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Name: Procedural generation of RPG quests
You will learn: CSP/Planning, probably Java, virtual storytelling
Difficulty: medium/font>
Excitement: Create a system that can tell stories, sort of automatic game designer!
Description: The aim of this thesis is to create a system that can generate plots for RPG world using a very high abstraction. Generally, you will analyze stories from several RPG games like Elder Scrolls, Witcher, Mass Efect in order to identify characters (roles), places, storyline and the player's role and try to come up with a high-level representation that will allow you to create either "extendable" PDDL or CSP domain for story planning.

The output of the system should be in text describing characters / places / relationships + storyline the player should went through.

theme/procedural_generation_of_rpg_quests.1423659796.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/11 14:03 by jakub.gemrot