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bot_metrics [2010/05/16 23:11] external edit
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-<html><table border="0"> +
-<th style="font-weight:normal;">You will gain expertise in</font>:</th> +
-<th> </th> +
-<th><font color="blue">Java, Unreal Tournament</font></th> +
-</tr> +
-<tr> +
-<th style="font-weight:normal;">Excitement:</th> +
-<th> </th> +
-<th><font color="blue">People all over the world will test their AI algorithms against your bots!</font></th> +
-</tr> +
-<tr> +
-<th style="font-weight:normal;">Description:</th> +
-<th> </th> +
-<th><font color="default" style="font-weight:normal;"> +
-<p> +
-In the field of gaming AI, there has been increasing interest in various competitions, including on developing “best” 3D bots. Sadly, there is no set of benchmarks (i.e., 3D maps and tasks to be solved by the bots) on which these bots can be tested automatically. Your goal is to develop such benchmarks, including example bots that will solve the tasks posed. You will extend a previous work, a bachelor thesis. +
-</p> +
-</font></th> +
-</tr> +
-<tr> +
-<th style="font-weight:normal;">Further reading:</th> +
-<th> </th> +
-<th> </html> [[http://www.botprize.org/| Botprize]]<html> </th> +
-</tr> +
bot_metrics.1274044260.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/10/15 08:25 (external edit)