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1   /*
2    * Copyright (C) 2013 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
3    *
4    * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6    * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7    * (at your option) any later version.
8    *
9    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12   * GNU General Public License for more details.
13   *
14   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15   * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
16   */
17  package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.agent.navigation.navmesh;
19  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation.IPathFuture;
20  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation.IPathPlanner;
21  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation.impl.PrecomputedPathFuture;
22  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.worldview.IWorldView;
23  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.worldview.object.IWorldObjectEvent;
24  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.worldview.object.IWorldObjectEventListener;
25  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.worldview.object.WorldObjectId;
26  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.utils.logging.IAgentLogger;
27  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.utils.logging.LogCategory;
28  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.utils.math.DistanceUtils;
29  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.ILocated;
30  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.Location;
31  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.unreal.communication.messages.UnrealId;
32  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.agent.module.sensor.NavigationGraphBuilder;
33  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.agent.navigation.UT2004EdgeChecker;
34  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.agent.navigation.floydwarshall.FloydWarshallMap;
35  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbcommands.DrawStayingDebugLines;
36  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.GameInfo;
37  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPoint;
38  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointNeighbourLink;
39  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.factory.guice.remoteagent.UT2004ServerFactory;
40  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.factory.guice.remoteagent.UT2004ServerModule;
41  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.server.impl.UT2004Server;
42  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.utils.LinkFlag;
43  import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.utils.UT2004ServerRunner;
44  import cz.cuni.amis.utils.ExceptionToString;
45  import cz.cuni.amis.utils.NullCheck;
46  import cz.cuni.amis.utils.exception.PogamutException;
47  import*;
48  import java.util.*;
49  import java.util.logging.Level;
50  import java.util.logging.Logger;
51  import javax.vecmath.Vector2d;
52  import math.geom2d.Point2D;
53  import math.geom2d.Shape2D;
54  import math.geom2d.line.Line2D;
55  import math.geom2d.line.StraightLine2D;
56  import math.geom3d.Point3D;
57  import math.geom3d.Vector3D;
58  import math.geom3d.line.StraightLine3D;
59  import math.geom3d.plane.Plane3D;
61  /**
62   * Class storing NavMesh data structures.
63   *
64   * Controlled from {@link NavMeshModule}.
65   *
66   * @author Jakub Tomek
67   * @author Jakub Gemrot aka Jimmy
68   */
69  public class NavMesh implements IPathPlanner<ILocated> {
71      private IWorldView worldView;
72      private Logger log;
74      private Random random;
76      //
77      // STATE
78      //
79      private boolean loaded = false;
80      private GameInfo loadedForMap = null;
82      //
84      //
85      private ArrayList<double[]> verts = new ArrayList<double[]>();
86      private ArrayList<int[]> polys = new ArrayList<int[]>();
87      private ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> vertsToPolys;
88      private ArrayList<Boolean> safeVertex;
89      private NavMeshBSPNode bspTree;
90      private NavMeshBSPNode biggestLeafInTree;
91      private ArrayList<OffMeshPoint> offMeshPoints;
92      private ArrayList<ArrayList<OffMeshPoint>> polysToOffMeshPoints;
93      private Map<UnrealId, NavPoint> nps = null;
95      //
96      // FW map as metric for teleport paths.
97      //
98      private FloydWarshallMap fwMap;
99      private boolean isFwMapAvailable = false;
100     private boolean hasTeleports = false;
102     public NavMesh(IWorldView worldView, Logger log) {
103         this.log = log;
104         if (this.log == null) {
105             this.log = new LogCategory("NavMesh");
106         }
107         random = new Random();
109         this.worldView = worldView;
110         NullCheck.check(worldView, "worldView");
111     }
113     // ================    
114     // ================
116     // ================
117     // ================    
119     /**
120      * Tells whether the NavMesh has been successfully initialized and thus can be used. Use {@link #load(GameInfo, boolean)} to initialize NavMesh. 
121      * @return
122      */
123     public boolean isLoaded() {
124         return loaded;
125     }
127     /**
128      * Returns the number of polygons in navmesh
129      */
130     public int polyCount() {
131         return polys.size();
132     }
134     /**
135      * Returns the number of vertices in navmesh
136      */
137     public int vertCount() {
138         return verts.size();
139     }
141     /**
142      * Returns list of all NavMesh polygons. A polygon is formed by triple [vertexId, vertexId, vertexId] pointing into {@link #getVerts()} array. 
143      *
144      * @return
145      */
146     public ArrayList<int[]> getPolys() {
147         return polys;
148     }
150     /**
151      * Returns list of all NavMesh points. A point is formed by triple [double,double,double] ~ [x,y,z]. 
152      * @return
153      */
154     public ArrayList<double[]> getVerts() {
155         return verts;
156     }
158     /**
159      * Gets a clone of polygon by its order
160      */
161     public int[] getPolygon(int polygonId) {
162         int[] p = ((int[]) polys.get(polygonId)).clone();
163         return p;
164     }
166     /**
167      * Gets a clone of vertex by its order
168      */
169     public double[] getVertex(int vertexId) {
170         double[] v = ((double[]) verts.get(vertexId)).clone();
171         return v;
172     }
174     /**
175      * Gets a list of polygons containing this vertex.
176      */
177     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
178 	public ArrayList<Integer> getPolygonsByVertex(int vertexId) {
179         return (ArrayList<Integer>) (this.vertsToPolys.get(vertexId)).clone();
180     }
182     /**
183      * Gets an array of polygon ids by an polygon id
184      */
185     public ArrayList<Integer> getNeighbourIdsToPolygon(int polygonId) {
187         ArrayList<Integer> neighbours = new ArrayList<Integer>();
188         int[] p = this.getPolygon(polygonId);
190         for (int j = 0; j < p.length; j++) {
191             ArrayList<Integer> p2 = getPolygonsByVertex(p[j]);
192             for (int k = 0; k < p2.size(); k++) {
193                 int candidateId = p2.get(k);
194                 //this polygon shares one vertex with the input polygon, but that is not enough. neighbour must share two.
195                 // p[j] is one vertex
196                 int secondVertex = p[((j == p.length - 1) ? 0 : j + 1)];
197                 int[] candidatePolygon = this.getPolygon(candidateId);
198                 for (int l = 0; l < candidatePolygon.length; l++) {
199                     if (candidatePolygon[l] == secondVertex) {
200                         // its him! ok! shares 2 tertices
201                         if (!neighbours.contains(candidateId) && candidateId != polygonId) {
202                             neighbours.add(candidateId);
203                         }
204                         break;
205                     }
206                 }
208             }
209         }
210         return neighbours;
211     }
213     /**
214      * Returns list of {@link OffMeshPoint}s within the NavMesh.
215      * @return
216      */
217     public ArrayList<OffMeshPoint> getOffMeshPoints() {
218         return offMeshPoints;
219     }
221     /**
222      * Returns a List of offmeshpoints that are located on target polygon
223      *
224      * @param polygonId
225      * @return
226      */
227     public List<OffMeshPoint> getOffMeshPointsOnPolygon(int polygonId) {
228         return polysToOffMeshPoints.get(polygonId);
229     }
231     /**
232      * Debug method: helps to describe BSP tree by telling the number of
233      * polygons in the biggest leaf (this should not bee too big. 5 is a good
234      * number.)
235      */
236     public int getNumberOfPolygonsInBiggestLeaf() {
237         if (biggestLeafInTree != null) {
238             return biggestLeafInTree.polys.size();
239         } else {
240             return -1;
241         }
242     }
244     /**
245      * DEBUG ONLY: sets the biggest leaf so it can be easily found.
246      */
247     public void setBiggestLeafInTree(NavMeshBSPNode node) {
248         biggestLeafInTree = node;
249     }
251     /**
252      * Returns PolygonId for a given point3D.
253      * @param point3D
254      * @return id of polygon on which is this point
255      */
256     public int getPolygonId(Point3D point3D) {
257         //System.out.println("trying to fing polygon for location [" + point3D.getX() + ", " + point3D.getY() + ", " + point3D.getZ() + "]");
258         // 2D projection of point
259         Point2D point2D = new Point2D(point3D.getX(), point3D.getY());
260         // walk through BSP tree
261         NavMeshBSPNode node = bspTree;
262         while (!node.isLeaf()) {
263             //System.out.println("Searching an inner node. There are " +node.polys.size()+ " polygons and their numbers are: " + node.polys.toString());            
264             StraightLine2D sepLine = node.sepLine;
265             double dist = sepLine.getSignedDistance(point2D);
266             if (dist < 0) {
267                 //System.out.println("go to left child");
268                 node = node.left;
269             }
270             if (dist > 0) {
271                 //System.out.println("go to right child");
272                 node = node.right;
273             }
274             if (dist == 0) {
275                 //System.out.println("Wow, the location is exactly on the border. Let's move a little");
276                 point2D = new Point2D(point3D.getX() + random.nextDouble() - 0.5, point3D.getY() + random.nextDouble() - 0.5);
277             }
278         }
279         // now we are in leaf so, we should see the list of possible polygons
280         //System.out.println("The leaf is found. There are " +node.polys.size()+ " polygons and their numbers are: " + node.polys.toString());
282         // now we must choose which polygon is really the one we are staying at, if any
283         ArrayList<Integer> candidatePolygons = new ArrayList<Integer>();
285         // are we staying inside in 2D projection? if not, reject this polygon
286         for (int i = 0; i < node.polys.size(); i++) {
287             Integer pId = (Integer) node.polys.get(i);
289             if (polygonContainsPoint(pId, point2D)) {
290                 //System.out.println("Polygon " +pId+ " contains this location.");
291                 candidatePolygons.add(pId);
292             } else {
293                 //System.out.println("Polygon " +pId+ " does not contain this location.");
294             }
295         }
297         // now we have the candidate polygons. the agent is inside each of them in a 2D projection
298         // now we select the one that is closest on z coordinate and return it   
299         //System.out.println("candidatePolygons: " + candidatePolygons.toString());
300         if (candidatePolygons.isEmpty()) {
301             return -1;
302         }
304         // spocitame vzdalenost od vrcholu 0 na z souradnici. nejmensi vzdalenost = vitez
305         //TODO: Fixed - checking for rounding errors before accepting the polygon
306         double minDist = NavMeshConstants.maxDistanceBotPolygon;
307         int retPId = -2;
308         for (int i = 0; i < candidatePolygons.size(); i++) {
309             Integer pId = (Integer) candidatePolygons.get(i);
310             int[] polygon = getPolygon(pId);
312             // we take first three points, create plane, calculate distance
313             double[] v1 = getVertex(polygon[0]);
314             double[] v2 = getVertex(polygon[1]);
315             double[] v3 = getVertex(polygon[2]);
316             Point3D p1 = new Point3D(v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]);
317             Vector3D vector1 = new Vector3D(v2[0] - v1[0], v2[1] - v1[1], v2[2] - v1[2]);
318             Vector3D vector2 = new Vector3D(v3[0] - v1[0], v3[1] - v1[1], v3[2] - v1[2]);
319             Plane3D plane = new Plane3D(p1, vector1, vector2);
320             double dist = plane.getDistance(point3D);
321             if (dist < minDist) {
322                 //It looks good, inspecting for rounding errors...
324                 // watch out for rounding errors!
325                 // if those three points are almost in line rounding error could become huge
326                 // better try more points
327                 if (polygon.length > 3) {
328                     v1 = getVertex(polygon[0]);
329                     v2 = getVertex(polygon[1]);
330                     v3 = getVertex(polygon[3]);
331                     p1 = new Point3D(v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]);
332                     vector1 = new Vector3D(v2[0] - v1[0], v2[1] - v1[1], v2[2] - v1[2]);
333                     vector2 = new Vector3D(v3[0] - v1[0], v3[1] - v1[1], v3[2] - v1[2]);
334                     plane = new Plane3D(p1, vector1, vector2);
335                     dist = plane.getDistance(point3D);
336                     if (dist < minDist) {
337                         //Still looks good...
339                         // or even more
340                         if (polygon.length > 4) {
341                             v1 = getVertex(polygon[0]);
342                             v2 = getVertex(polygon[2]);
343                             v3 = getVertex(polygon[4]);
344                             p1 = new Point3D(v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]);
345                             vector1 = new Vector3D(v2[0] - v1[0], v2[1] - v1[1], v2[2] - v1[2]);
346                             vector2 = new Vector3D(v3[0] - v1[0], v3[1] - v1[1], v3[2] - v1[2]);
347                             plane = new Plane3D(p1, vector1, vector2);
348                             dist = plane.getDistance(point3D);
349                             if (dist < minDist) {
350                                 retPId = pId;
351                                 minDist = dist;
352                             } else {
353                                 //We are too far...
354                                 continue;
355                             }
356                         } else {
357                             //We have enough precise results..
358                             retPId = pId;
359                             minDist = dist;
360                         }
361                     } else {
362                         //We are too far
363                         continue;
364                     }
365                 } else {
366                     //We have enough precise results...
367                     retPId = pId;
368                     minDist = dist;
369                 }
371             }
372         }
373         log.fine("Distance of a point from polygon " + retPId + " is " + minDist);
374         return retPId;
375     }
377     /**
378      * Gets the id of a polygon that contains this location
379      *
380      * @param location
381      * @return id of polygon or value < 0 if the is no such polygon
382      */
383     public int getPolygonId(Location location) {
384         return getPolygonId(new Point3D(location.x, location.y, location.z));
385     }
387     // ===============
388     // ===============
390     // ===============
391     // ===============    
393     /**
394      * Load NavMesh according to current map (obtained through {@link GameInfo#getLevel()}) from directories specified by {@link NavMeshConstants}.
395      *  
396      * @param info
397      * @param shouldReloadNavMesh whether we should ignore ".navmesh.processed" file and recreate NavMesh again, comes in handy when you are working with {@link NavigationGraphBuilder}
398      * @return
399      */
400     public boolean load(GameInfo info, boolean shouldReloadNavMesh) {
401         if (info == null) {
402             log.severe("Could not load for 'null' GameInfo!");
403             return false;
404         }
405         if (loaded) {
406             if (loadedForMap == null) {
407                 // WTF?
408                 clear();
409             } else {
410                 if (loadedForMap.getLevel().equals(info.getLevel())) {
412                     return true;
413                 }
414             }
415         }
417         // LOAD THE NAVMESH ACCORDING TO 'info'
418         String mapName = info.getLevel();
419         log.warning("Loading NavMesh for: " + mapName);
421         String processedNavMeshFileName = NavMeshConstants.processedMeshDir + "/" + mapName + ".navmesh.processed";
422         File processedNavMeshFile = new File(processedNavMeshFileName);
424         String pureMeshFileName = NavMeshConstants.pureMeshReadDir + "/" + mapName + ".navmesh";
425         File pureMeshFile = new File(pureMeshFileName);
427         if (shouldReloadNavMesh) {
428         	// 0. WE HAVE TO RELOAD NAVMESH
429 	        if (processedNavMeshFile.exists() && processedNavMeshFile.isFile()) {
430 	        	if (pureMeshFile.exists() && pureMeshFile.isFile()) {
431 	        		log.warning("Going to RELOAD / REPROCESS navmesh.");
432 	        		log.warning("Deleting old processed navmesh file: " + processedNavMeshFile.getAbsolutePath());
433 	        		processedNavMeshFile.delete();
434 	        	} else {
435 	        		log.warning("NavMesh RELOAD flag true, but .navmesh file for a given map not found (at " + pureMeshFile.getAbsolutePath() + "), going to load .navmesh.processed file.");
436 	        	}
437 	        }
438         } 
441         try {
442             if (!processedNavMeshFile.exists()) {
443             	if (!shouldReloadNavMesh) {
444             		log.warning("Processed NavMesh does not exist at: " + processedNavMeshFile.getAbsolutePath());
445             	}
446             } else {
447                 // LOAD IT!      
448                 loadNavMeshFromCoreFile(processedNavMeshFile);
450                 log.warning("NavMesh LOADED SUCCESSFULLY.");
452                 loaded = true;
453                 loadedForMap = info;
454                 return true;
455             }
456         } catch (Exception e) {
457             log.warning(ExceptionToString.process("NavMesh could not be loaded from previously stored binary file: " + processedNavMeshFile.getAbsolutePath(), e));
458         }
461         try {
462             if (!pureMeshFile.exists()) {
463                 log.warning("NavMesh source text file does not exist at: " + pureMeshFile.getAbsolutePath());
464                 log.severe("NavMesh COULD NOT INITIALIZE FOR MAP: " + mapName);
465                 return false;
467             } else {
468         		// LOAD IT!
470                 // 3. load .navmesh file
471                 loadSourceFile(pureMeshFile);
472             }
473         } catch (Exception e) {
474             log.warning(ExceptionToString.process("NavMesh could not be loaded from source text file: " + pureMeshFile.getAbsolutePath(), e));
475             log.severe("NavMesh COULD NOT HAVE BEEN INITIALIZED FOR MAP: " + mapName);
476             return false;
477         }
479         // 4. when vertices and polygons are done creating, we create an array mapping vertices to polygons
480         resetVertsToPolys();
482         // 5. mark safe and unsafe vertices
483         resetSafeVerts();
485         // 6. create a BSP tree structure
486         resetBSPTree();
488         // 7. get rid of unreachable polygons
489         if (!eliminateUnreachablePolygons()) {
490             return false;
491         }
493         // 8. create off-mesh connections
494         resetOffMeshConnections();
496         // 9. save data core for next time
497         saveNavMeshCore(mapName);
499         loaded = true;
500         loadedForMap = info;
501         return true;
502     }
504     protected void loadNavMeshFromCoreFile(File processedNavMeshFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
505         log.warning("Loading previously stored NavMesh from binary file: " + processedNavMeshFile.getAbsolutePath());
507         ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(processedNavMeshFile));
508         NavMeshCore core = (NavMeshCore) in.readObject();
509         this.biggestLeafInTree = core.biggestLeafInTree;
510         this.bspTree = core.bspTree;
511         this.polys = core.polys;
512         this.verts = core.verts;
513         this.vertsToPolys = core.vertsToPolys;
514         this.offMeshPoints = core.offMeshPoints;
515         this.polysToOffMeshPoints = core.polysToOffMeshPoints;
516         this.safeVertex = core.safeVertex;
517     }
519     protected void loadSourceFile(File pureMeshFile) throws NumberFormatException, IOException {
520         log.warning("Loading NavMesh from text file: " + pureMeshFile.getAbsolutePath());
522         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(pureMeshFile));
523         String line;
525         while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
526             String[] toks = line.split("[ \\t]");
528             if (toks[0].equals("v")) {
529                 double[] v = new double[3];
530                 v[0] = Double.parseDouble(toks[1]);
531                 v[1] = Double.parseDouble(toks[2]);
532                 v[2] = Double.parseDouble(toks[3]);
533                 verts.add(v);
534             }
535             if (toks[0].equals("p")) {
536                 int[] p = new int[toks.length - 1];
537                 for (int i = 0; i < toks.length - 1; i++) {
538                     p[i] = Integer.parseInt(toks[i + 1]);
539                 }
540                 polys.add(p);
541             }
542         }
543     }
545     /**
546      * Builds the resetVertsToPolys mapping array
547      */
548     protected void resetVertsToPolys() {
549"Setting vertsToPolys mapping array...");
550         vertsToPolys = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
551         for (int i = 0; i < verts.size(); i++) {
552             vertsToPolys.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
553         }
554         for (int i = 0; i < polys.size(); i++) {
555             int[] p = (int[]) polys.get(i);
556             for (int j = 0; j < p.length; j++) {
557                 ArrayList<Integer> p2 = (ArrayList<Integer>) vertsToPolys.get(p[j]);
558                 if (!p2.contains(i)) {
559                     p2.add(i);
560                 }
561             }
562         }
563     }
565     /**
566      * Resets the array of boolean values saying whether a vertex is at the edge
567      * of navmesh
568      */
569     protected void resetSafeVerts() {
570"Setting safe vertices...");
571         safeVertex = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
572         int safeCount = 0;
574         // check vertices one by one
575         for (int v1 = 0; v1 < verts.size(); v1++) {
576             log.fine("Looking at vertex " + v1 + "...");
578             // angles of polygons around must give 2 pi in sum
579             double sum = 0;
581             ArrayList<Integer> polys = vertsToPolys.get(v1);
583             for (Integer pId : polys) {
584                 //System.out.println("Looking at polygon "+pId+"...");
585                 //this.drawOnePolygon(pId);
586                 int[] polygon = getPolygon(pId);
587                 // we must fint the three vertices creating angle around vertex i
588                 int v0 = -1, v2 = -1;
589                 for (int i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++) {
590                     if (polygon[i] == v1) {
591                         v0 = (i == 0 ? polygon[polygon.length - 1] : polygon[i - 1]);
592                         v2 = (i == polygon.length - 1 ? polygon[0] : polygon[i + 1]);
593                         break;
594                     }
595                 }
596                 // three vertices found, now get the angle
597                 double[] vv0 = getVertex(v0);
598                 double[] vv1 = getVertex(v1);
599                 double[] vv2 = getVertex(v2);
601                 double a = Math.sqrt((vv1[0] - vv0[0]) * (vv1[0] - vv0[0]) + (vv1[1] - vv0[1]) * (vv1[1] - vv0[1]) + (vv1[2] - vv0[2]) * (vv1[2] - vv0[2]));
602                 double b = Math.sqrt((vv2[0] - vv1[0]) * (vv2[0] - vv1[0]) + (vv2[1] - vv1[1]) * (vv2[1] - vv1[1]) + (vv2[2] - vv1[2]) * (vv2[2] - vv1[2]));
603                 double c = Math.sqrt((vv2[0] - vv0[0]) * (vv2[0] - vv0[0]) + (vv2[1] - vv0[1]) * (vv2[1] - vv0[1]) + (vv2[2] - vv0[2]) * (vv2[2] - vv0[2]));
605                 double gama = Math.acos((a * a + b * b - c * c) / (2 * a * b));
606                 log.fine("Angle gama is " + gama);
607                 //this.drawOnePolygon(pId, new Location(255,255,255));
608                 sum += gama;
609             }
610             log.fine("Sum angle is " + sum);
611             // we give it some tolerance for rounding errors
612             if (sum >= 2 * 3.14) {
613                 safeVertex.add(v1, true);
614                 safeCount++;
615             } else {
616                 safeVertex.add(v1, false);
617             }
618         }
619"There are " + safeCount + " safe and " + (verts.size() + safeCount) + " unsafe vertices.");
620     }
622     /**
623      * Gets a new BSPTree for this mesh
624      */
625     protected void resetBSPTree() {
626"Creating BSP tree...");
627         bspTree = new NavMeshBSPNode(this, null);
628         for (int i = 0; i < polys.size(); i++) {
629             bspTree.polys.add(i);
630         }
631         biggestLeafInTree = null;
633"BSP tree for NavMesh polygons has been built. Biggest leaf has " + biggestLeafInTree.polys.size() + " polygons.");
634     }
636     /**
637      * Some polygons cannot be reached we find them with the help of navigation
638      * graph Definition: 1. Any polygon with navigation point is reachable 2.
639      * Any polygon sharing edge with a reachable polygon is also reachable.
640      */
641     protected boolean eliminateUnreachablePolygons() {
642"eliminateUnreachablePolygons() starts...");
644         // 1. get list of all navpoints
645         Map<UnrealId, NavPoint> navPoints = nps;
646         if (navPoints == null) {
647             navPoints = (Map<UnrealId, NavPoint>) (Map) worldView.getAll(NavPoint.class);
648         }
650         if (navPoints == null || navPoints.size() == 0) {
651             // WE DO NOT HAVE ANY NAVPOINTS
652             // => ignore the request
653             log.warning("There are no navpoints present within the worldview, could not eliminateUnreachablePolygons() ...");
654             return false;
655         }
657         // which polygons are reachbale and which are not?
658         boolean[] reachable = new boolean[polys.size()];
659         // 2. walk through all navpoints and mark all reachable polygons
660"Marking reachable polygons...");
661         for (NavPoint navPoint : navPoints.values()) {
662             Point3D point3D = navPoint.getLocation().asPoint3D();
663             int pId = getPolygonId(point3D);
664             if (pId < 0) {
665                 continue;
666             }
667             markAsReachableRecursive(pId, reachable);
668         }
670         // debugging control: how many polygons are unreachable?
671         int reachableCount = 0;
672         int polyDelCount = 0;
673         int vertDelCount = 0;
674         for (int i = 0; i < polys.size(); i++) {
675             if (reachable[i]) {
676                 reachableCount++;
677             }
678         }
680         if (polys.size() == reachableCount) {
681             log.warning("Marking complete. All " + reachableCount + " polygons are reachable, no need to delete anything.");
682             return true;
683         }
685         log.warning("Marking complete. There are " + reachableCount + " reachable polygons and " + (polys.size() - reachableCount) + " unreachable polygons.");
687         log.warning("Deleting unreachable polygons...");
688         for (int i = polys.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
689             if (!reachable[i]) {
690                 polys.remove(i);
691                 polyDelCount++;
692             }
693         }
695         resetVertsToPolys();
697         log.warning("Deleting unused vertices...");
698         for (int i = vertsToPolys.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
699             ArrayList<Integer> polygons = (ArrayList<Integer>) vertsToPolys.get(i);
700             if (polygons.isEmpty()) {
701                 verts.remove(i);
702                 vertDelCount++;
703                 // after removing a vertex (and moving all following vertices by -1) we must recalculate the vertices in polygons
704                 for (int j = 0; j < polys.size(); j++) {
705                     int[] polygon = (int[]) polys.get(j);
706                     for (int k = 0; k < polygon.length; k++) {
707                         if (polygon[k] > i) {
708                             polygon[k]--;
709                         }
710                     }
711                 }
712             }
713         }
715         log.warning("Deleting done. " + polyDelCount + " polygons and " + vertDelCount + " vertices were deleted.");
717         // we have changed the polygon a and vertex numbers, therefore we must reset BSPTree and vertsToPolys mapping array
718         resetVertsToPolys();
719         resetSafeVerts();
720         resetBSPTree();
722         return true;
723     }
725     /**
726      * Helping function used only in method eliminateUnreachablePolygons
727      *
728      * @param pId
729      * @param reachable
730      */
731     private void markAsReachableRecursive(int pId, boolean[] reachable) {
732         if (reachable[pId]) {
733             return;
734         }
735         reachable[pId] = true;
736         ArrayList neighbours = getNeighbourIdsToPolygon(pId);
737         for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); i++) {
738             markAsReachableRecursive((Integer) neighbours.get(i), reachable);
739         }
740     }
742     /**
743      * Creates off-mesh connections between polygons that does not share an
744      * edge, but there is a connection from one to the other in navigation
745      * graph. The endpoints are not necessarily polygons. Thay also may be
746      * off-mesh navpoints. This method also creates list of off-mesh points and
747      * also creates mappings between polygons and these points
748      */
749     protected void resetOffMeshConnections() {
750"Creating off-mesh connections...");
752         Map<UnrealId, OffMeshPoint> offPoints = new HashMap<UnrealId, OffMeshPoint>();
754         // 1. get list of all navpoints
755         Map<UnrealId, NavPoint> navPoints = nps;
756         if (navPoints == null) {
757             navPoints = (Map<UnrealId, NavPoint>) (Map) worldView.getAll(NavPoint.class);
758         }
760         // offPoint definition: it has more than 0 offMeshEdges (outgoing or incoming)
761         // 1. we act like if every navpoint was an offpoint and calculate all outgoing & incoming offedges
762         // 2. any point with any (outgoing or incoming) out edges will be added to list of navmesh
763         // for each navpoint create offpoint
764         for (Map.Entry<UnrealId, NavPoint> entry : navPoints.entrySet()) {
765             NavPoint np = entry.getValue();
766             UnrealId uId = entry.getKey();
767             int pId = this.getPolygonId(np.getLocation().asPoint3D());
768             //LiftCenter is moving, and we want the bot to use the LiftExit NavPoint, when boarding lift, 
769             //so we force the LiftCenter NavPoints from the navMesh by setting polygonId to -1
770             if (np.isLiftCenter()) {
771                 pId = -1;
772             }
773             OffMeshPoint op = new OffMeshPoint(np, pId);
774             offPoints.put(uId, op);
775         }
777         // now again - for each navpoint check his outgoing edges
778         // if we find an offedge, we add it to both start and target
779         for (Map.Entry<UnrealId, NavPoint> entry : navPoints.entrySet()) {
780             NavPoint np = entry.getValue();
781             UnrealId uId = entry.getKey();
783             // check all outgoing edges
784             for (Map.Entry<UnrealId, NavPointNeighbourLink> entry2 : np.getOutgoingEdges().entrySet()) {
785                 NavPointNeighbourLink link = entry2.getValue();
786                 UnrealId uId2 = entry2.getKey();
788                 NavPoint target = link.getToNavPoint();
790                 log.fine("Checking edge from navpoint " + uId + " to navpoint " + target.getId() + "...");
792                 // Flags. Important thing. Why?
793                 // Some edges will be considered as off-mesh immidietely, without checking mesh (lift)
794                 // Some edges will be ignored immidietely (ladder, swimming, etc.)
795                 // maybe put this code block into separate method/class/NavMeshConsts?
796                 boolean forceIgnore = false;
797                 boolean forceAdd = false;
798                 boolean addThisEdge = false;
799                 // point flags
800                 if (np.isLiftCenter()) {
801                     forceAdd = true;
802                 }
803                 if (target.isLiftCenter()) {
804                     forceAdd = true;
805                 }
806                 // edge flags
807                 //whether the edge is suitable for navigation
808                 forceIgnore = !UT2004EdgeChecker.checkLink(link);
810                 if (!forceAdd && !forceIgnore) {
812                     // 2D projection of link
813                     Line2D linkAsLine2D = new Line2D(link.getFromNavPoint().getLocation().x, link.getFromNavPoint().getLocation().y, link.getToNavPoint().getLocation().x, link.getToNavPoint().getLocation().y);
815                     // how to decide if edge is offmesh?
816                     // 1. start on the polygon of starting navpoinpoint (no polygon = offmesh)
817                     // 2. while the current polygon (no polygon = offmesh) is not polygon of target repeat:
818                     // 3. go to the neighbour polygon that is behind the edge that is crossed by our line                 
819                     int currentPolygonId = getPolygonId(link.getFromNavPoint().getLocation().asPoint3D());
820                     int targetPolygonId = this.getPolygonId(link.getToNavPoint().getLocation().asPoint3D());
821                     int tabooPolygon = -1; // we are not searching backwards
822                     while (currentPolygonId >= 0 && currentPolygonId != targetPolygonId) {
823                         int newPolygon = -1;
825                         // try all neighbours (except last one)
826                         List<Integer> neighbours = this.getNeighbourIdsToPolygon(currentPolygonId);
827                         for (Integer neighbour : neighbours) {
828                             if (neighbour.intValue() == tabooPolygon) {
829                                 continue;
830                             }
832                             // find the shared edge
833                             Line2D sharedEdge = null;
834                             int[] polygon1 = getPolygon(currentPolygonId);
835                             int[] polygon2 = getPolygon(neighbour);
836                             for (int i = 0; i < polygon1.length; i++) {
837                                 int v1 = polygon1[i];
838                                 int v2 = polygon1[((i == polygon1.length - 1) ? 0 : i + 1)];
839                                 // polygon2 must contain both vertices
840                                 boolean containsV1 = false, containsV2 = false;
841                                 for (int j = 0; j < polygon2.length; j++) {
842                                     if (polygon2[j] == v1) {
843                                         containsV1 = true;
844                                     }
845                                     if (polygon2[j] == v2) {
846                                         containsV2 = true;
847                                     }
848                                 }
849                                 if (containsV1 && containsV2) {
850                                     double[] vertex1 = this.getVertex(v1);
851                                     double[] vertex2 = this.getVertex(v2);
852                                     sharedEdge = new Line2D(vertex1[0], vertex1[1], vertex2[0], vertex2[1]);
853                                 }
854                             }
856                             // now we should have the shared edge or there is an error
857                             if (sharedEdge == null) {
858                                 log.severe("Shared edge between polygon " + currentPolygonId + " and " + neighbour + " was not found!");
859                             }
861                             // does our examined edge cross the shared edge?
862                             if (linkAsLine2D.getIntersection(sharedEdge) != null) {
863                                 log.fine("Crossed a line into polygon " + neighbour);
864                                 tabooPolygon = currentPolygonId;
865                                 newPolygon = neighbour;
866                                 break;
867                             }
868                         }
869                         currentPolygonId = newPolygon;
870                     }
871                     // so now we either reached the target over the polygons, or we are off the mesh
872                     // which one is it?
873                     if (currentPolygonId >= 0) {
874                         // path is inside navmesh
875                         addThisEdge = false;
876                     } else {
877                         // path is off mesh
878                         addThisEdge = true;
879                     }
880                 } // end of checking path
881                 // else: we were forced to add/reject this edge
882                 else {
883                     // ignoring has higher priority
884                     if (forceAdd) {
885                         addThisEdge = true;
886                     }
887                     if (forceIgnore) {
888                         addThisEdge = false;
889                     }
890                 }
892                 // will we add this edge?
893                 if (addThisEdge) {
894                     log.fine("This edge is off-mesh: " + uId.getStringId() + " -> " + target.getId().getStringId());
895                     OffMeshPoint op1 = offPoints.get(uId);
896                     OffMeshPoint op2 = offPoints.get(target.getId());
897                     OffMeshEdge oe = new OffMeshEdge(op1, op2, link);
898                     op1.getOutgoingEdges().add(oe);
899                     op2.getIncomingEdges().add(oe);
900                 } else {
901                     log.finer("This edge is not off-mesh.");
902                 }
903             }
904         }
906         // all edges from all navpoints are checked. now lets see how many off-mesh points do we have
907         offMeshPoints = new ArrayList<OffMeshPoint>();
908         int offCount = 0;
909         for (OffMeshPoint op : offPoints.values()) {
910             if (op.getOutgoingEdges().isEmpty() && op.getIncomingEdges().isEmpty()) {
911                 // nothing
912             } else {
913                 offMeshPoints.add(op);
914                 offCount++;
915             }
916         }
917         log.warning("We found " + offCount + " offMeshPoints from total of " + offPoints.size() + " NavPoints.");
919         // create mapping from polygons to offmesh points
920         polysToOffMeshPoints = new ArrayList<ArrayList<OffMeshPoint>>();
921         for (int i = 0; i < polys.size(); i++) {
922             polysToOffMeshPoints.add(new ArrayList<OffMeshPoint>());
923         }
924         for (OffMeshPoint op : offMeshPoints) {
925             int pId = op.getPId();
926             if (pId >= 0) {
927                 polysToOffMeshPoints.get(pId).add(op);
928             }
929         }
931"Off-mesh connections done.");
932     }
934     protected void saveNavMeshCore(String mapName) {
935         String coreFileName = NavMeshConstants.processedMeshDir + "\\" + mapName + ".navmesh.processed";
936         File coreFile = new File(coreFileName);
938"Writing NavMesh core to a file: " + coreFile.getAbsolutePath());
940         if (coreFile.exists()) {
941             log.warning("NavMesh core file exist, rewriting: " + coreFile.getAbsolutePath());
942             coreFile.delete();
943         }
945         coreFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
947         try {
948             NavMeshCore core = new NavMeshCore();
949             core.biggestLeafInTree = this.biggestLeafInTree;
950             core.bspTree = this.bspTree;
951             core.polys = this.polys;
952             core.verts = this.verts;
953             core.vertsToPolys = this.vertsToPolys;
954             core.offMeshPoints = this.offMeshPoints;
955             core.polysToOffMeshPoints = this.polysToOffMeshPoints;
956             core.safeVertex = this.safeVertex;
957             ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(coreFile));
958             out.writeObject(core);
959             log.warning("NavMesh core binary file saved at: " + coreFile.getAbsolutePath());
960         } catch (Exception e) {
961             log.severe(ExceptionToString.process("Failed to write/serialize NavMesh core file to disk.", e));
962         }
963     }
965     // =========
966     // =========
967     // UTILITIES
968     // =========
969     // =========
971     /**
972      * Decides whether the input point is inside of the polygon of navmesh
973      * identified by its id.
974      *
975      * @param pId
976      * @param point2D
977      * @return
978      */
979     private boolean polygonContainsPoint(Integer pId, Point2D point2D) {
980         boolean result = true;
981         double rightSide = 0.0;
983         int[] polygon = getPolygon(pId);
984         double[] v1, v2;
985         for (int i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++) {
986             v1 = getVertex(polygon[i]);
987             if (i < polygon.length - 1) {
988                 v2 = getVertex(polygon[i + 1]);
989             } else {
990                 v2 = getVertex(polygon[0]);
991             }
992             Point2D p1 = new Point2D(v1[0], v1[1]);
993             Point2D p2 = new Point2D(v2[0], v2[1]);
994             StraightLine2D line = new StraightLine2D(p1, p2);
995             double dist = line.getSignedDistance(point2D);
997             if (rightSide == 0.0) {
998                 rightSide = Math.signum(dist);
999             } else {
1000                 if (rightSide * dist < 0) {
1001                     result = false;
1002                     break;
1003                 }
1004             }
1005         }
1006         return result;
1007     }
1009     // =======================
1010     // =======================
1011     // IPathExecutor INTERFACE
1012     // =======================
1013     // =======================
1015     /**
1016      * Computes and returns a path between two points anywhere on the map. If no
1017      * such path is found, returns path of zero length;
1018      *
1019      * @param from
1020      * @param to
1021      * @return
1022      */
1023     @Override
1024     public IPathFuture<ILocated> computePath(ILocated from, ILocated to) {
1025         return new PrecomputedPathFuture<ILocated>(from, to, getPath(from, to));
1026     }
1028     @Override
1029     public double getDistance(ILocated from, ILocated to) {
1030     	IPathFuture<ILocated> path = computePath(from, to);
1031     	if (path.isDone()) {
1032     		List<ILocated> list = path.get();
1033     		if (list.size() == 0) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
1034     		ILocated location = list.get(0);
1035     		double result = 0;
1036     		for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); ++i) {
1037     			ILocated next = list.get(i);
1038     			result += location.getLocation().getDistance(next.getLocation());
1039     			location = next;
1040     		}
1041     		return result;
1042     	} else {
1043     		return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
1044     	}
1045     }
1048     /**
1049      * Gets a List of polygons on which the path should go.
1050      *
1051      * @param fromAtom
1052      * @param toAtom
1053      * @return
1054      */
1055     public List<INavMeshAtom> getPolygonPath(INavMeshAtom fromAtom, INavMeshAtom toAtom) {
1056         // List of atoms from which we will always pick the one with shortest distance and expand ir
1057         List<AStarNode> pickable = new ArrayList<AStarNode>();
1058         // List of atoms, that are no longer pickable, because they have no more neighbours
1059         List<AStarNode> expanded = new ArrayList<AStarNode>();
1060         AStarNode firstNode = new AStarNode(null, fromAtom, this, fromAtom, toAtom);
1061         pickable.add(firstNode);
1063         // Let's search for toAtom!
1064         AStarNode targetNode = null;
1066         // target reach test = start and end atom are the same atom
1067         if (fromAtom.equals(toAtom)) {
1068             targetNode = firstNode;
1069         }
1071         while (targetNode == null) {
1073             // 1. if pickable is empty, there is no way
1074             if (pickable.isEmpty()) {
1075                 return null;
1076             }
1078             // 2. find the most perspective node in pickable
1079             // that means that it has the shortest estimated total path length;
1080             AStarNode best = pickable.get(0);
1081             for (AStarNode node : pickable) {
1082                 if (node.getEstimatedTotalDistance() < best.getEstimatedTotalDistance()) {
1083                     best = node;
1084                 }
1085             }
1087             // 3. we expand the best node
1088             List<INavMeshAtom> neighbours = best.getAtom().getNeighbours(this);
1089             for (INavMeshAtom atom : neighbours) {
1090                 boolean add = true;
1091                 // if this atom is already in our expanded tree, we reject it?
1092                 // TODO some optimalization for teleports
1093                 for (AStarNode expNode : expanded) {
1094                     if (expNode.getAtom().equals(atom)) {
1095                         add = false;
1096                     }
1097                 }
1098                 // we add new neighbour
1099                 if (add) {
1100                     AStarNode newNode = new AStarNode(best, atom, this, fromAtom, toAtom);
1101                     best.getFollowers().add(newNode);
1102                     pickable.add(newNode);
1103                     // target reach test
1104                     if (atom.equals(toAtom)) {
1105                         targetNode = newNode;
1106                     }
1107                 }
1108             }
1109             // put expadned node into expanded
1110             pickable.remove(best);
1111             expanded.add(best);
1112         }
1114         // now we just return the path of atoms from start to end. We must build it from the end
1115         List<INavMeshAtom> path = new ArrayList<INavMeshAtom>();
1116         AStarNode node = targetNode;
1117         while (node != null) {
1118             path.add(node.getAtom());
1119             node = node.getFrom();
1120         }
1121         Collections.reverse(path);
1122         return path;
1123     }
1125     /**
1126      * Calls the method with the same name but polygons as arguments and returns
1127      * result
1128      *
1129      * @param from
1130      * @param to
1131      * @return
1132      */
1133     public List<INavMeshAtom> getPolygonPath(Location from, Location to) {
1134         INavMeshAtom fromAtom = getNearestAtom(from);
1135         INavMeshAtom toAtom = getNearestAtom(to);
1136         return getPolygonPath(fromAtom, toAtom);
1137     }
1139     /**
1140      * Counts a simple path from polygonPath. Only for testing use. rules for
1141      * adding points: for each new atom in path:
1142      *
1143      * 1. point -> point : just add the new point! :-) 2. point -> polygon : is
1144      * that point inside that polygon? a) yes : add nothing b) no : this should
1145      * not happen. offmesh points are connected to points inside. Add the
1146      * center... 3. polygon -> polygon : add point that is in middle of shared
1147      * line 4. polygon -> point : is that point inside that polygon? a) yes :
1148      * add the new point b) no : this should not happen. offmesh points are
1149      * connected to points inside. Add the new point anyway
1150      *
1151      * @param from
1152      * @param to
1153      * @param polygonPath
1154      * @return
1155      */
1156     private List<ILocated> getPolygonCentrePath(ILocated from, ILocated to, List<INavMeshAtom> polygonPath) {
1157         List path = new ArrayList<ILocated>();
1158         path.add(from);
1159         INavMeshAtom lastAtom = null;
1160         for (INavMeshAtom atom : polygonPath) {
1161             // * -> point
1162             if (atom.getClass() == OffMeshPoint.class) {
1163                 NavPoint np = (NavPoint) worldView.get(((OffMeshPoint) atom).getNavPointId());
1164                 path.add(np);
1165             } else {
1166                 // point -> polygon
1167                 NavMeshPolygon polygon = (NavMeshPolygon) atom;
1169                 if (lastAtom == null || lastAtom.getClass() == OffMeshPoint.class) {
1170                     OffMeshPoint op = (OffMeshPoint) lastAtom;
1172                     // was lastAtom inside this polygon?
1173                     boolean inside;
1174                     if (lastAtom == null) {
1175                         inside = polygonContainsPoint(polygon.getPolygonId(), new Point2D(from.getLocation().x, from.getLocation().y));
1176                     } else {
1177                         inside = false;
1178                         List<OffMeshPoint> offPs = polysToOffMeshPoints.get(polygon.getPolygonId());
1179                         for (OffMeshPoint op2 : offPs) {
1180                             if (op2.equals(op)) {
1181                                 inside = true;
1182                             }
1183                         }
1184                     }
1186                     if (inside) {
1187                         // nothing
1188                     } else {
1189                         // add center
1190                         path.add(getLocation(atom));
1191                     }
1192                 } // polygon -> polygon
1193                 else {
1194                     // we must find the two shared points
1195                     NavMeshPolygon polygon2 = (NavMeshPolygon) lastAtom;
1196                     int[] p1 = this.getPolygon(polygon.getPolygonId());
1197                     int[] p2 = this.getPolygon(polygon2.getPolygonId());
1198                     int v1 = -1;
1199                     int v2 = -1;
1200                     outer:
1201                     for (int i = 0; i < p1.length; i++) {
1202                         for (int j = 0; j < p2.length; j++) {
1203                             if (p1[i] == p2[j]) {
1204                                 if (v1 == -1) {
1205                                     v1 = p1[i];
1206                                 } else {
1207                                     if (p1[i] != v1) {
1208                                         v2 = p1[i];
1209                                     }
1210                                     break outer;
1211                                 }
1212                             }
1213                         }
1214                     }
1215                     double[] vv1 = getVertex(v1);
1216                     double[] vv2 = getVertex(v2);
1217                     path.add(new Location((vv1[0] + vv2[0]) / 2, (vv1[1] + vv2[1]) / 2, (vv1[2] + vv2[2]) / 2 + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation));
1218                 }
1219             }
1220             lastAtom = atom;
1221         }
1222         path.add(to);
1223         return path;
1224     }
1226     /**
1227      * Computes shortest funneled path between given points from and to
1228      *
1229      * @param from
1230      * @param to
1231      * @param polygonPath
1232      * @return
1233      */
1234     private List<ILocated> getFunneledPath(ILocated from, ILocated to, List<INavMeshAtom> polygonPath) {
1235         List<ILocated> path = new ArrayList<ILocated>();
1236         path.add(from);
1237         INavMeshAtom lastAtom = null;
1238         INavMeshAtom atom = null;
1239         int index = -1;
1240         while (index < polygonPath.size() - 1) {
1241             index++;
1242             if (index > 0) {
1243                 lastAtom = polygonPath.get(index - 1);
1244             } else {
1245                 lastAtom = null;
1246             }
1247             atom = polygonPath.get(index);
1249             // * -> point
1250             if (atom.getClass() == OffMeshPoint.class) {
1251                 NavPoint np = (NavPoint) worldView.get(((OffMeshPoint) atom).getNavPointId());
1252                 path.add(np);
1253             } // * -> polygon
1254             else {
1256                 NavMeshPolygon polygon = (NavMeshPolygon) atom;
1257                 // point -> polygon
1258                 if (lastAtom == null || lastAtom.getClass() == OffMeshPoint.class) {
1259                     OffMeshPoint op = (OffMeshPoint) lastAtom;
1261                     // was lastAtom inside this polygon?
1262                     boolean inside;
1263                     if (lastAtom == null) {
1264                         inside = polygonContainsPoint(polygon.getPolygonId(), new Point2D(from.getLocation().x, from.getLocation().y));
1265                     } else {
1266                         inside = false;
1267                         List<OffMeshPoint> offPs = polysToOffMeshPoints.get(polygon.getPolygonId());
1268                         for (OffMeshPoint op2 : offPs) {
1269                             if (op2.equals(op)) {
1270                                 inside = true;
1271                             }
1272                         }
1273                     }
1275                     if (inside) {
1276                         // nothing
1277                     } else {
1278                         // add center
1279                         path.add(getLocation(atom));
1280                     }
1281                 } // polygon -> polygon
1282                 else {
1283                     // here comes the funneling
1285                     // point from which we are starting = last point in path
1286                     ILocated start = path.get(path.size() - 1);
1288                     // we must find the 'gateway'
1289                     NavMeshPolygon polygon2 = (NavMeshPolygon) lastAtom;
1290                     int[] p1 = this.getPolygon(polygon.getPolygonId());
1291                     int[] p2 = this.getPolygon(polygon2.getPolygonId());
1292                     int v1 = -1;
1293                     int v2 = -1;
1294                     outer:
1295                     for (int i = 0; i < p1.length; i++) {
1296                         for (int j = 0; j < p2.length; j++) {
1297                             if (p1[i] == p2[j]) {
1298                                 if (v1 == -1) {
1299                                     v1 = p1[i];
1300                                 } else {
1301                                     if (p1[i] != v1) {
1302                                         v2 = p1[i];
1303                                     }
1304                                     break outer;
1305                                 }
1306                             }
1307                         }
1308                     }
1309                     double[] vv1 = getVertex(v1);
1310                     double[] vv2 = getVertex(v2);
1311                     Line2D gateway = new Line2D(vv1[0], vv1[1], vv2[0], vv2[1]);
1312                     // gateway found
1314                     if ((start.getLocation().x == vv2[0] && start.getLocation().y == vv2[1])
1315                             || (start.getLocation().x == vv1[0] && start.getLocation().y == vv1[1])) {
1316                         log.fine("We are already in the next polygon. No comparation, let's just continue.");
1317                         continue;
1318                     }
1320                     // !!! recgonize left and right correctly !!!
1321                     double dist = gateway.getSignedDistance(start.getLocation().x, start.getLocation().y);
1322                     // create left and right mantinel
1324                     Line2D leftMantinel = new Line2D(start.getLocation().x, start.getLocation().y, vv2[0], vv2[1]);
1325                     Line2D rightMantinel = new Line2D(start.getLocation().x, start.getLocation().y, vv1[0], vv1[1]);
1326                     if (dist < 0) {
1327                         Line2D swap = leftMantinel;
1328                         leftMantinel = rightMantinel;
1329                         rightMantinel = swap;
1330                         vv1 = getVertex(v2);
1331                         vv2 = getVertex(v1);
1332                         gateway = new Line2D(vv1[0], vv1[1], vv2[0], vv2[1]);
1333                     }
1334                     // now left and right mantinel are set correctly                                        
1336                     int leftMantinelIndex = index;
1337                     double leftMantinelZ = vv2[2];
1338                     Location leftMantinelTarget;
1339                     if (safeVertex.get(v2)) {
1340                         leftMantinelTarget = new Location(vv2[0], vv2[1], vv2[2] + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation);
1341                     } else {
1342                         if (gateway.getLength() <= 2 * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius) {
1343                             leftMantinelTarget = new Location((vv2[0] + vv1[0]) / 2, (vv2[1] + vv1[1]) / 2, (vv2[2] + vv1[2]) / 2 + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation);
1344                         } else {
1345                             leftMantinelTarget = new Location(vv2[0] + (vv1[0] - vv2[0]) / gateway.getLength() * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius,
1346                                     vv2[1] + (vv1[1] - vv2[1]) / gateway.getLength() * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius,
1347                                     vv2[2] + (vv1[2] - vv2[2]) / gateway.getLength() * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation);
1348                         }
1349                     }
1351                     int rightMantinelIndex = index;
1352                     double rightMantinelZ = vv1[2];
1353                     Location rightMantinelTarget;
1354                     if (safeVertex.get(v1)) {
1355                         rightMantinelTarget = new Location(vv1[0], vv1[1], vv1[2] + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation);
1356                     } else {
1357                         if (gateway.getLength() <= 2 * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius) {
1358                             rightMantinelTarget = new Location((vv2[0] + vv1[0]) / 2, (vv2[1] + vv1[1]) / 2, (vv2[2] + vv1[2]) / 2 + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation);
1359                         } else {
1360                             rightMantinelTarget = new Location(vv1[0] + (vv2[0] - vv1[0]) / gateway.getLength() * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius,
1361                                     vv1[1] + (vv2[1] - vv1[1]) / gateway.getLength() * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius,
1362                                     vv1[2] + (vv2[2] - vv1[2]) / gateway.getLength() * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation);
1363                         }
1364                     }
1366                     // now we will go further over the polygons until the mantinels cross or until we find target point inside funnel
1367                     boolean targetAdded = false;
1368                     boolean outOfMantinels = false;
1369                     boolean endOfPolygonPathReached = false;
1370                     while (!targetAdded && !outOfMantinels) {
1371                         index++;
1372                         lastAtom = polygonPath.get(index - 1);
1373                         if (index < polygonPath.size()) {
1374                             atom = polygonPath.get(index);
1375                         } // if we are at the end, we dont need an atom
1376                         else {
1377                             endOfPolygonPathReached = true;
1378                         }
1379                         // last atom surely was polygon because we are in polygon->polygon branch
1380                         polygon2 = (NavMeshPolygon) lastAtom;
1382                         // new atom is point - potential end of algorithm
1383                         // also go this way if we reached the last polygon
1384                         // every command has an alternative for this special option
1385                         if (endOfPolygonPathReached || atom.getClass() == OffMeshPoint.class) {
1386                             NavPoint np = null;
1387                             if (!endOfPolygonPathReached) {
1388                                 np = (NavPoint) worldView.get(((OffMeshPoint) atom).getNavPointId());
1389                             }
1391                             ILocated target;
1392                             if (endOfPolygonPathReached) {
1393                                 target = to;
1394                             } else {
1395                                 target = np;
1396                             }
1398                             // is np inside funnel?
1399                             // compare with left mantinel:
1400                             Line2D virtualGateway1 = new Line2D(target.getLocation().x, target.getLocation().y, leftMantinel.p2.x, leftMantinel.p2.y);
1401                             dist = virtualGateway1.getSignedDistance(start.getLocation().x, start.getLocation().y);
1402                             if (dist < 0) {
1403                                 // point is out from left mantinel. we must go to corner of left mantinel and continue from there
1404                                 //path.add(new Location(leftMantinel.p2.x, leftMantinel.p2.y, leftMantinelZ+NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation));
1405                                 path.add(leftMantinelTarget);
1406                                 // we will now 'restart' funneling algorithm - continue from this point and its polygon 
1407                                 outOfMantinels = true;
1408                                 index = leftMantinelIndex;
1409                             } else {
1410                                 // point is inside left mantinel - Ok
1411                                 // check the right mantinel
1412                                 Line2D virtualGateway2 = new Line2D(rightMantinel.p2.x, rightMantinel.p2.y, target.getLocation().x, target.getLocation().y);
1413                                 dist = virtualGateway2.getSignedDistance(start.getLocation().x, start.getLocation().y);
1414                                 if (dist < 0) {
1415                                     // point is out from right mantinel. we must go to corner of right mantinel and continue from there
1416                                     //path.add(new Location(rightMantinel.p2.x, rightMantinel.p2.y, rightMantinelZ+NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation));
1417                                     path.add(rightMantinelTarget);
1418                                     // we will now 'restart' funneling algorithm - continue from this point and its polygon 
1419                                     outOfMantinels = true;
1420                                     //Possible fix: adding rightMantinelTarget and RIGHT mantinelIndex 
1421                                     index = rightMantinelIndex;
1422                                 } else {
1423                                     // point is inside the maninels. that is great - we successfully finnished this funnelling
1424                                     if (!endOfPolygonPathReached) {
1425                                         path.add(np);
1426                                     }
1427                                     targetAdded = true;
1428                                 }
1429                             }
1430                         } // new atom is polygon again
1431                         else {
1432                             polygon = (NavMeshPolygon) atom;
1433                             Point2D middleOfOldGateway = new Point2D((gateway.p1.x + gateway.p2.x) / 2, (gateway.p1.y + gateway.p2.y) / 2);
1434                             // find new gateway
1435                             p1 = this.getPolygon(polygon.getPolygonId());
1436                             p2 = this.getPolygon(polygon2.getPolygonId());
1437                             v1 = -1;
1438                             v2 = -1;
1439                             outer:
1440                             for (int i = 0; i < p1.length; i++) {
1441                                 for (int j = 0; j < p2.length; j++) {
1442                                     if (p1[i] == p2[j]) {
1443                                         if (v1 == -1) {
1444                                             v1 = p1[i];
1445                                         } else {
1446                                             if (p1[i] != v1) {
1447                                                 v2 = p1[i];
1448                                             }
1449                                             break outer;
1450                                         }
1451                                     }
1452                                 }
1453                             }
1454                             vv1 = getVertex(v1);
1455                             vv2 = getVertex(v2);
1456                             gateway = new Line2D(vv1[0], vv1[1], vv2[0], vv2[1]);
1457                             // decide which endpoint of gateway is on the left side and which is on the right side
1458                             // if the gateway is directed correctly, than the middle of old gateway should be on the left side of it
1459                             dist = gateway.getSignedDistance(middleOfOldGateway);
1460                             if (dist < 0) {
1461                                 vv1 = getVertex(v2);
1462                                 vv2 = getVertex(v1);
1463                                 gateway = new Line2D(vv1[0], vv1[1], vv2[0], vv2[1]);
1464                             }
1465                             // gateway found
1467                             // try to update mantinels
1468                             // left mantinel
1469                             dist = leftMantinel.getSignedDistance(gateway.p2);
1470                             // if the point is inside, it should be right from left mantinel
1471                             if (dist < 0) {
1472                                 // ok, it is right from left mantinel
1473                                 // now check if the new mantinel would cross right mantinel
1474                                 dist = rightMantinel.getSignedDistance(gateway.p2);
1475                                 // if the point is inside, it should be on the left
1476                                 if (dist > 0) {
1477                                     // ok, left point is inside funnel. we can narrow the funnel
1478                                     leftMantinel = new Line2D(leftMantinel.p1, gateway.p2);
1479                                     leftMantinelIndex = index;
1480                                     leftMantinelZ = vv2[2];
1481                                     if (safeVertex.get(v2)) {
1482                                         leftMantinelTarget = new Location(vv2[0], vv2[1], vv2[2] + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation);
1483                                     } else {
1484                                         if (gateway.getLength() <= 2 * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius) {
1485                                             leftMantinelTarget = new Location((vv2[0] + vv1[0]) / 2, (vv2[1] + vv1[1]) / 2, (vv2[2] + vv1[2]) / 2 + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation);
1486                                         } else {
1487                                             leftMantinelTarget = new Location(vv2[0] + (vv1[0] - vv2[0]) / gateway.getLength() * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius,
1488                                                     vv2[1] + (vv1[1] - vv2[1]) / gateway.getLength() * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius,
1489                                                     vv2[2] + (vv1[2] - vv2[2]) / gateway.getLength() * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation);
1490                                         }
1491                                     }
1492                                 } else {
1493                                     // there is a cross! left mantinel would cross the right one!
1494                                     // we will restart funneling and continue from corner of right mantinel
1495                                     //path.add(new Location(rightMantinel.p2.x, rightMantinel.p2.y, rightMantinelZ+NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation));
1496                                     path.add(rightMantinelTarget);
1497                                     outOfMantinels = true;
1498                                     index = rightMantinelIndex;
1499                                 }
1500                             } else {
1501                                 // point is left from left mantinel.
1502                                 // we cannot do anything.
1503                                 // the mantinel stays where it is
1504                             }
1506                             // now the right mantinel
1507                             dist = rightMantinel.getSignedDistance(gateway.p1);
1508                             // if the point is inside, it should be left from right mantinel
1509                             if (dist > 0) {
1510                                 // ok, it is left from right mantinel
1512                                 // btw this is impossible if the left mantinel is already crossing the right.
1513                                 // now check if the new mantinel would cross left mantinel
1514                                 dist = leftMantinel.getSignedDistance(gateway.p1);
1515                                 // if the point is inside, it should be on the right
1516                                 if (dist < 0) {
1517                                     // ok, right point is inside funnel. we can narrow the funnel
1518                                     rightMantinel = new Line2D(rightMantinel.p1, gateway.p1);
1519                                     rightMantinelIndex = index;
1520                                     rightMantinelZ = vv1[2];
1521                                     if (safeVertex.get(v1)) {
1522                                         rightMantinelTarget = new Location(vv1[0], vv1[1], vv1[2] + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation);
1523                                     } else {
1524                                         if (gateway.getLength() <= 2 * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius) {
1525                                             rightMantinelTarget = new Location((vv2[0] + vv1[0]) / 2, (vv2[1] + vv1[1]) / 2, (vv2[2] + vv1[2]) / 2 + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation);
1526                                         } else {
1527                                             rightMantinelTarget = new Location(vv1[0] + (vv2[0] - vv1[0]) / gateway.getLength() * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius,
1528                                                     vv1[1] + (vv2[1] - vv1[1]) / gateway.getLength() * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius,
1529                                                     vv1[2] + (vv2[2] - vv1[2]) / gateway.getLength() * NavMeshConstants.agentRadius + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation);
1530                                         }
1531                                     }
1532                                 } else {
1533                                     // there is a cross! right mantinel would cross the left one!
1534                                     // we will restart funneling and continue from corner of left mantinel
1535                                     //path.add(new Location(leftMantinel.p2.x, leftMantinel.p2.y, leftMantinelZ+NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation));
1536                                     path.add(leftMantinelTarget);
1537                                     outOfMantinels = true;
1538                                     index = leftMantinelIndex;
1539                                 }
1540                             } else {
1541                                 // point is right from right mantinel.
1542                                 // we cannot do anything.
1543                                 // the mantinel stays where it is
1544                             }
1545                         }
1546                     }
1547                 }
1548             }
1549         }
1550         path.add(to);
1551         return path;
1552     }
1554     /**
1555      * Computes and returns a path between two points anywhere on the map. If no
1556      * such path is found, returns null;
1557      *
1558      * @param from
1559      * @param to
1560      * @return
1561      */
1562     public List<ILocated> getPath(ILocated from, ILocated to) {
1564         List<INavMeshAtom> polygonPath = null;
1566         //Look for possible teleport paths...
1567         if (nps == null) {
1568             initNavPoints();
1569         }
1570         if (isFwMapAvailable && nps != null) {
1572             NavPoint fromNp = DistanceUtils.getNearest(nps.values(), from);
1573             NavPoint toNp = DistanceUtils.getNearest(nps.values(), to);
1575             if (hasTeleports) {
1576                 List<NavPoint> path = fwMap.getPath(fromNp, toNp);
1577                 if (path != null) {
1578                     INavMeshAtom atomFrom = getNearestAtom(from.getLocation());
1579                     boolean skip = false;
1581                     for (NavPoint np : path) {
1582                         if (skip) {
1584                             atomFrom = getNearestOffmeshPoint(np.getLocation());
1585                             skip = false;
1587                         } else if (np.isTeleporter()) {
1589                             INavMeshAtom atomTo = getNearestOffmeshPoint(np.getLocation());
1590                             List<INavMeshAtom> pathPart = getPolygonPath(atomFrom, atomTo);
1591                             if (pathPart == null) {
1592                                 polygonPath = null;
1593                                 break;
1594                             }
1595                             if (polygonPath == null) {
1596                                 polygonPath = pathPart;
1597                             } else {
1598                                 polygonPath.addAll(pathPart);
1599                             }
1600                             skip = true;
1601                         }
1602                     }
1604                     if (polygonPath != null) {
1605                         INavMeshAtom atomTo = getNearestAtom(to.getLocation());
1606                         List<INavMeshAtom> pathPart = getPolygonPath(atomFrom, atomTo);
1607                         if (pathPart != null) {
1608                             polygonPath.addAll(pathPart);
1609                         } else {
1610                             polygonPath = null;
1611                         }
1612                     }
1613                 }
1614             }
1615         }
1617         // first we found a list of polygons and off-mesh connections on the path
1618         // using A* algorithm
1619         if (polygonPath == null) {
1620             polygonPath = getPolygonPath(from.getLocation(), to.getLocation());
1621         }
1622         if (polygonPath == null) {
1623             return null;
1624         }
1626         //this.drawPolygonPath(polygonPath, new Location(255,255,0));
1627         List<ILocated> path;
1629         // now we transform path made of polygons to path made of Locations        
1630         // path = getPolygonCentrePath(from, to, polygonPath);      
1631         path = getFunneledPath(from, to, polygonPath);
1633         return path;
1634     }
1636     private INavMeshAtom getNearestAtom(Location location) {
1637         return getNearestAtom(location, true);
1638     }
1640     public NavMeshPolygon getNearestPolygon(Location location) {
1641         return (NavMeshPolygon) getNearestAtom(location, false);
1642     }
1644     /**
1645      * Returns the nearest NavMeshAtom to given location
1646      *
1647      * @param location
1648      * @return
1649      */
1650     private INavMeshAtom getNearestAtom(Location location, boolean includeOffMeshPoints) {
1652         // if this point is on a polygon we return this polygon
1653         int pId = getPolygonId(location);
1654         if (pId >= 0) {
1655             return new NavMeshPolygon(pId);
1656         } else {
1657             // we return nearest offmeshPoint
1658             // TODO: be smarter! count in polygons too!
1660             //TODO: Possibly save polygon centres?
1661             INavMeshAtom nearest = null;
1662             if (includeOffMeshPoints) {
1663                 nearest = getNearestOffmeshPoint(location);
1664             }
1665             double minDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
1666             // if there are no offmeshpoints, return nearest polygon
1667             // this is slow and it should not happen often
1668             if (nearest == null) {
1669                 for (int i = 0; i < polys.size(); i++) {
1670                     NavMeshPolygon p = new NavMeshPolygon(i);
1671                     Location pl = getLocation(p);
1672                     double dist = location.getDistance(pl);
1673                     if (dist < minDist) {
1674                         nearest = p;
1675                         minDist = dist;
1676                     }
1677                 }
1678             }
1680             return nearest;
1681         }
1682     }
1684     /**
1685      * Returns distance between two atoms (euclidean distance) If the atom is a
1686      * polygon, this method takes its middle
1687      *
1688      * @param atom1
1689      * @param atom2
1690      * @return
1691      */
1692     protected double getDistance(INavMeshAtom atom1, INavMeshAtom atom2) {
1693         if (atom1.equals(atom2)) {
1694             return 0.0;
1695         }
1696         Location l1, l2;
1697         l1 = getLocation(atom1);
1698         l2 = getLocation(atom2);
1699         return l1.getDistance(l2);
1700     }
1702     /**
1703      * Empty method it is nver really called for interface atom. always for
1704      * polygon or point
1705      *
1706      * @param atom1
1707      * @return
1708      */
1709     private Location getLocation(INavMeshAtom atom1) {
1710         if (atom1.getClass() == OffMeshPoint.class) {
1711             return getLocation((OffMeshPoint) atom1);
1712         }
1713         if (atom1.getClass() == NavMeshPolygon.class) {
1714             return getLocation((NavMeshPolygon) atom1);
1715         }
1716         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented. Not now. Not ever.");
1717     }
1719     /**
1720      * Returns location of the contained navpoint
1721      *
1722      * @param op
1723      * @return
1724      */
1725     private Location getLocation(OffMeshPoint op) {
1726         NavPoint np = (NavPoint) worldView.get(op.getNavPointId());
1727         return np.getLocation();
1728     }
1730     /**
1731      * Returns the middle point of the polygon
1732      *
1733      * @param p
1734      * @return
1735      */
1736     private Location getLocation(NavMeshPolygon p) {
1737         int[] polygon = this.getPolygon(p.getPolygonId());
1738         double sumX = 0.0;
1739         double sumY = 0.0;
1740         double sumZ = 0.0;
1741         for (int i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++) {
1742             double[] v = getVertex(polygon[i]);
1743             sumX += v[0];
1744             sumY += v[1];
1745             sumZ += v[2];
1746         }
1747         return new Location(sumX / polygon.length, sumY / polygon.length, (sumZ / polygon.length) + NavMeshConstants.liftPolygonLocation);
1748     }
1750     /**
1751      * A simple implementation of NavMesh's 2D raycasting. Returns distance from
1752      * the edge of navmesh in a direction from a location if the entrire ray is
1753      * inside navmesh of there is no navmesh it returns 0;
1754      *
1755      * @param location
1756      * @param vector
1757      * @return
1758      */
1759     public double getDistanceFromEdge(Location location, Vector2d vector, double rayLength) {
1760         if (rayLength <= 0) {
1761             return 0;
1762         }
1764         // get the end location (in 2D)
1765         vector.normalize();
1766         vector.x *= rayLength;
1767         vector.y *= rayLength;
1768         Location end = new Location(location.x + vector.x, location.y + vector.y);
1770         // get a 2D projection of ray
1771         Line2D ray = new Line2D(location.x, location.y, end.x, end.y);
1772         // get the current polygon
1773         int pId = this.getPolygonId(location);
1774         if (pId < 0) {
1775             return 0;
1776         }
1778         // how to find end of navmesh?
1779         // 1. start on the polygon of starting location
1780         // 2. find where the line crosses its border
1781         // 3. while there is another polyogn behind, repeat
1782         // 4. return the last cross (its distance from location)
1783         int currentPolygonId = pId;
1784         int lastPolygonId = -1;
1785         int nextPolygonId = -1;
1787         // find the first cross
1788         Point2D cross = null;
1789         int v1 = -1, v2 = -1;
1790         int[] polygon = getPolygon(currentPolygonId);
1791         for (int i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++) {
1792             v1 = polygon[i];
1793             v2 = polygon[((i == polygon.length - 1) ? 0 : i + 1)];
1794             double[] vertex1 = getVertex(v1);
1795             double[] vertex2 = getVertex(v2);
1796             Line2D edge = new Line2D(vertex1[0], vertex1[1], vertex2[0], vertex2[1]);
1797             cross = ray.getIntersection(edge);
1798             if (cross != null) {
1799                 if (cross.x <= Math.max(edge.p1.x, edge.p2.x) && cross.x >= Math.min(edge.p1.x, edge.p2.x)
1800                         && cross.x <= Math.max(ray.p1.x, ray.p2.x) && cross.x >= Math.min(ray.p1.x, ray.p2.x)) {
1801                     // int's a cross!
1802                     break;
1803                 } else {
1804                     // its not a cross
1805                     cross = null;
1806                 }
1807             }
1808         }
1809         // there is no polygon. we return distance of cross
1810         double distanceToPolygonEdge = ray.p1.getDistance(cross);
1811         // now we have the cross.
1812         // if it too far from location, we return 0;
1813         if (cross == null || distanceToPolygonEdge >= rayLength) {
1814             return 0;
1815         }
1817         // is there another polygon behind?
1818         nextPolygonId = getNeighbourPolygon(currentPolygonId, v1, v2);
1819         if (nextPolygonId == -1) {
1820             // there is no polygon. we return distance of cross
1821             return distanceToPolygonEdge;
1822         } else {
1823             // if there is another polygon, we return recursively distance from egde in that direction
1824             // move a little so it is in the neighbour polygon
1825             vector = ((Vector2d) vector.clone());
1826             vector.normalize();
1827             Location crossLocation = new Location(cross.x + vector.x, cross.y + vector.y, location.z);
1828             //TODO: Fixed ERROR? Should be DISTANCE_TO_CROSS + getDistanceFromEdge() ???
1829             return distanceToPolygonEdge + getDistanceFromEdge(crossLocation, vector, rayLength - distanceToPolygonEdge);
1831         }
1832     }
1834     /**
1835      * Returns distance of the location from the navmesh's edge in the given
1836      * direction. If location is not not on navmesh, 0 is returned
1837      *
1838      * @param location
1839      * @param vector
1840      * @return
1841      */
1842     public double getDistanceFromEdge(Location location, Vector2d vector) {
1843         //CHANGED: Originally Double.MAX_VALUE -> overflow in called method.
1844         return getDistanceFromEdge(location, vector, 10000);
1845     }
1847     /**
1848      * Finds neighbour behind given vertexes. Returns polygon id or -1 there is
1849      * none
1850      *
1851      * @param currentPolygonId
1852      * @param v1
1853      * @param v2
1854      * @return
1855      */
1856     public int getNeighbourPolygon(int currentPolygonId, int v1, int v2) {
1857         // try all neighbours (except last one)
1858         List<Integer> neighbours = this.getNeighbourIdsToPolygon(currentPolygonId);
1859         for (Integer neighbour : neighbours) {
1860             // find the shared edge
1861             int[] polygon2 = getPolygon(neighbour);
1862             // polygon2 must contain both vertices
1863             boolean containsV1 = false, containsV2 = false;
1864             for (int j = 0; j < polygon2.length; j++) {
1865                 if (polygon2[j] == v1) {
1866                     containsV1 = true;
1867                 }
1868                 if (polygon2[j] == v2) {
1869                     containsV2 = true;
1870                 }
1871             }
1873             if (containsV1 && containsV2) {
1874                 return neighbour;
1875             }
1876         }
1877         // no good neighbour was found
1878         return -1;
1879     }
1881     public NavMeshBSPNode getBiggestLeafInTree() {
1882         return biggestLeafInTree;
1883     }
1886 //    public void load(GameInfo single, Map<UnrealId, NavPoint> navPoints, boolean shouldRel) {
1887 //        this.nps = navPoints;
1888 //
1889 //        load(single);
1890 //    }
1892     protected void setFwMap(FloydWarshallMap fwMap) {
1893         this.fwMap = fwMap;
1894         isFwMapAvailable = fwMap != null;
1895     }
1897     private void initNavPoints() {
1898         nps = (Map<UnrealId, NavPoint>) (Map) worldView.getAll(NavPoint.class);
1899         if (nps != null) {
1900             for (NavPoint np : nps.values()) {
1901                 if (np.isTeleporter()) {
1902                     hasTeleports = true;
1903                     break;
1904                 }
1905             }
1906         }
1907     }
1909     private INavMeshAtom getNearestOffmeshPoint(Location location) {
1910         INavMeshAtom nearest = null;
1911         double minDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
1913         for (OffMeshPoint op : offMeshPoints) {
1914             double dist = location.getDistance(op.getLocation());
1915             if (dist < minDist) {
1916                 nearest = op;
1917                 minDist = dist;
1918             }
1919         }
1920         return nearest;
1921     }
1923     /**
1924      * Reseting {@link NavMesh} instance, completely "unloading" the NavMesh. 
1925      */
1926     protected void clear() {
1927         log.warning("NavMesh has been cleared...");
1929         verts = new ArrayList<double[]>();
1930         polys = new ArrayList<int[]>();
1931         vertsToPolys = null;
1932         safeVertex = null;
1933         bspTree = null;
1934         biggestLeafInTree = null;
1935         offMeshPoints = null;
1936         polysToOffMeshPoints = null;
1938         loaded = false;
1939         loadedForMap = null;
1940     }
1942 }