
Utility classes wrapping various command messages.


Class Summary
Action Class providing Pogamut2 UT2004 bot action commands - throwing weapon, issuing combos, item interactions and other commands that didn't fit in other categories.
AdvancedLocomotion Class providing Pogamut2 UT2004 advanced locomotion commands for the bot - strafing, advanced turning, dodging...
AdvancedShooting Class providing Pogamut2 UT2004 advanced shooting commands for the bot - shooting in secondary mode, grenade launcher shooting, etc.
BotCommands Basic abstract class that is the ancestor of classes that provide wrapped UT bot commands.
Communication Class providing Pogamut2 UT2004 communication commands - send message, set dialogs, text bubble...
CompleteBotCommandsWrapper Creates and wraps all available command modules.
ConfigureCommands Class providing Pogamut2 UT2004 configure commands.
ImprovedShooting This shooting will allow you to define with which Weapon / / WeaponPrefs you want to shoot.
SimpleLocomotion Class providing Pogamut2 UT2004 simple locomotion commands for the bot - basic movement and turning.
SimpleRayCasting This command module provides basic ray tracing control.
SimpleShooting Class providing Pogamut2 UT2004 simple shooting commands for the bot

Package Description

Utility classes wrapping various command messages. All this functionality can be obtained by directly using the IAct interface.