Interface IRenderableWorldObject

Package class diagram package IRenderableWorldObject
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ProxyRenderablePlayer, RenderableFlag, RenderableWaypoint

public interface IRenderableWorldObject
extends cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.ILocated

Wrapper around world objects to simplify rendering. TODO: Merge/inherit with IRenderableUTAgent.

M.P. Korstanje

Method Summary
 Color getColor()
          Get color of agent.
 Object getDataSource()
          Return source of all data that are providing stuff used.
 int getGLName()
          Return OpenGl name used for selection (see selection mode of opengl).
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.ILocated

Method Detail


Color getColor()
Get color of agent. It should not change if possible, otherwise it can confuse a user.

Color that will be used to render agent in map.


Object getDataSource()
Return source of all data that are providing stuff used. Why do I want it? The selection, I am putting this stuff to lookup and some other component can look it up and select nodes representing data sources. XXX: return type should be more general, but this saves trouble and no need to generalize too soon.


int getGLName()
Return OpenGl name used for selection (see selection mode of opengl). Basically after all is rendered, when get glNames(ints) of objects that were rendered in viewvolume. But we need to map it back. That is what this is for.


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