Pogamut Platfrom
- Current version: 3.6.1
- Pogamut UT2004 Installer 3.6.1 for UT2004 containing:
- GameBots2004
- UT2004 latest patch 3369
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- NetBeans Plugins
- yaPOSH competence evaluation fixed
- yaPOSH editor improved
- Bots that are run from command line now interpret more Java params (team, desired skill, skill, name) that may override values from Initialize command -> easing the way to conduct automated matches / tournaments
- We now have Addons/UT2004Tournament-DM-Table project, that auto-performs 1v1 DM tournament between N bots (does not produce the final table yet...), already used, works perfectly
- GameBots2004 has a new message LocationUpdate that can feed you with info about your bot location/rotation/velocity about every 75ms (can be configured)
- Addons/UT2004TeamComm project can be considered mature enough, basicly a chat server for UT2004 bots (you can even create private channels
) that allows you to send Serializable objects to other bots all/team/channel/private.
- Example project archetypes
- Having problems? Archetypes not installed? Try to follow these installer steps.
- Pogamut UT2004 Installer 3.6.1 for UT2004 containing:
- Pogamut UT3 Installer 3.5.3 for UT3 containing:
- GameBotsUT3
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- NetBeans Plugins
- Example project archetype (so far the only HunterBot containing all the UT3 specific code)
- Note that PogamutUT3 was not released in v3.6.0
- Pogamut Emohawk Installer 3.6.1 using UnrealEngine2 containing:
- UnrealEngine2 Runtime (to be used free of charge for non-commercial purposes, see their license)
- GameBotsUE2
- lot of custom body animations, emoticons and out EmohawkVille map (fairly large city)
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- NetBeans Plugins
- Example project archetypes
- Pogamut DefCon Installer 3.6.1 using DefCon game containing:
- DefCon game downloader
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- Example project archetypes
- Auto-downloads demo version of Defcon game
- Be sure to run Defcon once before starting example bot
- Note that you have to alter example bot property file and fill correct path to Defcon, see PogamutDefcon.properties
- Note that example bot is run from ant\build.xml use target run
- Version: 3.6.0
- Pogamut UT2004 Installer 3.6.0 for UT2004 containing:
- GameBots2004
- UT2004 latest patch 3369
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- NetBeans Plugins
- yaPOSH plan editor & debugger (you can visually debug the plan + place breakpoints to any yaPOSH action or sense!)
- Introducing NavMesh! Download them from: WebSVN, look for UT2004NavMeshes.zip and then check source code for NavMesh class in PogamutUT2004 project, its instance is available from "bot" field
- Example project archetypes
- Having problems? Archetypes not installed? Try to follow these installer steps.
- Pogamut UT2004 Installer 3.6.0 for UT2004 containing:
- Pogamut UT3 Installer 3.5.3 for UT3 containing:
- GameBotsUT3
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- NetBeans Plugins
- Example project archetype (so far the only HunterBot containing all the UT3 specific code)
- Note that PogamutUT3 was not released in v3.6.0
- Pogamut Emohawk Installer 3.6.0 using UnrealEngine2 containing:
- UnrealEngine2 Runtime (to be used free of charge for non-commercial purposes, see their license)
- GameBotsUE2
- lot of custom body animations, emoticons and out EmohawkVille map (fairly large city)
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- NetBeans Plugins
- Example project archetypes
- Pogamut DefCon Installer 3.6.0 using DefCon game containing:
- DefCon game downloader
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- Example project archetypes
- Auto-downloads demo version of Defcon game
- Be sure to run Defcon once before starting example bot
- Note that you have to alter example bot property file and fill correct path to Defcon, see PogamutDefcon.properties
- Note that example bot is run from ant\build.xml use target run
- Version: 3.5.3
- Pogamut UT2004 Installer 3.5.3 for UT2004 containing:
- GameBots2004
- UT2004 latest patch 3369
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- NetBeans Plugins
- yaPOSH plan editor & debugger (you can visually debug the plan + place breakpoints to any yaPOSH action or sense!)
- Example project archetypes
- Having problems? Archetypes not installed? Try to follow these installer steps.
- Pogamut UT2004 Installer 3.5.3 for UT2004 containing:
- Pogamut UT3 Installer 3.5.3 for UT3 containing:
- GameBotsUT3
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- NetBeans Plugins
- Example project archetype (so far the only HunterBot containing all the UT3 specific code)
- Pogamut Emohawk Installer 3.5.3 using UnrealEngine2 containing:
- UnrealEngine2 Runtime (to be used free of charge for non-commercial purposes, see their license)
- GameBotsUE2
- lot of custom body animations, emoticons and out EmohawkVille map (fairly large city)
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- NetBeans Plugins
- Example project archetypes
- Pogamut DefCon Installer 3.5.3 using DefCon game containing:
- DefCon game downloader
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- Example project archetypes
- Auto-downloads demo version of Defcon game
- Be sure to run Defcon once before starting example bot
- Note that you have to alter example bot property file and fill correct path to Defcon, see PogamutDefcon.properties
- Note that example bot is run from ant\build.xml use target run
- Version: 3.5.1
- Pogamut UT2004 Installer 3.5.1 for UT2004 containing:
- GameBots2004
- UT2004 latest patch 3369
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- NetBeans Plugins
- Example project archetypes
- Having problems? Archetypes not installed? Try to follow these installer steps.
- Pogamut UT2004 Installer 3.5.1 for UT2004 containing:
- Pogamut UT3 Installer 3.5.1 for UT3 containing:
- GameBotsUT3
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- NetBeans Plugins
- Example project archetype (so far the only HunterBot containing all the UT3 specific code)
- Pogamut Emohawk Installer 3.5.1 using UnrealEngine2 containing:
- UnrealEngine2 Runtime (to be used free of charge for non-commercial purposes, see their license)
- GameBotsUE2
- lot of custom body animations, emoticons and out EmohawkVille map (fairly large city)
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- NetBeans Plugins
- Example project archetypes
- Pogamut DefCon Installer 3.5.1 using DefCon game containing:
- DefCon game downloader
- Apache Maven 3.0.4
- Example project archetypes
- Auto-downloads demo version of Defcon game
- Be sure to run Defcon once before starting example bot
- Note that you have to alter example bot property file and fill correct path to Defcon, see PogamutDefcon.properties
- Note that example bot is run from ant\build.xml use target run
- Version 3.5.0
- Pogamut UT2004 3.5.0 Standalone (30MB)
- support for custom protocol between UT2004Bot and UT2004Server
- UT2004Tag! game mode added
- UT2004HideAndSeek game mode added
- UT2004AStar added
- Brand new yaPOSH GUI Editor + Debugger (syncing environment with breakpoints!)
- support for custom protocol between UT2004Bot and UT2004Server
- Pogamut UT3 3.5.0 Standalone (16MB)
- Pogamut Emohawk 3.5.0 Standalone (331MB)
- Pogamut Defcon 3.5.0 Standalone (8.6MB)
- Pogamut UT2004 3.5.0 Standalone (30MB)
- Current version 3.4.0
- Pogamut UT2004 3.4.0 Standalone (30MB)
- Pogamut UT3 3.4.0 Standalone (16MB)
- first UT3 version, containing GameBotsUT3 + one Java bot archetype that actually contains all the UT3-specific code
- Pogamut Emohawk 3.4.0 Standalone (331MB)
- Pogamut Defcon 3.4.0 Standalone (8.6MB)
- Version 3.3.1
- Pogamut UT2004 3.3.1 Standalone (308MB)
- added more methods getLog() to allow logging output fine tunning
- navigation improved
- UCCWrapper improved
- visibility matrix added
- Pogamut Emohawk 3.3.1 Standalone (331MB)
- Pogamut Defcon 3.3.1 Standalone (12MB)
- Pogamut UT2004 3.3.1 Standalone (308MB)
- Version 3.3.0:
- TabooSet now implements IFilter, it is easier to utilize DistanceUtils, MyCollections this way
- Improved and polished installers
- Auto-checks for JAVA_HOME
- Auto-set Maven properties
- PogamutDefCon released
- Version 3.2.5:
- UT2004Navigation, UT2004PathAutoFixer, UT2004DistanceStuckDetector for safer navigation
- PogamutEmohawk project based on UnrealEngine 2 with a lot of custom body animations and emoticons released
- Many new examples
- All-in-one installer including Maven and example archetypes
- PogamutBase bugfixing including fixing memory leaks and stop(), kill() deadlocks
- Version 3.2.3:
- SPOSH reasoning fixed, now it takes just one logic cycle to make a decision
- UT2004Behaviour features now (again) mirror features of UT2004BotModuleController
- fwMap, stats, usage of KefikRunner, navBuilder added
- Game module now contains more methods for CTF game
- Version 3.2.1:
- Various small fixes in LoqueNavigator
- KefikRunner now used as default for UT2004PathExecutor
- UT2004Tournament project now feature UT2004CaptureTheFlag class that allows you to quickly setup CTF matches between your bots and native bots
- Version 3.2.0:
- Many improvements to Agent modules - they are now more stable again ;-)
- New WeaponPrefs module introduced that allows you to easily manage preferences for weapon you bot should use with respect to the distance to target
- New ImprovedShooting module using WeaponPrefs to automatically change weapons for you
- KefikRunner now may be used instead of LoqueRunner for PathExecutor - it is also greatly documented, thus it makes perfect starting point for experiments with navigation
- AgentStats module implemented that can be enabled to provide logging of interesting statistics about your bot (exported in CSV format that may be easily handled by R software!)
- UT2004Tournament project implemented that allows you to easily conduct death matches / tournament
- It automatically provide statistics about all bots from the tournament (except native bots)
Pogamut NetBeans Plugin
- Current version 3.3.1:
- Pogamut UT2004 3.3.1 Standalone (30MB)
- Pogamut Emohawk 3.3.1 Standalone (331MB)
- It is advised to use NetBeans v7.1.1 / v7.1.2 with this release
- Example project are now obtainable from our [[http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz:8081/artifactory|Artifactory]] instance, see [[http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz:8081/artifactory/libs-release-local/archetype-catalog.xml|archetype catalog]],
- Current version 3.2.5:
- Pogamut UT2004 3.2.5 Standalone (78MB)
- Pogamut Emohawk 3.2.5 Standalone (309MB)
- It is advised to use NetBeans v7.1.1 with this release
- Pogamut 3 is fully mavenized
- Example project are now obtainable from our [[http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz:8081/artifactory|Artifactory]] instance, see [[http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz:8081/artifactory/libs-release-local/archetype-catalog.xml|archetype catalog]],
- Version 3.2.0:
- Pogamut 3.2.0 Standalone (790MB) (UT2004 + UE2 + UDK)
- Pogamut 3.2.0 Web (0.9MB) (UT2004 + UE2 + UDK)
- It is advised to use Maven 3.0.2 with this release
- It is advised to use NetBeans v6.9.1 with this release
- Pogamut 3 fully mavenized
- Example project are now obtainable only from our [[http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz:8081/artifactory|Artifactory]] instance, see [[http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz:8081/artifactory/libs-release-local/archetype-catalog.xml|archetype catalog]]
- This means that you may stay on the bleeding edge of development just to depend on the latest snapshot version of respective example bot!
Pre-Maven Era
- From times when Pogamut plugin must have been deployed together with Pogamut libraries
- Version 3.1:
- Pogamut 3.1 Standalone (742 MB) (UT2004 + UE2 + UDK)
- Pogamut 3.1 Web (0.9 MB) (UT2004 + UE2 + UDK)
- Many fixes to agent modules
- UDK prototype available
- Version 3.0.11:
- Pogamut 3 (UT2004 only) v3.0.11
- Example projects fixed (RayCastingBot and ResponsiveBot)
- Various fixes in AgentInfo and Game module
- UTAstar fixed
- Hunter example bot added to Pogamut example project
- Minor bug in Pogamut 3D Map fixed (some issues still remain)
- GameBots JMX attribute bug fixed
- GameBots item Id bug fixed
- Version 3.0.10:
- Pogamut 3 (UT2004 only) v3.0.10
- SPOSH example fixed
- SPOSH template project improved
- UT2004Behavior improved (methods such as botInitialized, botSpawned are now present in UT2004Behavior and are recalled automatically)
- Version 3.0.9:
- Pogamut 3 (UT2004 only) v3.0.9
- GB2004 protocol handlers improved (bit bug fixed)
- Weaponry module bugfixed (better ammo count handling)
- GB2004 ItemPickedUp fixes
- SPOSH editor improved
- Version 3.0.8:
- Pogamut 3 (UT2004 only) v3.0.8
- SPOSH jars correctly built
- Server inside NetBeans plugin change maps correctly (you have to wait for the change though)
- Version 3.0.7:
- Pogamut 3 (UT2004 only) v3.0.7
- SPOSH editor: Added "Generate stubs to behaviour" palette context action.
- SPOSH editor: Currently is not 100% working.
- AgentInfo module improved: isFacing, getNearest(Visible)NavPoint/Item/Player
- Game module improved: getAllCTFFlags and getAllCTFFlagsCollection
- bot commands wrapper improved
- UT2004BotModuleController 'world' added as shortcuts for getWorldView()
- SyncUT2004BotLogic now handles Respawn commands gracefully launching logic only into state that has correct Self & vision
- TabooSet.add() fixed
- UTPathExecutor hot fixed - it will be redesigned in near future
- Version 3.0.6:
- Pogamut 3 (UT2004 only) v3.0.6
- GB2004 immortal bot fix
- SPOSH plans editor fix (creating competence atom won't produce two senses / actions)
- UT2004BotModuleController introduce that combines all existing agent modules that helps writing bots (many shortcuts for trivial for-cycles)
- AnnotationListenerRegsitrator introduced inside UT2004BotModuleController that allows you to annotate methods to accept various events (check out ResponsiveBot example)
- SPOSH bot template project contains also preinstantiated agent modules (same as Java bot template project)
- Version 3.0.5:
- Pogamut 3 (UT2004 only) v3.0.5
- GB2004 BotDamaged.Instigator attribute fixed
- Installer now may be used to install plugin and GB2004 separately (bugfix)
- SPOSH editor sense/action naming fixed
- SingleUT2004BotRunner added to prettify NetBeans bot templates/samples
- Termination of agents from NetBeans plugin fixed, JVM correctly finishes after stop/kill request
- Version 3.0.4:
- Pogamut 3 (UT2004 only) v3.0.4
- Agent modules bug fixed
- New agent modules: AgentConfig + Weaponry (takes care about the weapon inventory)
- GB2004 bug fixed (bots will not get invulnerability at random)
- TabuSet renamed to TabooSet
- SPOSH editor fixed
- Version 3.0.3:
- Pogamut 3 (UT2004 only v3.0.3
- Agent modules improved greatly - check out classes Items, AdvancedItems, Players, Senses, AgentInfo, Game
- Version 3.0.2
- Pogamut 3 (UT2004 only) v3.0.2
- First functional install-friendly version that has correct PogamutCore and PogamutUT2004 libraries