Pogamut 3 Pilsen Workshop 2020

We welcome you our student/s :-) or anybody who has ventured up to this point while gathering info about the Pogamut 3 platform, welcome!

This page contains materials for the practice lessons of the Pogamut workshop performed online for Pilsen ZČU university in 2020. The workshop are/were (mainly) backed up by Ondřej Rohlík and Jakub Gemrot.


Ondřej Rohlík

Jakub Gemrot: gemrot@gamedev.cuni.cz

Pogamut 3 Installation

We will be using Pogamut 3 platform during the workshop to control bots in Unreal Tournament 2004. In order to be able to use Pogamut 3 bots, follow the steps:

  1. Make sure you have UT2004 in latest version 3369 by downloading and installing the Patch + Megaupdate
    • Note that if you have installed Unreal Anthology, you have both Patch 3369 and the MagePack
  2. Patch your installation of UT2004 with Gamebots2004, download Gamebots2004 and blend the contents of the zip with your UT2004 installation
  3. That's all! Pogamut 3 libraries will be automatically downloaded by Maven once you try to build any of bot templates for the first time


Workshop 1 (20.4.2020)


Slides 1 - Pogamut Gentle Introduction (PDF)

Slides 2 - Pogamut Low-level API (PDF)

Workshop 2 (21.4.2020)


Slides 3 - Navigation & Communication (PDF)

Workshop 3 (22.4.2020)


Slides 4 - Weapons, Shooting, Behavior Oriented Design (PDF)

Slide 5 - Spatial Awareness, CTF (PDF)


Q: Which version of Pogamut are we using?
A: 3.8.1-SNAPSHOT, always check your pom.xml after you download bot templates.

Q: I am missing help on all methods, attributes and classes (Javadoc is not working). :-/
A: In NetBeans open your project and right click the Dependencies folder, click Download Javadoc, NetBeans should now download Javadoc and the help should be working. If it is not, click also Download Sources and after it is done (watch lower right progress bar) restart NetBeans. Sometimes NetBeans refuse to show help - it can be usually resolved by trying to Download Javadoc several times.

Q: How to disable master server authentication in UT2004?
A: In UT2004/System/UT2004.ini find [IpDrv.MasterServerUplink] and set the following:


Q: How can I tell what version of Unreal Tournament 2004 I am running (v. 3369 required)?
A: Just start Unreal Tournament 2004 GUI, open the Join Game tab and the news page will have the number in the upper right corner.