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You will gain expertise in Computer games, C++, architecture design
Difficulty hard
Excitement The High Level Architecture (HLA) represents a highly capable mechanism for connecting simulations.
Description Currently we are working on integrating the HLA related mechanisms into Pogamut utilizing a remote C++ coded proxy. To connect the currently available game engines to Pogamut via HLA, we need to field plugins/mods for games (HL2, UT2004, CryEngine etc.) to introduce HLA to those games. The goal of this project is to choose one game (FPS, RTS, RPG or a similar genre) and create a HLA capable plugin, implementing a subset of the HLA specification.

This project is suitable for multiple parallel working students

Further readings: IEEE 1516

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hla_plugins.1270286503.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/05/16 23:11 (external edit)