
Package class diagram package
Interface Summary
IFadeLine Interface for fade line of an agent in the map.
IRenderableUTAgent This interface is used for passing info about agent to EntityRenderer.
IRenderableWorldObject Wrapper around world objects to simplify rendering.
ISubGLRenderer<T> This is a subrenderer, it's job is to render some stuff.

Class Summary
DefaultFadeLine FadeLine that is used when there is not fade line.
EnvironmentRenderer Renderer renders the environment of the unreal map according to passed arguments in the constructor.
GlColor AWT provided Color class is not very suitable for OpenGl color manipulation so this class is supposed to remedy it.
GLRendererCollection<T> Basically list of ISubGLRenderers with stuff for manipulating it and rendering it.
MapController Class for controling viewport in map.
MapRenderer Renderer of map.
MapViewpoint Representation of where is observer in map and where does he look, what is its POV angle ect.
UTAgentSubGLRenderer Sub-renderer for object IRenderableUTAgent Implementation note: be careful when asking twice for same field of agent (like agent.getRotation()), because it is dependant on time when you ask and returned value is not guaranteed to be same (like first can be valid and second null).
UTFlagSubGLRenderer Sub renderer for Flag objects.
UTWaypointSubGLRenderer Sub renderer for Flag objects.

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