This is an old revision of the document!



  • Inactive the buttons when Play button was clicked. Or implement the feature that the parameters can be changed and applied right on the running bot after clicking on the button Apply.
  • Graphs of trajectories. We must save the xml logs of the locations and rotations. And then we wil mark the trajectories to the birdview.
  • Make screenshot (image) from the JPanel with Birdview with Trajectories.
  • There should be some text field for the note of the steering. That sb. can load a steering a read why is it interesting.


  • Walk-along why do we cut too small values? Delete it a test it.
  • Try to improve the Obstacle-avoidance again. Especially the problem when the normal is inverz to velocity.
  • Try to improve path-following to add a small vector same as the vector between actual and last navpoint. Fish should have move randomly, but people move more directly, usually.
  • Walk-along should have also people avoidance between partners.
  • The results should be:
    • steer files with nice situations
    • interesting combinations of the steerings (and usage of the weights)
    • note the problems during my works and how did I solve them
  • Send Michal all these things (especially the combinations and problems).
  • People-avoidance. There should be 2 distances - one from my side and the other from outside.
  • Consider, whether all improvements shouldn't be optional parameter. User would se the difference. (Both types of edges, special obstacle-avoidance, etc.).


  • Path-following, the bug at line 160 during shifting the next location.
  • Obstacle-avoidance sometimes can stop totally.
  • Leader-following the first type. One bot was too far away from the leader the whole time.
  • Walk-along they should keep the distance, but they don't (without the people-avoidance).
  • GUI - leader is set and then is again another.


  • Non-linear target-approaching. The nearer he is the target, the smaller is the force.
  • Another type of leader-following. Remember old locations of the leader and follow them.
  • Test whether is interesting when one partner in Walk-along has another distance from the partner than the other. Analogically with the target location. :-)
  • Test whether is interesting when Walk-along has only one partner. Like when one friend wants to go somewhere and the other doesn't want to. :-)


  • Setting rotations. The rotations should be shown and set in the birdview (just to see it). To set the rotation should be 2 ways: the text field and in the birdview.
  • Wall-Following both convex and concave edges.
  • Apply button for confirming changes.
  • Leader-Following
    • Add also old type.
    • New type (formation following) could use the last velocity of the leader.
  • Setting locations from the Birdview.
  • Steering combining and weighing (both gui and the steering library).
  • Make more smooth Obstacle-Avoidance.
  • Birdview should be resisable and big enough.



  • Further development of Jakub's steelick



  • Document what is a reasonable value of a parameter and what isn't


  • Document, how another steering “executor” would be created.
  • Text tutorial
  • Redo “executors” so that they return only a vector of where to go, that way, more executors can be merged (with different weights) - some Mover class will then move the bot according to the vector.
  • Treating incorrect inputs.
  • Localization - bundles.


  • Put excerpts from the tutorial to comments - how those steerings work.
  • A switch (a constructor) for slight randomness in bot's behavior.
  • Mass Path Following
  • Do leader following the other Reynolds' way - goose walk.
  • PathFollowing - in future, use UT2004PathExecutor
  • A special map, more like Reynolds' would be nice - the steering doesn't work too well on dense meshes.
  • Maybe improve, how the leader in LF is received - now the leader is named “Leader” and his followers recognize him by that. Chat messages could do it better.
  • Initialization of bot's parameters when not run from the Steelick.


  • Finer PathFollowing - so the bot doesn't go zig-zag as much as now. Linearization should help.
    • solved by Jakub
steering_jakub_tomek.1297599303.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/02/13 13:15 by marketa_popelova