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Name: Behavior tree editor
You will learn: Reactive action-selection mechanisms for virtual beings & related work from the field of gaming industry, Eclipse RCP
Difficulty: medium
Excitement: Live coding! It would be so wonderful to have a platform that would allow you to alter behavior of running agents without the need to restart the whole simulation!
Description: You're aim will be to create behavior tree editor for coding reactive behaviors as scetched here. Of course the editor won't be "just editor", but you will have to learn how action-selection for tree works and how you can define various "selection" nodes, i.e., randomized choice / fixed-priority based / variable-priority based / parallel node execution / timeouts / etc. Moreover target implementation is required to provide live-coding feature, i.e., reload the plan at runtime + allowing to reinstantiate the set of of rules according to freshly compiled custom code for every node of the tree. Thus achieving behavior coding-nirvana! More importantly such project would be appriciate game development companies as well.

behavior_tree_editor.1303307453.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/04/20 15:50 by jakub.gemrot