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Game data from human players

First task of this project was to find out how humans play Unreal Tournament 2004. We organized a tournament in Unreal Tournament 2004. The tournament was held on the 27 October 2011 at 7 PM at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University in Prague in class SW1.


All participants were asked to fill a questionnaire before the match had started. In this form are all important information about them. You can download date from questionnaire in format xls.
Data from questionnaire.


We were saving data using our own software written in Java. It utilizes Pogamut 3.2.4. Software connects to GameBots server using ObserverConnection class. It is getting messages from GameBots throw registered listeners, processing them and saving them to a file.

Game server

We were using GameBots server. Type of game was set to GameBots2004.BotDeathMatch and time limit 999999. We had to set administrator name and password in order to record server side demo. Server was run by bat script saved in System folder in Unreal Tournament 2004 installation folder. We used separated bat file for each map. There is example of this script.

ucc server <map_name>?game=GameBots2004.BotDeathMatch?timelimit=999999?AdminName=<administrator_name>?AdminPassword=<administrator_password>

Game settings

You can download all configuration ini files with settings of Unreal Tournament 2004 used during measuring the data.
Used configuration ini files.

Players preparation

All players were asked to set up their names same as their surname in lower case without diacritic. Match begun only on signal from organizer. After connection to the server all player must not move and had to turn off all additional features of GameBots server which are used for developing bots. The way you can do it is to use keyboard shortcut Alt + h. On the screen will appear green and red lines representing particular features. Green features are active and red are inactive. You need to turn off all active features by pressing shortcuts presented at the begging of each green line. After that organizer start recording server side demo and launch software for saving data. At this time organizer started the match.

Recording demo

After launching GameBots server organizer started recording server side demo.
How to record a demo.

Data format

One file is one match. File name corresponds to number of match and used map. File is plain text file. On each row is one incoming message from GameBots server with meta tags in following format:


Warning! The beginning of the file could contain messages saved before organizer started the match.

Download measured data

You can download all measured data and demos. Archive is in zip format. It contains folders with following names:

Match <number_of_match> <used_map>

Each folder contains two files with same name as folder. One is in dat format and second in demo4 format. File in format dat contains measured data and file in format demo4 is server side demo.
Measured data and demos.

human-like_bot.1323546438.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/12/10 20:47 by jan.dufek