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You will gain expertise in: Java, C++, JNI, SCBW
Difficulty: hard
Excitement: Have you ever played StarCraft: Brood War? The game that is the most famous for opening the door of pro-gaming? Are you aware how many micro/macro strategies the game brings? How balanced forces are? Imagine how cool it could be to create your own AI for this game, how many challenges it brings!
Description: Your task will be to investigate SCBW API and connect it via JNI with Pogamut. This task is not easy but don't worry - we will give you a helping hand along the way! Also, this is a great opportunity to learn a lot of usefull things, from Java and C++ up to hard core AI techniques.

Further readings: SCBW API, SCBW API in Java

scbw_integration.1267530398.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/05/16 23:11 (external edit)