Hardware for Computer Graphics - Workshops 2014/2015

This page contains materials for the practice lessons of the Hardware for Computer Graphics (NPGR019) course that is/has been taught during summer term 2014/2015 at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. The course official web page is/was to be found here. The lecturer is/was Jozef Pelikan. The practice lessons (workshops) are/were (mainly) backed up by Jakub Gemrot.


Tuesdays's workshops, 10:40, SW1, Jakub Gemrot: gemrot@gamedev.cuni.cz

How to pass the practice

You will have to experiment with OpenGL at home by doing assignments that will be associated with every workshop. You do not need to solve all of them, see assignments & scoring. Note that you may receive BONUS points for finishing assignments on time!

You will need to gather at least N points in order to be admitted to final exam. Moreover, if you gather at least M points, you will receive bonus points during exam (10%) and if you manage to gather at least P points, you will receive even more bonus points (25% total).


OpenGL 3.3 Tutorials we're going to follow

OpenGL 3.3 Reference

GLSL 3.3 Specification

OpenGL Superbible Book

DirectX Tutorials - paid

DirectX Tutorials - free


Workshop 7 - (PPTX), (PDF) (19.5.2015)

Workshop 6 - (PPTX), (PDF) (28.4.2015)

Workshop 5 - (PPTX), (PDF) (28.4.2015)

Workshop 4 - (PPTX), (PDF) (7.4.2015 / 14.4.2015)

Workshop 3 - (PPTX), (PDF) (24.3.2015 / 31.3.2015)

Workshop 2 - (PPTX), (PDF) (10.3.2015 / 17.3.2015)

Workshop 1 - (PPTX), (PDF) (24.2.2015 / 3.3.2015)