getName()
          Human readable name of the player.
 Map<PropertyId,ISharedProperty> getProperties()
 ISharedProperty getProperty(PropertyId id)
 Rotation getRotation()
          Which direction the player is facing in absolute terms.
 int getTeam()
          What team the player is on. 255 is no team. 0-3 are red, blue, green, gold in that order.
 Velocity getVelocity()
          Absolute velocity of the player as a vector of movement per one game second.
 String getWeapon()
          Class of the weapon the player is holding.
 boolean isCrouched()
          True if the bot is crouched.
 Boolean isSpectator()
          Whether this player is in SPECTATE mode.
 String toHtmlString()
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.PlayerShared
getCompositeClass, getSimTime, setSimTime
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected HashMap<PropertyId,ISharedProperty> propertyMap


protected StringProperty myName
Human readable name of the player.


protected BooleanProperty mySpectator
Whether this player is in SPECTATE mode. Humans can change the mode during runtime!


protected StringProperty myAction
Atomic action this bot is doing (BDI).


protected RotationProperty myRotation
Which direction the player is facing in absolute terms.


protected LocationProperty myLocation
An absolute location of the player within the map.


protected VelocityProperty myVelocity
Absolute velocity of the player as a vector of movement per one game second.


protected IntProperty myTeam
What team the player is on. 255 is no team. 0-3 are red, blue, green, gold in that order.


protected StringProperty myWeapon
Class of the weapon the player is holding. Weapon strings to look for include: "AssaultRifle", "ShieldGun", "FlakCannon", "BioRifle", "ShockRifle", "LinkGun", "SniperRifle", "RocketLauncher", "Minigun", "LightingGun", "Translocator". TODO: Look if this is all.


protected BooleanProperty myCrouched
True if the bot is crouched.


protected IntProperty myFiring
0 means is not firing, 1 - firing in primary mode, 2 - firing in secondary mode (alt firing).


protected StringProperty myEmotLeft
For UE2. Holds left emoticon of the bot, "None" means none set.


protected StringProperty myEmotCenter
For UE2. Holds center emoticon of the bot, "None" means none set.


protected StringProperty myEmotRight
For UE2. Holds right emoticon of the bot, "None" means none set.


protected StringProperty myBubble
For UE2. Holds the bubble of the emoticon of the bot, "None" means none set.


protected StringProperty myAnim
For UE2. Current played animation of the bot.

Constructor Detail


public PlayerMessage.PlayerSharedMessage()
Method Detail


public PlayerMessage.PlayerSharedMessage clone()
Specified by:
clone in interface ISharedWorldObject
Specified by:
clone in class PlayerShared


public ISharedProperty getProperty(PropertyId id)


public Map<PropertyId,ISharedProperty> getProperties()


public UnrealId getId()
Unique Id of the player.

Specified by:
getId in interface IWorldObject
Specified by:
getId in class PlayerShared


public String getName()
Human readable name of the player.

Specified by:
getName in class PlayerShared


public Boolean isSpectator()
Whether this player is in SPECTATE mode. Humans can change the mode during runtime!

Specified by:
isSpectator in class PlayerShared


public String getAction()
Atomic action this bot is doing (BDI).

Specified by:
getAction in class PlayerShared


public Rotation getRotation()
Which direction the player is facing in absolute terms.

Specified by:
getRotation in class PlayerShared


public Location getLocation()
An absolute location of the player within the map.

Specified by:
getLocation in class PlayerShared


public Velocity getVelocity()
Absolute velocity of the player as a vector of movement per one game second.

Specified by:
getVelocity in class PlayerShared


public int getTeam()
What team the player is on. 255 is no team. 0-3 are red, blue, green, gold in that order.

Specified by:
getTeam in class PlayerShared


public String getWeapon()
Class of the weapon the player is holding. Weapon strings to look for include: "AssaultRifle", "ShieldGun", "FlakCannon", "BioRifle", "ShockRifle", "LinkGun", "SniperRifle", "RocketLauncher", "Minigun", "LightingGun", "Translocator". TODO: Look if this is all.

Specified by:
getWeapon in class PlayerShared


public boolean isCrouched()
True if the bot is crouched.

Specified by:
isCrouched in class PlayerShared


public int getFiring()
0 means is not firing, 1 - firing in primary mode, 2 - firing in secondary mode (alt firing).

Specified by:
getFiring in class PlayerShared


public String getEmotLeft()
For UE2. Holds left emoticon of the bot, "None" means none set.

Specified by:
getEmotLeft in class PlayerShared


public String getEmotCenter()
For UE2. Holds center emoticon of the bot, "None" means none set.

Specified by:
getEmotCenter in class PlayerShared


public String getEmotRight()
For UE2. Holds right emoticon of the bot, "None" means none set.

Specified by:
getEmotRight in class PlayerShared


public String getBubble()
For UE2. Holds the bubble of the emoticon of the bot, "None" means none set.

Specified by:
getBubble in class PlayerShared


public String getAnim()
For UE2. Current played animation of the bot.

Specified by:
getAnim in class PlayerShared


public String toString()
toString in class PlayerShared


public String toHtmlString()
toHtmlString in class PlayerShared

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