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1   /*
2    * Copyright (C) 2013 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
3    *
4    * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6    * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7    * (at your option) any later version.
8    *
9    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12   * GNU General Public License for more details.
13   *
14   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15   * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
16   */
17  package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.agent.navigation.navmesh;
19  import;
20  import java.util.ArrayList;
21  import math.geom2d.line.StraightLine2D;
23  /**
24   * Node for building a BSP tree structure on the level geometry
25   *
26   * @author Jakub
27   */
28  public class LevelGeometryBSPNode implements Serializable {
30      public LevelGeometry geom;
32      // list of triangle ids (actual polygons are stored in navmesh)
33      public ArrayList<Integer> triangles = new ArrayList<Integer>();
34      public LevelGeometryBSPNode parent;
36      // parameters of the space part
37      public double minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ;
38      // separator dimension and value
39      public int sepDim; // 0 ~ separating in X, 1 ~ separating in Y, 2 ~ separating in Z
40      public double sepVal; // value on sepDim-Axis where the split of this BSP node happens
42      // node children
43      public LevelGeometryBSPNode left;
44      public LevelGeometryBSPNode right;
46      /**
47       * Constructor sets the parameters of space
48       *
49       * @param geom
50       * @param parent
51       * @param minX
52       * @param maxX
53       * @param minY
54       * @param maxY
55       * @param minZ
56       * @param maxZ
57       */
58      public LevelGeometryBSPNode(LevelGeometry geom, LevelGeometryBSPNode parent, double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY, double minZ, double maxZ) {
59          this.geom = geom;
60          this.parent = parent;
61          this.minX = minX;
62          this.maxX = maxX;
63          this.minY = minY;
64          this.maxY = maxY;
65          this.minZ = minZ;
66          this.maxZ = maxZ;
67      }
69      /**
70       * Main recursive function of BSP. builds the tree.
71       */
72      void build() throws Exception {
73          // test end of recursion
74          if (!shouldSplit()) {
75              // set biggest leaf?
76              if (triangles.size() > geom.getNumberOfTrianglesInBiggestLeaf()) {
77                  //System.out.println("Setting biggest leaf sofar. Number of polygons in this node is " + triangles.size());
78                  geom.setBiggestLeafInTree(this);
79              }
80              geom.leafCount++;
81              return;
82          }
84          //System.out.println("build(): splitting " + triangles.size() + " triangles");
85          // now we must split this block
86          // which side? the longest one!
87          double maxLength = 0.0;
88          sepDim = -1;
89          if (maxX - minX > maxLength) {
90              maxLength = maxX - minX;
91              sepDim = 0;
92              sepVal = (maxX + minX) / 2;
93          }
94          if (maxY - minY > maxLength) {
95              maxLength = maxY - minY;
96              sepDim = 1;
97              sepVal = (maxY + minY) / 2;
98          }
99          if (maxZ - minZ > maxLength) {
100             maxLength = maxZ - minZ;
101             sepDim = 2;
102             sepVal = (maxZ + minZ) / 2;
103         }
104         //System.out.println("The longest side is this long: "+maxLength+". The dimension is: "+sepDim);
106         // create new nodes
107         //left son
108         this.left  = new LevelGeometryBSPNode(geom, this,  minX,                         (sepDim == 0 ? sepVal : maxX),
109                                                            minY,                         (sepDim == 1 ? sepVal : maxY),
110                                                            minZ,                         (sepDim == 2 ? sepVal : maxZ));
111         this.right = new LevelGeometryBSPNode(geom, this, (sepDim == 0 ? sepVal : minX),  maxX,
112                                                           (sepDim == 1 ? sepVal : minY),  maxY,
113                                                           (sepDim == 2 ? sepVal : minZ),  maxZ);
115         for (Integer triangleId : triangles) {
116             int tId = triangleId;
117             int[] triangle = geom.triangles.get(tId);
118             boolean isInLeft = false, isInRight = false;
119             for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
120                 int vId = triangle[j];
121                 double[] v = geom.verts.get(vId);
122                 if (v[sepDim] <= sepVal) {
123                     isInLeft = true;
124                 }
125                 if (v[sepDim] > sepVal) {
126                     isInRight = true;
127                 }
128             }
129             if (isInLeft) {
130                 this.left.triangles.add(tId);
131             }
132             if (isInRight) {
133                 this.right.triangles.add(tId);
134             }
135             if (!isInLeft && !isInRight) {
136                 throw new Exception("this triangle is on neither side. That's impossible!");
137             }
138         }
140         //System.out.println("build(): Left has " + left.triangles.size() + " triangles.");
141         //System.out.println("build(): Right has " + right.triangles.size() + " triangles.");
142         // now triangles are in their nodes.
143         // we will check the split factor before buildin them
144         double sl = left.triangles.size();
145         double sr = right.triangles.size();
146         double s = this.triangles.size();
147         double crossFactor = (sl + sr - s) / s;
149         if (crossFactor > NavMeshConstants.maxAllowedCrossFactor) {
150             //System.out.println("The cross factor is "+crossFactor+". This node will not be splitted. Let it be a leaf.");
151             this.left = null;
152             this.right = null;
153             // set biggest leaf?
154             if (triangles.size() > geom.getNumberOfTrianglesInBiggestLeaf()) {
155                 //System.out.println("Setting biggest leaf sofar. Number of polygons in this node is " + triangles.size());
156                 geom.setBiggestLeafInTree(this);
157             }
158             geom.leafCount++;
159             return;
160         } else {
161             //System.out.println("Node splitted with cross factor " + crossFactor);
162   ;
163   ;
164         }
166     }
168     /**
169      * Decides whether this node should split.
170      *
171      * @return
172      */
173     private boolean shouldSplit() {
174         return (triangles.size() > NavMeshConstants.stopSplittingNumberOfTriangles
175                 && (maxX - minX) > NavMeshConstants.stopSplittingSizeOfOneBlock);
176     }
178     /**
179      * returns the higher nomber;
180      *
181      * @param d1
182      * @param d2
183      * @return
184      */
185     private double max(double d1, double d2) {
186         return d1 > d2 ? d1 : d2;
187     }
189     /**
190      * Recursively walks through the tree and deletes lists of triangles in
191      * inner nodes. This saves memory.
192      */
193     void cleanInnerNodes() {
194         if (left == null && right == null) {
195             return;
196         }
197         this.triangles = null;
198         if (left != null) {
199             left.cleanInnerNodes();
200         }
201         if (right != null) {
202             right.cleanInnerNodes();
203         }
204     }
206 }